Florida granting teaching licenses to military + spouses.

How do you measure the quality of health care in a nation?
How do you measure the quality of education in a nation?

You could look things like cancer survival rates which we lead the world in or other treatment based outcomes. For example people with chronic diseases like asthma are more likely to receive treatment here.

You can also look at adjusted life span (remove car accidents and homicides), a category we lead the world in
You righties once are again are missing the whole point due to lack of understanding.
An "educated" person is in no way prepared to go into a classroom and teach unless they have gone through some training and practice (student teaching). Knowing the subject material well is only a part of the "education" needed.
An "uneducated" person is even less prepared than an "educated" person. And to place them in a classroom with no training and a five year contract is not good.

If there is a teacher shortage, pay more!!!!

Yes, an “uneducated” person that has led people in battle, or ran a successful business, or home schooled 4 children that have become successful adults…..can’t show up and replicate the success we see coming out of our modern day school system.

So effing stupid.
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They don’t have a five year contract. And we place untrained people into classrooms every year. You’re just making things up
Not again..............
Requirements for the five-year temporary teaching certificates for veterans include:
You could look things like cancer survival rates which we lead the world in or other treatment based outcomes. For example people with chronic diseases like asthma are more likely to receive treatment here.

You can also look at adjusted life span (remove car accidents and homicides), a category we lead the world in


The most accurate measure of success (as defined by leftist) is the percentage of the population participating in a government led program.

Take the SNAP program. From the leftist perspective, the more people using SNAP, the better!

Want a successful healthcare and education system in America? Put the Government in control and eliminate all other options.
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Not again..............
Requirements for the five-year temporary teaching certificates for veterans include:
So it is a provisional license as you indicated would be acceptable earlier, right? I mean, I am certain that receipt of a license would require some coursework or Praxis requirement.
Provisional licenses are given all the time, and most of the ones in my district are three years.
It’s all gone at this point. There’s no provision regarding military spouses becoming teachers. They’re not given 5 year contracts. They do have to prove proficiency within their subject area.

He has nothing
He never does and simply resorts to "I've taught everyone a lesson" as some sort of reply. Since he wants to cherry pick test scores from the public schools maybe we should have cherry picked only Trump ballots from GA? I mean that's how you make meaningful data distribution models right?
It’s all gone at this point. There’s no provision regarding military spouses becoming teachers. They’re not given 5 year contracts. They do have to prove proficiency within their subject area.

He has nothing

Dude is mad. Competition is the type of thing that scares the shtt out of people like this. Hope they get a ton of applicants.
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So why is it bad for them to simply have a license for 5 years?
Because certification is pretty much synonymous with contract. If they are carefully monitored and the poor ones are not renewed the second year, then that would certainly reduce the damage.
Because certification is pretty much synonymous with contract. If they are carefully monitored and the poor ones are not renewed the second year, then that would certainly reduce the damage.

That’s an interesting take. It’s almost like you’re admitting your unions and tenure structure are bad for education.

But seriously why would those words be “synonymous”? I’m sure your school hires teachers at least once a year or every other year who they don’t ask back. It’s very common and should become even more common since Florida just increased the pool of candidates for each position
This is what he does. He’s wrong about something and then pretends these two different things are in some way the same thing.

The man once tried arguing that gut bacteria was not a separate life form.
It's more of what you do.
Because it sounded as if they would be given a five year certificate, not a one year (closely supervised) one year provisional.
A number of provisional teachers are not renewed after their first year. In FL, that same teacher could hang around for five years.
So you’re assuming for no reason that they’ll be granted a status above that of other new hires? Just admit you’ve got nothing
Well, that's exactly the way it read.
So you’re admitting you now have no problems with this law or would you like to tell me what part of it you are claiming reads that way
In an effort to combat teacher shortages, the Florida Department of Education is enlisting military personnel and veterans to teach in the state’s classrooms without a bachelor’s degree requirement.

Requirements for the five-year temporary teaching certificates for veterans include:

So you admit you really haven't a clue?
Like when you thought for no reason that they just skipped the provisional phase for military members?
I literally highlighted it for you. They’re receiving a temporary certificate. You’re just making things up at this point
lol......5 years.
(go back and look at what you highlighted - find the word provisional - what's that? You can't?)
Even CERTIFIED teachers have to re-new their certificate every 5 years.

We agree that you don't really know what you are talking about and should stop embarrassing yourself.
I've got tons of experience dealing with home schooled kids and their parents.
Rarely a good move.

Experience acquired primarily through your work in public schools? If so, I would submit that that subset of homeschooled students that ends up enrolled in a public middle or high school is hardly representative of the homeschooled population as a whole. In the private school in which I teach, the great majority of whose graduates matriculate to Tier 1 universities, formerly homeschooled students in aggregate perform extremely well.
So you are going to cherry pick the public school data. Yeah, that doesn't work.

It's not cherry-picking the data to attempt an apples-to-apples comparison. In aggregate, students educated at home or in a private school will score higher on the ACT than students educated in a public school. Relative to the population educated in a public school, however, the population educated at home or in a private school has, in aggregate, parents more highly educated and more heavily invested in their children's education. To what extent, then, the difference in achievement can be attributed to superior instruction (rather than to superior parenting) will remain in doubt unless some effort is made to control for the differences between the respective populations of students.

It should also be emphasized, perhaps, that the comparison that should concern parents is not public school vs. private school vs. homeschool, but the family's particular public school options vs. its particular private school options vs. its particular homeschool options. Not all public schools are created equal, nor are all private schools, nor or all homeschools.

For what it's worth, my wife and I have elected to use a combination of homeschooling and private schooling. The options we've had, however, are not available to all families, nor do all familes value in education what we value.
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It's not cherry-picking the data to attempt an apples-to-apples comparison. In aggregate, students educated at home or in a private school will score higher on the ACT than students educated in a public school. Relative to the population educated in a public school, however, the population educated at home or in a private school has, in aggregate, parents more highly educated and more heavily invested in their children's education. To what extent, then, the difference in achievement can be attributed to superior instruction (rather than to superior parenting) will remain in doubt unless some effort is made to control for the differences between the respective populations of students.

It should also be emphasized, perhaps, that the comparison that should concern parents is not public school vs. private school vs. homeschool, but the family's particular public school options vs. its particular private school options vs. its particular homeschool options. Not all public schools are created equal, nor are all private schools, nor or all homeschools.

For what it's worth, my wife and I have elected to use a combination of homeschooling and private schooling. The options we've had, however, are not available to all families, nor do our values necessarily correspond to those of others.
When the issue is the "system" vs private vs home school you either compare the aggregate means or you compare a random 31 piece sample from each. Period. End of stats lesson.
When the issue is the "system" vs private vs home school you either compare the aggregate means or you compare a random 31 piece sample from each. Period. End of stats lesson.

Really good study out of NY compared kids who applied for the lottery to kids selected. That way they could get around the teacher union lie of “charter schools perform better because they have better parents and kids who want to learn” by only looking at outcomes for kids who wanted to go.

Obviously the charter schools won
Not so sure about the "failed government system" part but there is certainly no shortage of bad parents and dumb kids.
Are bad parents and dumb kids a result of failed government in your mind?
Well most of the dumb parents of the dumb kids are in public school

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