Florida granting teaching licenses to military + spouses.

Why do Democrats hate home schooling?
For me:
I believe it is to the detriment of the kid about 90% of the time.
I believe it is almost always done for reasons with which I disagree.
But I am all for the parents' right to do it (while meeting certain conditions).
For me:
I believe it is to the detriment of the kid about 90% of the time.
I believe it is almost always done for reasons with which I disagree.
But I am all for the parents' right to do it (while meeting certain conditions).
What are the reasons with which you disagree?
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Florida to let veterans, spouses teach without bachelor's degree

What a slap in the face to real teachers. Real teachers that have to go to college, take out student loans, earn a degree, and actually be qualified, now earn the same pay as someone whose only qualification is they married a guy that was in the military 20 years ago.

Lets call it what it is, public school teachers are now glorified baby sitters. They are stretched way too thin, are given basically 0 resources, and are paid barely more than a full time McDonald's employee. And we wonder why we have school shooting problem...

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I'll agree with you, but let me ask a question. How can you be outraged by this, and support other unfair things? The left is pushing hard in several states/cities for illegals to vote. How's that fair for citizens who have worked, paid taxes, etc, to just let someone jump a fence and have the same right as they do? I'm sincerely not being smart, just my mind doesn't understand the mindset of how one is bad, but the other isn't.
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I'll agree with you, but let me ask a question. How can you be outraged by this, and support other unfair things? The left is pushing hard in several states/cities for illegals to vote. How's that fair for citizens who have worked, paid taxes, etc, to just let someone jump a fence and have the same right as they do? I'm sincerely not being smart, just my mind doesn't understand the mindset of how one is bad, but the other isn't.
I do not support illegals being able to vote.
Public funds from parents who pay the same taxes? Helllll no, not fair, unconstitutional

Gimme a f’in break nimrod
Sure it's fair. Those parents have the exact same options as the rest.

Get a clue.
Sure it's fair. Those parents have the exact same options as the rest.

Get a clue.
Do you live in a big city? Teachers don’t even want to work there. Vouchers are fair. Once the kids are out of school and their debt is paid then the greedy public schools can have their taxes back. Going as fast as the slowest kid is not a key to success.
For me:
I believe it is to the detriment of the kid about 90% of the time.
I believe it is almost always done for reasons with which I disagree.
But I am all for the parents' right to do it (while meeting certain conditions).

I imagine it hurts to see some parents at home doing a better job than the majority of the professionals do at public schools.
Do you live in a big city? Teachers don’t even want to work there. Vouchers are fair. Once the kids are out of school and their debt is paid then the greedy public schools can have their taxes back. Going as fast as the slowest kid is not a key to success.
It's obvious from your post that your understanding of public education is lacking.
lol.....Some parents are that stupid.
So back to being serious.

I live in Memphis. Actually in the heart of the city, not the suburbs.
I pay both City & County taxes to fund the Memphis City Schools. My girls do not attend the Memphis City Schools.

Should I plan on sending them to East High?
Should I keep them at St Mary’s?
Should I tell my wife to get off her ass and homeschool?

I realize we all have different options in life. But what should people like me be doing?
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