Fired Tennessee vaccinations director planning to leave state with her family

You mean different in your part of Tennessee? I hate your wife is stuck in the middle of this mess too, but let's not act like this whole thing is not also politically driven by the hospitals even if its just a little bit.

My wife was a hero for over a year, who requested extra days to help out her coworkers and the place she worked. Now she is a villain because she doesn't want nor trust the shot with the amount of testing done. (She had not planed to take it no matter who got POTUS) Her and coworkers that have said they would prefer not to get the shot, have been called out for being selfish after a year of putting their life on the line every night for a disease no one knew anything about.

I don't belittle anyone for their personal choice. I have family that has took the shot that I am happy for. Some said they never felt better, some wished for a few days after they didn't take it. My wife has her own health issues that she is not sure what the effects the shot would have on her. She is allowed those fears. She is allowed those questions that the vax staff don't have answers for. Texas had a plane full of vaccinated people spread it. As I am sure all states regardless of political affiliation have.

Here on the east part of the state, its about a 50-50 split. May your wife stay safe during her shifts.
1. 99.5% survival rate for COVID... that is benign compared to ebola, small pox, bubonic plague.
2. Just because COVID has been in the headlines for 17 months, that doesn't mean anything. There is a lot of media hype and a hidden agenda playing out that is causing all of the drama and nonsense to be lingering for so long. The other issue with regards to not taking the vaccine are again the lack of time and information needed to know the long term effects of the vaccines/therapeutics and the fact that we need to be on guard for the slippery slope that is being established. The freedoms and rights abuses over something as benign as COVID is scary... just imagine the amount of govt over-reach when a real disease comes along.
3. You totally ignored what I said in the second half of my post. I said reasonable people can draw the line between influenza/COVID and Ebola. If we get fatality rates that are in the over 10%, then I would say that steps should need to be taken to protect the public. I'm not anti-vax or not against taking measures to protect the public. But COVID does not come close to meeting the level of some of the actions taken.

10% is way too high a threshold for an airborne virus IMO. People think of it as “if catch it I have a 90% chance or surviving,” but if half the country catches it that’s over 15 million people dead
You're stating "facts" that your TV told you, or news. I'm telling you what reality is, plenty of vaccinated people are filling up hospital rooms.

You’re telling us what you heard from like 2 people in a hospital, that’s not “reality”. At Vandy over 90% of those hospitalized are unvaccinated and many of the vaccinated hospitalized are severely immunocompromised
You’re telling us what you heard from like 2 people in a hospital, that’s not “reality”. At Vandy over 90% of those hospitalized are unvaccinated and many of the vaccinated hospitalized are severely immunocompromised

So what you are telling me is what my wife and her coworkers are saying is not "reality"? I can't speak for the Nashville area, only here. I don't understand why your information would out weigh mine or someone else for a different area. I find it funny that one place gets to lump a whole state that way, that's misinformation. Its funny to me that some places data gives covid deaths but not the vaxed to the unvaxed deaths. Maybe some places have more vaxed deaths then unvaxed. I think it would be a cool chart to see by county if you could trust the hospitals to put out the real info and not stretched truth.
So what you are telling me is what my wife and her coworkers are saying is not "reality"? I can't speak for the Nashville area, only here. I don't understand why your information would out weigh mine or someone else for a different area. I find it funny that one place gets to lump a whole state that way, that's misinformation. Its funny to me that some places data gives covid deaths but not the vaxed to the unvaxed deaths. Maybe some places have more vaxed deaths then unvaxed. I think it would be a cool chart to see by county if you could trust the hospitals to put out the real info and not stretched truth.

I didn’t say anything about a whole state. I said that joevol going “You idiots pay attention to hospital statistics, but my wife spoke to a nurse and we asked the patient next to me why she was crying and now I know more than all the statistics combined” was dumb
This is known as "projection". You have a hyper-partisan, far-right radical (Wayne Root) projecting the attitude and behavior of his like-minded peers onto who he views as being "the opposition".

There is nothing to support this belief. Liberals do not typically reject science and the medication from which it has been developed. Also, most liberals are like myself, and simply don't believe that Donald Trump and his administration had any responsibility for the development of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, who didn't take any money from Trump's "Operation: Warp Speed", during the stages of development. With that in mind, why would we be thinking about Trump when deciding whether or not to get the vaccine? Did liberals refuse to get flu shots while Trump was president? I don't think so.

Also, does anyone know what the guy who wrote this column, Wayne Root, did before he got into politics? He was one of the worst sports handicappers in the history of sports gambling in Las Vegas. I'm not kidding. The guy is an idiot.
Kamala and Joe straight up said no if trump told them to get it.
LOL. No, they didn't.


LOL. I knew what @NurseGoodVol was alluding to. We have had this discussion before, concerning Harris's response to that question. Harris is saying that she would not take the vaccine just on the advice of Trump alone... but would take the vaccine if Dr. Fauci and other epidemiologists were advising people to take it.
LOL. I knew what @NurseGoodVol was alluding to. We have had this discussion before, concerning Harris's response to that question. Harris is saying that she would not take the vaccine just on the advice of Trump alone... but would take the vaccine if Dr. Fauci and other epidemiologists were advising people to take it.
NGV clearly said Trump, not Fauci. You then stated Harris didn't say something that video evidence clearly shows she did. Backtracking really doesn't help. Just say "oops. I was wrong" and move on.
10% is way too high a threshold for an airborne virus IMO. People think of it as “if catch it I have a 90% chance or surviving,” but if half the country catches it that’s over 15 million people dead
That's a conversation we could have.
You’re telling us what you heard from like 2 people in a hospital, that’s not “reality”. At Vandy over 90% of those hospitalized are unvaccinated and many of the vaccinated hospitalized are severely immunocompromised
Then take your shot, and you're saved right? Per the CDC, the vaccine don't stop you from getting it or spreading it, so how people think"get vaccinated and it'll go away" boggles my mind. I only know facts as what I see, not what people say, or the news. Where I live, and my family back home, the hospitals aren't overrun with corona, or people unvaccinated. There's only a few positive that I know, or hear of around here, and only one that's positive hasn't had a shot.
Then take your shot, and you're saved right? Per the CDC, the vaccine don't stop you from getting it or spreading it, so how people think"get vaccinated and it'll go away" boggles my mind. I only know facts as what I see, not what people say, or the news. Where I live, and my family back home, the hospitals aren't overrun with corona, or people unvaccinated. There's only a few positive that I know, or hear of around here, and only one that's positive hasn't had a shot.
Where do you live? Where is "back home"?
Can’t imagine a vaccination director wanting people to get vaccinated. I love Tennessee and am conservative as hell but we’re going to be on the wrong side of this when history reflects.
Wasn't the problem that she was by-passing the parents on getting under age people vaccinated?
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