George Floyd was actually an evil man.

I understand. The ignorance from people like you melts your brain after reading a few posts.
I've offered 100% viable and sure fire ways to end your "oppression". If only you could walk a week in my shoes, the solutions would be so obvious you might not want to go back to your air jordans.
Store procedures are a microagression that Whitey doesn't have to deal with? So when a white person spends a $20 bill in a black neighborhood their bill isn't checked? When black people spend 20's in white areas their bills are checked, but not bills spent by white people? Interesting. I would think that bills are being checked in areas with a lot of counterfeit activity rather than based on the race of the customer.
You think that cuz you're white.
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I love this. Not only are dimocrats kneeling like serfs to show how not racist they are, they managed to also work in some African cultural appropriation to show how racist they are without even knowing it. Bravo dims, bravo!


So many old White people...

I don't understand why Nance gets a pass on the cultural appropriation.
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Oh there are

Sure there is some but it shouldn't take away from reasonable points as well on either side. As I've often said racism is not owned by a political party just like the idea of fairness. Many things comes down to ideological differences and are often mis-diagnosed or purposely labeled "racism" for impact especially when losing on the pragmatism. But yes, I agree.
But why aren't stores that are discriminating like that being exposed? Or is it just a false narrative?
They are allowed to thats why.

That being said, stores that do that most likely have a history with certain groups of people doing certain things..or they learned best practices for their business and have taken what steps they can under the law to implement them.

Its really how a person presents themselves, regardless of race, that determines how they get treated. Look like a bag of sh1t and act like one, you'll probably be treated like one. Act like a redneck you'll be treated like one. Act like a thug youll be treated as one. Act like a decent human being, guess what?? You'll be treated like one. 60% of the time this works everytime.
They are allowed to thats why.

That being said, stores that do that most likely have a history with certain groups of people doing certain things..or they learned best practices for their business and have taken what steps they can under the law to implement them.

Its really how a person presents themselves, regardless of race, that determines how they get treated. Look like a bag of sh1t and act like one, you'll probably be treated like one. Act like a redneck you'll be treated like one. Act like a thug youll be treated as one. Act like a decent human being, guess what?? You'll be treated like one. 60% of the time this works everytime.
I would love to hear how you can tell the thugs from the decent people in a one minute interaction.
I've offered 100% viable and sure fire ways to end your "oppression". If only you could walk a week in my shoes, the solutions would be so obvious you might not want to go back to your air jordans.
I'm sure you don't wear shoes so that would be pretty hard.

jade is an idiot:

Even today, when a new design is created, it must first be offered to the royal house. If the king declines to take the pattern, it can be sold to the public. Designs worn by Asante royalty may not be worn by others.
jade is an idiot:

Even today, when a new design is created, it must first be offered to the royal house. If the king declines to take the pattern, it can be sold to the public. Designs worn by Asante royalty may not be worn by others.
Its cultural appropriation, and by old racist White people at that.

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