EJECTION !! The Penalty For 'Targeting' Hits

I've said it before . . . People always freak out when football tries to get safer and then they forget why they were mad within a few months.

I don't buy that at all

Unless we are all ok with Marvin Mitchell's penalty for hitting Chris leak in 2006.
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That's the other thing some people don't see.

This isn't the end of this. There will be more stuff to follow which will slowly but surely completely change the game into something radically different from what it is/was.

I expect kick offs to be eliminated in the very near future. You'll just get it on the 25. Horse sh!t. Probably do away with punting too. Football is what it is, a violent sport often resulting in injuries. I only played in high school and I've got fingers and toes all crooked from breaking them, surgery on both knees, a shoulder I've almost had surgery on twice and a lower back that is so jacked I can't tie my shoes some mornings. I don't regret playing ball a day of my life either. I knew what was at risk when I played and it just is what it is. At this rate it's going to be flag football someday and I definitely won't watch it.
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I expect kick offs to be eliminated in the very near future. You'll just get it on the 25. Horse sh!t. Probably do away with punting too. Football is what it is, a violent sport often resulting in injuries. I only played in high school and I've got fingers and toes all crooked from breaking them, surgery on both knees, a shoulder I've almost had surgery on twice and a lower back that is so jacked I can't tie my shoes some mornings. I don't regret playing ball a day of my life either. I knew what was at risk when I played and it just is what it is. At this rate it's going to be flag football someday and I definitely won't watch it.

Kickoffs have been discussed. That's coming.
So, risking injury and death is ok if it's for a lot money?

Not what I was getting at. My point was that the argument about assumption of risk becomes shaky as hell when the people you're asking to assume risk aren't even compensated.
I don't buy that at all

Unless we are all ok with Marvin Mitchell's penalty for hitting Chris leak in 2006.

Bad calls are always going to be there. What I'd really like to see happen is that any ejection under the new rule immediately goes under review while the game continues and the replay official has discretion to bring a player back. Or maybe even take ejection off the table and only sit the offending player out for a possession or a quarter.

I know two SEC officials and neither of them is looking forward to enforcing this one.
Not what I was getting at. My point was that the argument about assumption of risk becomes shaky as hell when the people you're asking to assume risk aren't even compensated.

1. Well then, what about high school?

2. At what point is the compensation large enough that it's ok to argue about the assumption of risk? Who determines that?
No hitting, No kickoffs or punts...

Football violence will be restricted to a "Scrum" for the ball.

Fair catch for passes over 20 yards.

Soccor will be the most popular American sport.

Cats and Dogs living together....
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1. Well then, what about high school?

2. At what point is the compensation large enough that it's ok to argue about the assumption of risk? Who determines that?

They drop the program over insurance premiums. Replace them with Golf, Tennis and Soccor.
If hits above the shoulders will result in the defender's ejection, we should start recruiting little people. Tacklers would have to lie down on the turf for the hit to be legal and our little dude could easily change direction and run past the prone defender. Plus, it is fun to watch their short legs as they run.
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That's the other thing some people don't see.

This isn't the end of this. There will be more stuff to follow which will slowly but surely completely change the game into something radically different from what it is/was.

I agree. Since guys can't hit high they're gonna hit low. I'm guessing were gonna see alot of receivers getting their legs broken or knees destroyed. Forcing defensive players to go low to avoid penalties/ejections is going to cause a bigger problem imo.
just put flags on them n while you r at it lets askour solders to only shoot our enemy in the foot so we can all play nice..

freaking liberals...lol
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I have a feeling some people in this thread (OP included) have never played a game of contact sport in their lives. They're the types of people (Just like the NCAA administration) that set behind a desk and try to draw dumb things up on paper thinking they look good, when in all reality if you keep pushing, you're going to ruin the sport and make it about as appealing as a spelling bee.
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Bama has the depth that ejections won't matter as much. If Clowney or AJ get ejected, it affects USCe & TN much more than if a 3 deep defense like AL, LSU or FL takes a hit. The only thing they have to overcome is a possible change in momentum.

it was wishful thinking and id rather not argue about it but it never helps throwing someone in midgame with less experience/skill...but i more meant that it is going to take a top 10 team losing before it gets changed back...similar to how everyone mildly complained about the replacement refs in the NFL until the packers lost and then it was a big deal and they fixed it, but it still cost the packers a game
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I can't wait to hear what Neyland sounds like the first time one of our players gets ejected.

Surely the fans won't react the same way the Braves fans responded at Turner Field when they lost to the Cards in the Wild Card Game last year. As a STL fan, I escaped death multiple times that night.
This has the potential to INCREASE the chance of violence against officals and fans. I can see some very bad fan reactions coming if a star is ejected in a close rivalry game.

I agree with the intent but 15 yard penalty and sit for a 10 clock minutes in something similar to hockey's penalty box . Ejection is like the death penalty for speeding.
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I don't disagree with the intent of this rule, but enforcing it will be tough.

To suggest that Clowney would be ejected for his tackle on the kid from Michigan if it happened this season is nonsense.

If you throw a flag on the Clowney hit in the Michigan game, then we need to quit playing football as a sport you would need to out Law football everywhere, as bad as i hate to say it that was one of the all time great hits in college football, it was like the walker running over bates you will never forget it.:cray:
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THIS IS ALL NFL MR. ROGER if somehow he is not stoped he by himself alone will and is on his way of destroying the game we grew up watching, stop roger stop roger
1. Well then, what about high school?

2. At what point is the compensation large enough that it's ok to argue about the assumption of risk? Who determines that?

I've got no idea. I just know that it's a lame argument to use with high school and college players who aren't paid and don't have great judgement anyway.
I'm getting sick of seeing the wussification of football! There are risks involved with the sport, everybody knows the risks, you either accept them and play or move on. In 10 years will be watching a glorified flag football?
THIS IS ALL NFL MR. ROGER if somehow he is not stoped he by himself alone will and is on his way of destroying the game we grew up watching, stop roger stop roger

Roger is doing what any commissioner would be doing.

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