George Floyd was actually an evil man.

Agreed, but I don’t think Ofc. Chauvin murdered, or intended to murder, George Floyd. To dissect the entire episode would set a new level of TLDR, so I’ll leave it at “do your research before you make up your mind.”

I also think there is a near-zero chance that the involved officers get a fair and impartial judge, jury, or trial. But we’ll see.

And there will be more riots, destruction, and looting regardless of the verdict. An acquittal would just magnify the amount of all three.

So let it begin. The end is all but pre-determined. As is the fallout.

It's almost riot season anyway.
Be that as it may, two separate physicians concluded that one persons death was caused by another and we have video evidence of the circumstances of their findings (compression of the neck leading to asphyxiation.) The medical definition and the legal definition is a difference without distinction in practical terms here. Arguing about the definition is pointless since he's been legally charged with the murder of Floyd, it's up to the courts to sort out the level of intent or negligence.
I agree the case all comes down to whether it is proven that Floyd’s own drug abuse/ health condition played a major part in his demise where as a normally healthy person would be fine..... it should also matter if the cop was or was not following protocol. As for my personal feelings..... I have a hard time caring about Floyd bc he was a bad person. There are plenty of minorities out there doing amazing things that need to be uplifted instead of someone with Floyd’s character flaws. As for the cops.... if evidence proves the cops caused asphyxiation due to pressure from his knee then he needs to go to prison for a really long time.... Either way..... I will wait to see what all the evidence shows.
Even better, its tax return and stimlus season.

I could have told you that when I saw on my news feeds that Kanye West’s brand new kicks that just came out , sold out in less than a minute . Prices were basic $200 up to $500
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I could have told you that when I saw on my news feeds that Kanye West’s brand new kicks that just came out , sold out in less than a minute . Prices were basic $200 up to $500

My wife puts up banners at her tax credit/section 8 properties every year about this time reminding residents to use their tax refund to catch up on rent.
My wife puts up banners at her tax credit/section 8 properties every year about this time reminding residents to use their tax refund to catch up on rent.

I seriously at times can’t believe how stupid people are, it blows my mind ...

I don't know many facts of the case and am not spending any time or effort to learn more. Floyd may well have died that afternoon even if he had never encountered Chauvin, but I believe Chauvin's actions were atrocious, even if they weren't actually criminal. Chauvin may serve prison time for the primary offense of being a jerk, and he will have no one to blame for that but himself.
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I don't know many facts of the case and am not spending any time or effort to learn more. Floyd may well have died that afternoon even if he had never encountered Chauvin, but I believe Chauvin's actions were atrocious, even if they weren't actually criminal. Chauvin may serve prison time for the primary offense of being a jerk, and he will have no one to blame for that but himself.
That's a scary standard to set
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Be that as it may, two separate physicians concluded that one persons death was caused by another and we have video evidence of the circumstances of their findings (compression of the neck leading to asphyxiation.) The medical definition and the legal definition is a difference without distinction in practical terms here. Arguing about the definition is pointless since he's been legally charged with the murder of Floyd, it's up to the courts to sort out the level of intent or negligence.
Do you believe those 2 physicians were unaware of the circumstances when they performed the autopsy? If 10 more coroners were presented the evidence without knowing the name of the victim would they come to the same conclusion?
Let's face it for anyone else he'd have died of CoVid.....period
BTW I agree the police need to be held to a higher standard as well as lawmakers who make the laws should be held to the highest standards.
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Do you believe those 2 physicians were unaware of the circumstances when they performed the autopsy? If 10 more coroners were presented the evidence without knowing the name of the victim would they come to the same conclusion?
Let's face it for anyone else he'd have died of CoVid.....period
BTW I agree the police need to be held to a higher standard as well as lawmakers who make the laws should be held to the highest standards.

I believe if they were good at thier jobs they would be able to detect what the video showed, irrespective of whether or not they'd seen the video first. It's not uncommon for pathologists or any physician to look for horses, not zebras when they hear hoof beats or in this case see, hoof prints.
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I believe if they were good at thier jobs they would be able to detect what the video showed, irrespective of whether or not they'd seen the video first. It's not uncommon for pathologists or any physician to look for horses, not zebras when they hear hoof beats or in this case see, hoof prints.
I guess I hope the Lady Justice is truly blind. HAd it been a black or hispanic cop and a white crackhead would you have the same passion to prosecute?
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That's called suicide.

The two coroners (you know, the guys who actually examined the remains) said it was homicide.

