Florida granting teaching licenses to military + spouses.

Wasting your time, man.
These guys can’t think for themselves and rely on the party supporting vouchers and charter schools for talking points.

Vouchers and charter schools seems like a far more original thought than public schools given how much more common public schools are
The sat score averages seems to imply there’s more than 3 people who’ve benefited from home schooling.

A 13 year old black girl was just accepted into med school, she too was a home school product. As was the youngest female doctor ever, Dr Harding

Black Girl Magic: 13 Year Old Alena Analeigh Wicker Accepted To Medical School

Yeah. But think about how much quicker she would have gotten into med school if Luther was teaching her in the safe golden streets of Atlanta!
The people I know who were home schooled woke up at 10 am every day and were done with school by 12. Either that, or their parents are super religious and spend all day pushing their religion on their kids.

You’ve still not told me about all these teachers you know who make under 40k a year. Where? Your town on your profile has a starting salary of over 46k
You did see the word rarely didn't you?
Three examples over 100 years really doesn't dispute what I said.

I’m sorry I’m driving to Cherokee and could only list 3 out of the list of famous people. Either way I bet 3 is probably more than the list of Uber successful people that have matriculated under your hysterical guidance.
You’ve still not told me about all these teachers you know who make under 40k a year. Where? Your town on your profile has a starting salary of over 46k
In Sullivan County?

Watch now: Sullivan teacher pay equalization moving forward
For example, for 2020-21, he said Washington County, Virginia, was $38,261 for a starting teacher with a bachelor’s degree compared to $38,525 for Sullivan County

Looks like they did get raises recently, good for them.

Also only 1 of the teachers I know teach in Sullivan County. The other 2 teach in smaller districts.
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The people I know who were home schooled woke up at 10 am every day and were done with school by 12. Either that, or their parents are super religious and spend all day pushing their religion on their kids.

Yes but are they able to provide examples of teachers in their area who make less than 40K a year? Because you sure as hell can’t. Also waking up at 10,and going to school until noon sounds like half the kids at Pellissippi and my tax dollars are subsiding that crap.
Yes but are they able to provide examples of teachers in their area who make less than 40K a year? Because you sure as hell can’t. Also waking up at 10,and going to school until noon sounds like half the kids at Pellissippi and my tax dollars are subsiding that crap.

It’s pretty pathetic in some areas. In regards to the school choice debate, I read this quote a few weeks back. Written in 1923 and so true for today.

“The public-school system, if it means the providing of free education for those who desire it, is a noteworthy and beneficent achievement of modern times; but when once it becomes monopolistic it is the most perfect instrument for tyranny which has yet been devised. Freedom of thought in the middle ages was combated by the Inquisition, but the modern method is far more effective.”
I haven’t read the bill but a big part of PLDC (primary leadership development course) every Army NCO had to complete is how to teach. That may not necessarily translate to teaching elementary students but it works with HS kids.
The people I know who were home schooled woke up at 10 am every day and were done with school by 12. Either that, or their parents are super religious and spend all day pushing their religion on their kids.
I know.... parents raising their kids the way they want is such an anathema to the leftist way of doing things. It takes a village, amiright? Wanting your children to live a Christlike life is such a horrible thing.
It’s been said public education is substandard because Jesus is no longer in the classroom.

Good news for DeSantis is there’s no shortage of guys named Jesus in South Florida.

Problem solved…
I know.... parents raising their kids the way they want is such an anathema to the leftist way of doing things. It takes a village, amiright? Wanting your children to live a Christlike life is such a horrible thing.
Nothing wrong at all with wanting your child to live a Christlike life.
Not sure what this has to do with public education, tho?
I know.... parents raising their kids the way they want is such an anathema to the leftist way of doing things. It takes a village, amiright? Wanting your children to live a Christlike life is such a horrible thing.
Not trying to derail this thread. Theres nothing wrong with parents wanting their child to "live a Christlike life", what I dont agree with is forcing it on them, drilling it into their heads every day, and sheltering them so they can't think for themselves.
Not trying to derail this thread. Theres nothing wrong with parents wanting their child to "live a Christlike life", what I dont agree with is forcing it on them, drilling it into their heads every day, and sheltering them so they can't think for themselves.

Plan on admitting you were wrong about the bill allowing military spouses to become teachers?

In your defense, an anonymous poster on Reddit is pretty high level of evidence. Basically the left wing version of Q
Not trying to derail this thread. Theres nothing wrong with parents wanting their child to "live a Christlike life", what I dont agree with is forcing it on them, drilling it into their heads every day, and sheltering them so they can't think for themselves.
That’s rich. All you do is parrot.
It’s literally parents taking an active role.

Is that not what we say holds back crappy public schools? No parent involvement?

They see the parents as the problem. What was the BLM phrase? We have to dismantle the nuclear family?

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