George Floyd was actually an evil man.

You know, if George loaded himself up with fentanyl and had issues related to his choice of lifestyles, it's really not fitting to say it was just "natural causes" ... self ingestion of fentanyl isn't natural. Therefore, if he offed himself, it's homicide (of his own making) ... even if it occurred by the sewer side.

Death brought about by your own hand would be ruled suicide or accidental. It wouldn't be called homicide. Not looking to argue, just pointing out a fact. That it was ruled a homicide denotes someone else brought about his death in the coroner's opinion.
Death brought about by your own hand would be ruled suicide or accidental. It wouldn't be called homicide. Not looking to argue, just pointing out a fact. That it was ruled a homicide denotes someone else brought about his death in the coroner's opinion.

You're ruining a good thing with definitions. Since George was playing looney tunes, I prefer daffynitions.

Honestly, the coroner would have been far more justified in "accidental death" because George probably didn't intend to do himself in and the cop had no reason to know that a guy continuing to resist was loaded up with a toxin. But, yeah, I get it; the guy died and someone else was involved, so pass the buck and spend a lot of money to let some other people decide.
You're ruining a good thing with definitions. Since George was playing looney tunes, I prefer daffynitions.

Honestly, the coroner would have been far more justified in "accidental death" because George probably didn't intend to do himself in and the cop had no reason to know that a guy continuing to resist was loaded up with a toxin. But, yeah, I get it; the guy died and someone else was involved, so pass the buck and spend a lot of money to let some other people decide.
Basically. Coroner says homicide, leaves a jury to decide if it equals murder.
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Did the cops dope him up?
Did Floyd put his own knee on his neck?

Read carefully. I didn't say it was murder. A coroner ruled it homicide, which means the actions of someone else contributed to his death. Now a jury will decide if it was just or unjust. Not you or I, a jury.
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Did I hear the DA just recently added 3rd degree murder on to these charges? One judge already denied the addition of 3rd degree according to an article I read. Sounds like they’re doing everything they can for it to be a “murder” conviction of any degree instead of manslaughter so at least something will be left standing in Minneapolis. God help that place if they only get Chauvin on manslaughter.
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“Perception is reality”

Derek Chauvin had a knee is George Floyd’s back while Floyd begged and pleaded that he could not breathe. Floyd was handcuffed and wasn’t fighting and pleading for his life while Chauvin continued to keep his knee on Floyd’s back and neck. Floyd died with Chauvin’s knee on his back.

Did Chauvin cause the death of George Floyd?
Maybe not, but he did nothing to save his life. The video isn’t going to go over well with the jury.

Chauvin is going to prison where he belongs.
Floyd was higher than a kite and in bad health....
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You know, if George loaded himself up with fentanyl and had issues related to his choice of lifestyles, it's really not fitting to say it was just "natural causes" ... self ingestion of fentanyl isn't natural. Therefore, if he offed himself, it's homicide (of his own making) ... even if it occurred by the sewer side.

That's called suicide.

The two coroners (you know, the guys who actually examined the remains) said it was homicide.

Keep dancing around that and offering your partisan narrative grinning up outrage, the cop is going to jail. As he should.
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Someone doesn’t understand positional asphyxiation and excited delirium when taking fatal doses of narcotics

Wtf are you babbling about? Positional asphyxiation? He wasn't a baby in a crib, the cop had his knee on his neck. The coroner literally found that the compression to the neck was the cause of the asphyxiation.

Leave it to you to lick Chauvins boots too.
You're ruining a good thing with definitions. Since George was playing looney tunes, I prefer daffynitions.

Honestly, the coroner would have been far more justified in "accidental death" because George probably didn't intend to do himself in and the cop had no reason to know that a guy continuing to resist was loaded up with a toxin. But, yeah, I get it; the guy died and someone else was involved, so pass the buck and spend a lot of money to let some other people decide.

LOL, Dr. AMD64 would all like us to reject reality and instead substitute his 'definitionz' so that the feelz will be in line with his wants.

The bolded is pure gold.
LOL, Dr. AMD64 would all like us to reject reality and instead substitute his 'definitionz' so that the feelz will be in line with his wants.

The bolded is pure gold.
It's not a completely inaccurate statement. In many ways, the coroner is passing the buck. A ruling of homicide satisfies public outcry without declaring guilt. It just means someone else contributed to his death, not that it was necessarily murder.

I haven't read the autopsy reports or combed over every bit of evidence, but IMO, the video tape shows Chauvin went too far and should have some form of culpability in all of this. What that level should be, I don't know. I don't have all the facts of the case at my disposal. Just at a glance, it seems like at least manslaughter is warranted. But again, I don't have all the facts. I don't want to deflect from the guilt Chauvin should carry, because he absolutely should carry some, but how much is still in question IMO.

I'm not one to defend police that go over the line. They shouldn't get a pass because they are cops. In fact, they should be more scrutinized because they are cops. People charged with upholding the law should never be above the law, and should have a larger microscope on them when they mess it up. A higher level of expectation should be part of the job description IMO.

It amazes me that anyone can watch that tape and come away with the opinion Chauvin did nothing wrong. Even if you believe he's not guilty of a more serious offense, I cannot see how anyone defends his actions completely.
It's not a completely inaccurate statement. In many ways, the coroner is passing the buck. A ruling of homicide satisfies public outcry without declaring guilt. It just means someone else contributed to his death, not that it was necessarily murder.

