Electric Vehicles

Here is an idea, how about taking the 13 billion meant for Ukraine and use that to offset the cost of electric vehicles?
Out of curiosity, why those two recommendations?
Because the batteries meltdown and cause fires sometimes during charging or more rarely when not in use. Can lose your house.

Also the batteries/components are very expensive to replace and install. According to him better to trade it in and not deal with the hassle.
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Explain to me how you get a non-hot battery in the Arizona desert when it’s sitting outside in 110-118 degree heat all day every day in the summer. Also, driving from Phoenix to California, you’re going to have to install massive EV charging stations out in the middle of nowhere in the Mohave desert because a single EV battery charge won’t get you across the desert.

I drove 23 hours non-stop from MT last year and was mildly hallucinating the last couple hours.
Greenies forcing me to add another 4-5 hours charging time is, well...irresponsible of them.
Yeah. I said earlier in the thread that normal car batteries last 2-3 years here against a 5-year warranty period.

Of course, the socialists mid-term goal is to eliminate the combustion engine and force people to purchase EV’s.

Probably more devious than that; pack us into urban centers like sardines, force everyone onto mass transit and eliminate personal autos.
Eliminating individualism is a central tenant of collectivism and aside from well-meaners like Trout or Ducks Unlimited, coerced collectivism is the heart of the green movement. And nothing says 'individual' more than freedom of movement in a $75K EV.

$75K EVs will be for the politburo.
I drove 23 hours non-stop from MT last year and was mildly hallucinating the last couple hours.
Greenies forcing me to add another 4-5 hours charging time is, well...irresponsible of them.
Wow. I cannot do that. I will literally fall asleep at the wheel.
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Wow. I cannot do that. I will literally fall asleep at the wheel.

I had to power through the 17 hour mark then again at 21. That's not a habit; I normally split that into two long days so's to not slap, pinch myself or drive in my underwear with windows open.

You have to keep the flesh tingling.
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I had to power through the 17 hour mark then again at 21. That's not a habit; I normally split that into two long days so's to not slap, pinch myself or drive in my underwear with windows open.

You have to keep the flesh tingling.

I once drove from Gallatin to Dallas and back without overnighting, only break was a 3 hour meeting in Dallas. By the time I got back to Dickson I had to pull over, my legs had went to sleep.
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Wow. I cannot do that. I will literally fall asleep at the wheel.

Yeah, I can't do it any more either. Last time I defied the odds was a last minute trip to New Orleans - like starting at midnight, and all I can say is thanks to MS roads being less than and rumble strips. And the reason for lack of planning was as usual a wife decision.
How big is your gas tank and more importantly, your bladder?

I stopped for gas, bodily functions, and drive-through food. And stretching to return circulation to my ass. Nicotine helps; I don't smoke anymore but buy a pack each way for these trips. IV coffee drip...

The '07 4Runner has been a beast. I've averaged round-trips to the Rockies getting up to 25 mpg and would drive anywhere in the hemisphere tomorrow. Outside of regular maint., just a RF axle, a belt, and a wheel bearing; just a freakishly good vehicle.
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I stopped for gas, bodily functions, and drive-through food. And stretching to return circulation to my ass. Nicotine helps; I don't smoke anymore but buy a pack each way for these trips. IV coffee drip...

The '07 4Runner has been a beast. I've averaged round-trips to the Rockies getting up to 25 mpg and would drive anywhere in the hemisphere tomorrow. Outside of regular maint., just a RF axle, a belt, and a wheel bearing; just a freakishly good vehicle.
My father used to regale me with a story about when his father died. My father was in the military and was stationed in Phoenix AZ, and he drove back to East TN straight through. This was in the early 50's pre interstate days. I don't know how he did it.

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