First black stripe is off!

I tried to guess who earned their stripe prior to reading the thread and I was wrong, guessed North. It's encouraging to see a defensive player win the first stripe, congratulations Cam, I know your hustle earned that stripe!:rock: :pepper:

I would love to see who everyone's big brother.

Randolph would be an awesome one to have if you're a DB.

I've heard really good things about Cam Sutton so far.
Nazi metaphors and orange dog.


If I may. Appreciate the post and what it said, but Erwin Rommel was never an active member of the Nazi Party. He was actually forced to commit suicide (to save his family) because he was involved in a plot to kill Hitler (the 20 July plot if you wanna Google or Wiki it).

Rommel was actually a phenomenal military mind, a world-class strategist, and if you can find a copy of his biography, it's a very good read.

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Some people on this site are so negative you could put them in a dark room and they would develop. :banghead2:

I thought they all left to start their own rumor site that specializes in making prediction-fails.

Guess I was wrong.

It's much cooler, and it makes you sound far more intellectual, to talk negatively on the interwebz.
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If I may. Appreciate the post and what it said, but Erwin Rommel was never an active member of the Nazi Party. He was actually forced to commit suicide (to save his family) because he was involved in a plot to kill Hitler (the 20 July plot if you wanna Google or Wiki it).

Rommel was actually a phenomenal military mind, a world-class strategist, and if you can find a copy of his biography, it's a very good read.


Well, to be technical, Dooley was calling himself Rommel and was calling the team members of either the Heer or Waffen SS, he didn't specify.

Regardless, it was a bad analogy to make.
FYP and no one is saying that Butch is the second coming.

First reply in the thread:

This idea is brilliant. Butch is going to win big here

It's a freshman orientation ritual. If it helps the new players get better connected with the team, then good. But it's a long season and this is a small facet in the big picture.
First reply in the thread:

It's a freshman orientation ritual. If it helps the new players get better connected with the team, then good. But it's a long season and this is a small facet in the big picture.

Perhaps I'm drinking too early and have gone partially blind, but I don't see the name Neyland anywhere in your example.
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The only thing worse than black stripes are black and blue stripes.

If this team were run by progressives, the freshmen would have to wait until they had proper seniority before they could get an orange stripe, performance wouldn't be a factor.
I know what Fade means. He be smart. I'm just having some fun.

Lol....I pride myself on having thick skin so trust me, I'm not bent out of shape. And your point is a good one because my statements do seem contradictory, so I'll clarify. My opinion is that this is a good, motivational tool and part of an overall strategy to rebuild the mentality that was so damaged by Dools. But as far this particular tool being a predictor for how many games Butch will win from year to year is ludicrous imo. Every coach on every level of coaching in every sport has unique motivational tools they employ from time to time to get the most out of their players. But not all of those coaches win big, in fact, only a few do. That's my point.
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This thread is slightly racist IMO. However its good to see some hard working freshmen
Does anyone know who is in charge of Dobbs/Fergs stripe?

Might be interesting if one of them lose the stripe soon.

But more importantly, I doubt CBj sends a freshman out there to has a stripe, lol
You all know that Urban Meyer did the same thing at Florida, right? It's not anything new.
You all know that Urban Meyer did the same thing at Florida, right? It's not anything new.

Aaaah did he really? I'm sure he was the very, very first coach to ever, ever do that sort of thing. Being the genius he is and all. God forbid that this has happened at other institutions before Urban. Him being the Messiah and all. :crazy:

Who cares if he did it there, too. It's a new facet of our team and even though Slurpan Cryer did it in Florida, its a good way to build camaraderie and set goals for any young player.
I'm amazed that people can't find the positive in this, corny or not. The last 3-4 years have jaded some of you so badly (and perhaps justifiably), but come on. Sometimes, the glass IS half-full.
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You all know that Urban Meyer did the same thing at Florida, right? It's not anything new.

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