I haven't read the autopsy reports or combed over every bit of evidence, but IMO, the video tape shows Chauvin went too far and should have some form of culpability in all of this. What that level should be, I don't know. I don't have all the facts of the case at my disposal. Just at a glance, it seems like at least manslaughter is warranted. But again, I don't have all the facts. I don't want to deflect from the guilt Chauvin should carry, because he absolutely should carry some, but how much is still in question IMO.

I'm not one to defend police that go over the line. They shouldn't get a pass because they are cops. In fact, they should be more scrutinized because they are cops. People charged with upholding the law should never be above the law, and should have a larger microscope on them when they mess it up. A higher level of expectation should be part of the job description IMO.

It amazes me that anyone can watch that tape and come away with the opinion Chauvin did nothing wrong. Even if you believe he's not guilty of a more serious offense, I cannot see how anyone defends his actions completely.
There in lies the crux. People who don’t understand Floyd’s medical issues or what the amount of narcotics he shoved in his mouth like an idiot does to one’s heart and lungs. Chauvin should not have done what he did and clearly needs to be punished for that. However he is not the reason that Floyd is dead and “racism” clearly had nothing to do with it
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There in lies the crux. People who don’t understand Floyd’s medical issues or what the amount of narcotics he shoved in his mouth like an idiot does to one’s heart and lungs. Chauvin should not have done what he did and clearly needs to be punished for that. However he is not the reason that Floyd is dead and “racism” clearly had nothing to do with it
Chauvin's actions may not be the sole reason Floyd is dead, but they certainly contributed. How much. again, I'd need to see more evidence to have a clearer opinion.

As for racism allegations, I'd still need to hear more. I think it's true that Floyd resisted arrest, which escalated the situation, but I still have questions about the reported prior relationship between Chauvin and Floyd. Did it effect how Chauvin handled himself and was any prior animosity based on race? I don't know. That's why you listen to the evidence each side presents to get a clearer picture.
That's called suicide.

The two coroners (you know, the guys who actually examined the remains) said it was homicide.

Keep dancing around that and offering your partisan narrative grinning up outrage, the cop is going to jail. As he should.
Homocide doesn’t mean murder, manslaughter,or even negligence..... in autopsy terms it just means that the death was partially caused by the direct or indirect actions of another person
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And George Floyd is already where he belongs.

He probably is, but a cop should not be judge, jury, or executioner.

We are still The USA with a constitution and bill of rights that’s supposed to protect every citizen. “Nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property. Without due process of law.” I know most of the government and cops hate the constitution that they swore to uphold, but thank God our forefathers knew that some day our government would be infiltrated by tyrants.

I’m pro death penalty when done through the legal system. I don’t like agents of the government who murder citizens without justification.
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Homocide doesn’t mean murder, manslaughter,or even negligence..... in autopsy terms it just means that the death was partially caused by the direct or indirect actions of another person

You may want to brush up on your definition of homicide.
It's not a completely inaccurate statement. In many ways, the coroner is passing the buck. A ruling of homicide satisfies public outcry without declaring guilt. It just means someone else contributed to his death, not that it was necessarily murder.

I haven't read the autopsy reports or combed over every bit of evidence, but IMO, the video tape shows Chauvin went too far and should have some form of culpability in all of this. What that level should be, I don't know. I don't have all the facts of the case at my disposal. Just at a glance, it seems like at least manslaughter is warranted. But again, I don't have all the facts. I don't want to deflect from the guilt Chauvin should carry, because he absolutely should carry some, but how much is still in question IMO.

I'm not one to defend police that go over the line. They shouldn't get a pass because they are cops. In fact, they should be more scrutinized because they are cops. People charged with upholding the law should never be above the law, and should have a larger microscope on them when they mess it up. A higher level of expectation should be part of the job description IMO.

It amazes me that anyone can watch that tape and come away with the opinion Chauvin did nothing wrong. Even if you believe he's not guilty of a more serious offense, I cannot see how anyone defends his actions completely.

It was an inaccurate statement in that a coroner isn't in the business to determine intent, only cause.
He probably is, but a cop should not be judge, jury, or executioner.

We are still The USA with a constitution and bill of rights that’s supposed to protect every citizen. “Nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property. Without due process of law.” I know most of the government and cops hate the constitution that they swore to uphold, but thank God our forefathers knew that some day our government would be infiltrated by tyrants.

I’m pro death penalty when done through the legal system. I don’t like agents of the government who murder citizens without justification.

I agree. There should be a duty of care that the police must show for a suspect in custody, as Floyd was. Though Chauvin may not have meant to compress Floyd's neck causing the asphyxiation, his negligence was still at the heart of it. The "racism" allegations as well as Floyd's criminal past are nothing but bullet points used by both sides to help shore up irrelevant narratives. The only thing that matters is the actions or inactions of the circumstances in the moment of Floyds death while in custody.
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Agreed, but I don’t think Ofc. Chauvin murdered, or intended to murder, George Floyd. To dissect the entire episode would set a new level of TLDR, so I’ll leave it at “do your research before you make up your mind.”

I also think there is a near-zero chance that the involved officers get a fair and impartial judge, jury, or trial. But we’ll see.

And there will be more riots, destruction, and looting regardless of the verdict. An acquittal would just magnify the amount of all three.

So let it begin. The end is all but pre-determined. As is the fallout.
That is the definition that is used in autopsies..... it is is different than criminal homocide.

Be that as it may, two separate physicians concluded that one persons death was caused by another and we have video evidence of the circumstances of their findings (compression of the neck leading to asphyxiation.) The medical definition and the legal definition is a difference without distinction in practical terms here. Arguing about the definition is pointless since he's been legally charged with the murder of Floyd, it's up to the courts to sort out the level of intent or negligence.

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