Florida granting teaching licenses to military + spouses.

While I agree that you don't need a bachelor's to necessarily be a good teacher up to a certain grade level, what logic could possibly make you optimistic that will improve the educational system? Hordes of unqualified applicants will now be eligible to teach. There needs to be, at the very least, an exam to test one's competency to teach that requires studying for and demonstrating proficiency.

the logic that by increasing the hiring pool in an occupation where demand outstrips supply, you now have the ability to not hire the least talented people with a bachelor’s degree. You have expanded the pool of applicants.

Who cares if hordes of people you don’t want to hire are now in the pool, so are a few you would want to hire.

The people doing the hiring (those college educated pencil pushing lifetime administrators that everyone loves so much and trusts) need to hire the correct people.
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You really are two dimensional aren't you?
The return on that investment will last for generations, so it's kind of hard to calculate.
What's the ROI on a 10k family trip to the beach?
What's the ROI for 5 years of piano lessons for your kid?
Then stop complaining about her monetary compensation. It is altruism for you. Can't have it both ways Chief.
Then stop complaining about her monetary compensation. It is altruism for you. Can't have it both ways Chief.
Who was complaining about monetary compensation Jethro?
And I see you are as simplistically 2-d as hog.
It's not either or - it's the ratio.
Teaching is not all altruism and zero monetary compensation. What a moronic accusation.
Who was complaining about monetary compensation Jethro?
And I see you are as simplistically 2-d as hog.
It's not either or - it's the ratio.
Teaching is not all altruism and zero monetary compensation. What a moronic accusation.
If you say so.

While I agree that you don't need a bachelor's to necessarily be a good teacher up to a certain grade level, what logic could possibly make you optimistic that will improve the educational system? Hordes of unqualified applicants will now be eligible to teach. There needs to be, at the very least, an exam to test one's competency to teach that requires studying for and demonstrating proficiency.

There is an exam and they are required to pass it. What makes these candidates unqualified?
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Teacher's start out at 47k a year in Florida. That's $4,700 a month. That's not bad starting pay at all. Why's that a problem?
It doesn't seem high enough to alleviate a shortage.
And do you think higher pay would increase the pool of well qualified applicants?
It doesn't seem high enough to alleviate a shortage.
And do you think higher pay would increase the pool of well qualified applicants?
So it's money that is keeping kids from entering the field? You have a source on that?
So it's money that is keeping kids from entering the field? You have a source on that?
Just use your current level of understanding.
Does a higher salary, all other things remaining equal, make a job more desirable?
If a job is more desirable, will more people desire the job?
By lowering the requirements? I'm sure that will be a huge success.

We will see. At least it is out of the box thinking and reduces some of the barriers to entry for the position. Some very highly intelligent and successful people that don’t hold a bachelor’s degree.
I was calling it 10, which is generous given the number of holidays

Yeah City of Bristol got just short of 2 1/2 months for summer. Two weeks for Fall/ Spring Break and two weeks for Christmas. Plus all the assorted in service days and MLK …..etc.
Yes sir. Plus retirement. Not sure what their situation is with medical/dental etc. I guess it varies from district to district.

Plus plenty of opportunities for additional money. Some systems pay 10-15k for bus drivers. You can make a lot doing drivers Ed. You can coach. There’s summer school. You have weekends, evenings, and summers to earn money
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Yes sir. Plus retirement. Not sure what their situation is with medical/dental etc. I guess it varies from district to district.
Yeah that's county specific. I have friends who are teachers in Duval and St John's. Both counties are positive so idk.
Plus plenty of opportunities for additional money. Some systems pay 10-15k for bus drivers. You can make a lot doing drivers Ed. You can coach. There’s summer school. You have weekends, evenings, and summers to earn money

The underpaid thing has always been a crock.

My wife was a teacher when we got married. So I know the deal.

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