Florida granting teaching licenses to military + spouses.

I know.... parents raising their kids the way they want is such an anathema to the leftist way of doing things. It takes a village, amiright? Wanting your children to live a Christlike life is such a horrible thing.
I read in a very good book once
Raise up a child in the way he should go.... and he will return to it.

A child belongs to its parents.
Not the village.
Not trying to derail this thread. Theres nothing wrong with parents wanting their child to "live a Christlike life", what I dont agree with is forcing it on them, drilling it into their heads every day, and sheltering them so they can't think for themselves.

Thank God public schools haven’t created a situation where kids can’t think for themselves.
So these people are being treated no different than normal teachers and that’s bad?
That was the whole point of the conversation. They should not be treated like normal teachers because they are not like normal teachers. At best, they should have a one year provisional status.
That was the whole point of the conversation. They should not be treated like normal teachers because they are not like normal teachers. At best, they should have a one year provisional status.

Replace the word teachers with women and you my friend will be attacked as a transphobic bigot by members in your party.

But carry on.
Not trying to derail this thread. Theres nothing wrong with parents wanting their child to "live a Christlike life", what I dont agree with is forcing it on them, drilling it into their heads every day, and sheltering them so they can't think for themselves.

So you don’t like things forced on kids? You want them to think for themselves? Cool. Then do you have a problem with creationism being taught in school? And what’s your feelings on talking about sex with elementary school kids?
Nothing wrong at all with wanting your child to live a Christlike life.
Not sure what this has to do with public education, tho?
Seriously? But in the interest of playing along... it is verboten in public school. Can't talk about God when the drag queens are reading 'Tommy Has Two Daddys'.
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Not trying to derail this thread. Theres nothing wrong with parents wanting their child to "live a Christlike life", what I dont agree with is forcing it on them, drilling it into their heads every day, and sheltering them so they can't think for themselves.
That's a very interesting perspective. The fact of the matter is that it is none of your business, and more importantly none of the State's business how a parent wants to raise their children as long as they are not physically nor mentally abused. I hardly think that a religious based education (which is why home schooling bothers leftists so much) is abuse.
Replace the word teachers with women and you my friend will be attacked as a transphobic bigot by members in your party.

But carry on.
It's amazing what one word can do. There are some 2a people who think one comma makes a big difference.
That was the whole point of the conversation. They should not be treated like normal teachers because they are not like normal teachers. At best, they should have a one year provisional status.
"Normal" has been working so well for the past 40 years too, hasn't it? The US has dropped from near the top in education to much lower.. and coincidentally since the creation of the DOE. Coincidence? Methinks not.
Not trying to derail this thread. Theres nothing wrong with parents wanting their child to "live a Christlike life", what I dont agree with is forcing it on them, drilling it into their heads every day, and sheltering them so they can't think for themselves.
Lol this is rich
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That was the whole point of the conversation. They should not be treated like normal teachers because they are not like normal teachers. At best, they should have a one year provisional status.

Why? Just don’t rehire them
Hasnt the Scripps National Spelling Bee Champion been a homeschooled student for several years running?
I still remember the word I missed at regionals. Trapezoid. They did get a kick when I asked if they wouldn't mind spelling it though.
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