George Floyd was actually an evil man.

I’m not sure if I’m impressed or frightened that you know all of their college majors.
Since it's my two daughters and their boyfriends, and my nieces and nephews and their spouses, it shouldn't be that frightening.
It would be frightening if I didn't know.
It shows someone who thinks that kind of stuff is important 😂
Is there anyone who thinks the education and careers of their children is not important?
Your post says much more about you than what you think my post says about me.
And '72 liked it?
I've developed a theory on his over-sensitivity to what he wrongly views as educational elitism.
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Floyd scares the community move than 4 cops who spent 10min strangling a man to death (or watched) while knowingly being recorded?

Didn’t say more. I said both. One went to the big house and one is on his way. Floyd had a criminal record of aggravated robbery, assault and more. Chauvin is a danger in how he operated as an officer. Yes, both were a threat within their own community. Floyd did not deserve to die that day, however, for what he had allegedly done that day.
Since it's my two daughters and their boyfriends, and my nieces and nephews and their spouses, it shouldn't be that frightening.
It would be frightening if I didn't know.
I’ll go with impressive then. I do good to remember my own major. Daughters I get, even their spouses, but it's pretty unlikely I’m remembering nieces and nephews, and definitely not their spouses. Power to you though. I hope you enjoyed your vacation!
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When I was in the Air Force a Taco Bell on base gave me back a blatantly fake $10 bill. I took it then immediately said it was fake and they called the military police on me. I was like wtf?? Had to explain my story to the MP's about 5 times before they told me to get lost. Never got my $10 bucks back either.

That being said, his bill must have been hella fake looking because I've never EVER been anywhere that checks a 20 to see if its real. Guess its a sh!thole hood store thing. But luckily that won't be an issue at Cup Foods every again, where Floyd died. The owner said he will never call the cops again for nonviolent crime at his store..

Really? You’ve never been anywhere that swipes little marker on a bill? I find that hard to believe. Its hardly a “hood” thing.
Not a 20. Ive only ever seen that when someone has a $100. Its never been done to me when using large bills (White Privilege of course).
I've never seen a 20 get striped. I've seen a hundo a few times. What have we become?
I don't know a single person who claims the bolded, yet I know many who support the protests.
Good luck in your continuing effort to tie the two together, your whole argument rests on your success.

What We Believe - Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter began as a call to action in response to state-sanctioned violence and anti-Black racism. Our intention from the very beginning was to connect Black people from all over the world who have a shared desire for justice to act together in their communities. The impetus for that commitment was, and still is, the rampant and deliberate violence inflicted on us by the state.

Not true. Right in the mission statement.

I'm not saying there aren't people out there protesting that are much more moderate in approach and method. I'm not going to vilify those people either.

I am going to say they are rubes being used by a multi million dollar activist organization that has managed to play them. BLM has done what all other extremist organizations have tried and failed to do. Use a name to corner the argument and distract from the actual verbal diarrhea that comes out of their mouth when you ask for policy prescriptions.

Everyone "protesting police brutality" doesn't have much to say as far as policy. Kind of hard to when everyone, including the police, is on your side. And then all that is left are these people:

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Not a 20. Ive only ever seen that when someone has a $100. Its never been done to me when using large bills (White Privilege of course).
You are joking but that is the truth. One of many little microagressions that white people don't have to deal with.
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Not a 20. Ive only ever seen that when someone has a $100. Its never been done to me when using large bills (White Privilege of course).

Maybe it is... I am white and have seen it done more times than I can count. I’ve even had ot done after the cashier watched me take cash put of the ATM. I dont live in the hood.
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I love this. Not only are dimocrats kneeling like serfs to show how not racist they are, they managed to also work in some African cultural appropriation to show how racist they are without even knowing it. Bravo dims, bravo!


So many old White people...
You are joking but that is the truth. One of many little microagressions that white people don't have to deal with.

Store procedures are a microagression that Whitey doesn't have to deal with? So when a white person spends a $20 bill in a black neighborhood their bill isn't checked? When black people spend 20's in white areas their bills are checked, but not bills spent by white people? Interesting. I would think that bills are being checked in areas with a lot of counterfeit activity rather than based on the race of the customer.

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