Florida granting teaching licenses to military + spouses.

I don’t see the problem. It’s essentially saying “you need an associates degree (60 credits) and to pass an exam showing content knowledge (the praxis)”.

The only problem I have is they should open that up to all citizens, not just veterans.
Seems like a great time for all those English and Russian poetry degrees at the local coffee shop to be utilized.
If you have 60 credit hours including classes like stats, calc, calc 2, calc 3, physics, etc why wouldn’t you be qualified to teach high school algebra?

This is a good rule it just needs to include all citizens. For example I could see someone doing an associates degree in engineering and then not getting into the program they want, so they decide to teach math. That’s a great thing for everyone involved
My ex girlfriend has her undergrad and masters in education.She drank her way through both degrees and spent double the amount of time on sorority business as she did schoolwork. We already know that there’s a tremendous problem with the product that American colleges are putting out. Don’t expect me to get panicked about the fact that one state is trying something different. The lack of a college education may make some of these people more Attractive candidates.
interesting question from someone who constantly derides another bartender as unqualified

Displaying proficiency in the subject being taught should be a minimum. These won't be hired at my kid's school. I also noted they wouldn't be qualified to work at their previous preschool. But hey, I'm sure their calculus knowledge is strong

This law requires a display of subject proficiency. Why wouldn’t they be qualified to work at a preschool? I don’t honeslty know much about pre school requirements (a pulse and a lack of a criminal background?)
This law requires a display of subject proficiency. Why wouldn’t they be qualified to work at a preschool? I don’t honeslty know much about pre school requirements (a pulse and a lack of a criminal background?)
I didn't find the actual requirements until after it was posted. However our preschool required a degree or actively working towards one in specific areas like early childhood dev.
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I didn't find the actual requirements until after it was posted. Our preschool required a degree or actively working towards one in certain areas like early childhood dev.

That’s poor on the preschool. I’d much rather have the guy with an associates in math or science than someone with a degree in education or childhood development
That’s poor on the preschool. I’d much rather have the guy with an associates in math or science than someone with a degree in education or childhood development
One of the best around. The waiting list was very long. A person with an associate's in math is useless in a toddler room doing potty training
DeSantis of course announcing this and bragging about helping veterans.

Jesus does this guy have no shame? It's just one pandering gimmick after another.

You mean like announcing in advance the race and gender of your VP and SCOTUS nominees? I’d tread really carefully around the word pandering if I were you.
One of the best around. The waiting list was very long. A person with an associate's in math is useless in a toddler room doing potty training

I’m more surprised a preschool allows non potty trained kids. I’m also not convinced you learn a lot about how to potty train a kid in early childhood development classes. More pyschology and developmental milestones I’d imagine than anything
Florida to let veterans, spouses teach without bachelor's degree

What a slap in the face to real teachers. Real teachers that have to go to college, take out student loans, earn a degree, and actually be qualified, now earn the same pay as someone whose only qualification is they married a guy that was in the military 20 years ago.

Lets call it what it is, public school teachers are now glorified baby sitters. They are stretched way too thin, are given basically 0 resources, and are paid barely more than a full time McDonald's employee. And we wonder why we have school shooting problem...

View attachment 475913

Proof positive that licensing isn't about the consumer and nobody should ever fall for this most repeated lie again.
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Florida to let veterans, spouses teach without bachelor's degree

What a slap in the face to real teachers. Real teachers that have to go to college, take out student loans, earn a degree, and actually be qualified, now earn the same pay as someone whose only qualification is they married a guy that was in the military 20 years ago.

Lets call it what it is, public school teachers are now glorified baby sitters. They are stretched way too thin, are given basically 0 resources, and are paid barely more than a full time McDonald's employee. And we wonder why we have school shooting problem...

View attachment 475913

Lol, we've seen how your public school teachers act. It can't hurt or be any worse.
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We are about to have an interesting experience here locally. Looks like a goal-oriented, results-driven wealthy businessman is going on the school board. Already dumped about all the Democrats on the board. It is not going to be pleasant for the next few years for a lot of people who were comfortable with the status quo and sitting on their butts accomplishing nothing. But in five years, I would bet heavily on we see a dramatic improvement in our schools.
A. Jones?
I’m more surprised a preschool allows non potty trained kids. I’m also not convinced you learn a lot about how to potty train a kid in early childhood development classes. More pyschology and developmental milestones I’d imagine than anything
It's for infants to Pre-K. Not many potty trained babies
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