Keep dancing around that and offering your partisan narrative grinning up outrage, the cop is going to jail. As he should.

There is only one fitting term to be applied in this case, and that is "death by misadventure". The British use it, and apparently we don't. There are dual applications Floyd died form an illegal drug overdose. The cop acted in a proscribed manner without being able to determine that Floyd was in distress rather than simply continuing to fight an arrest.
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It's not a completely inaccurate statement. In many ways, the coroner is passing the buck. A ruling of homicide satisfies public outcry without declaring guilt. It just means someone else contributed to his death, not that it was necessarily murder.

I haven't read the autopsy reports or combed over every bit of evidence, but IMO, the video tape shows Chauvin went too far and should have some form of culpability in all of this. What that level should be, I don't know. I don't have all the facts of the case at my disposal. Just at a glance, it seems like at least manslaughter is warranted. But again, I don't have all the facts. I don't want to deflect from the guilt Chauvin should carry, because he absolutely should carry some, but how much is still in question IMO.

I'm not one to defend police that go over the line. They shouldn't get a pass because they are cops. In fact, they should be more scrutinized because they are cops. People charged with upholding the law should never be above the law, and should have a larger microscope on them when they mess it up. A higher level of expectation should be part of the job description IMO.

It amazes me that anyone can watch that tape and come away with the opinion Chauvin did nothing wrong. Even if you believe he's not guilty of a more serious offense, I cannot see how anyone defends his actions completely.

The issue of how Floyd was restrained definitely looked bad, and there should be better ways, but Floyd was the one who resisted the opportunity to be arrested without any undue force. It seems like the best cops could do at this point is cuff both the hands and ankles and let the idiots do what they will until they are hauled away. If they are damaged during the cuffing process, too bad, they had the chance to be civil,
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I guess I hope the Lady Justice is truly blind. HAd it been a black or hispanic cop and a white crackhead would you have the same passion to prosecute?

Of course, the cops race makes no difference to me. I’ll leave that detail up to those who are trying to shape the narrative.
There is only one fitting term to be applied in this case, and that is "death by misadventure". The British use it, and apparently we don't. There are dual applications Floyd died form an illegal drug overdose. The cop acted in a proscribed manner without being able to determine that Floyd was in distress rather than simply continuing to fight an arrest.

Your spin and deference to the Crown is noted, you and the rest of the Torreys are welcome to get back to England.
Once again, here is the policy on chokeholds in effect at the time. Chauvin should walk a free man. At some point I hope he sues the ever living shat out of Minneapolis.

5-311 USE OF NECK RESTRAINTS AND CHOKE HOLDS (10/16/02) (08/17/07) (10/01/10) (04/16/12) DEFINITIONS I. Choke Hold: Deadly force option. Defined as applying direct pressure on a person’s trachea or airway (front of the neck), blocking or obstructing the airway (04/16/12) Neck Restraint: Non-deadly force option. Defined as compressing one or both sides of a person’s neck with an arm or leg, without applying direct pressure to the trachea or airway (front of the neck). Only sworn employees who have received training from the MPD Training Unit are authorized to use neck restraints. The MPD authorizes two types of neck restraints: Conscious Neck Restraint and Unconscious Neck Restraint. (04/16/12) Conscious Neck Restraint: The subject is placed in a neck restraint with intent to control, and not to render the subject unconscious, by only applying light to moderate pressure. (04/16/12) Unconscious Neck Restraint: The subject is placed in a neck restraint with the intention of rendering the person unconscious by applying adequate pressure. (04/16/12) PROCEDURES/REGULATIONS II. The Conscious Neck Restraint may be used against a subject who is actively resisting. (04/16/12) The Unconscious Neck Restraint shall only be applied in the following circumstances: (04/16/12) On a subject who is exhibiting active aggression, or; For life saving purposes, or; On a subject who is exhibiting active resistance in order to gain control of the subject; and if lesser attempts at control have been or would likely be ineffective. Neck restraints shall not be used against subjects who are passively resisting as defined by policy. (04/16/12) After Care Guidelines (04/16/12) After a neck restraint or choke hold has been used on a subject, sworn MPD employees shall keep them under close observation until they are released to medical or other law enforcement personnel. An officer who has used a neck restraint or choke hold shall inform individuals accepting custody of the subject, that the technique was used on the subject.l
Did Floyd put his own knee on his neck?

Read carefully. I didn't say it was murder. A coroner ruled it homicide, which means the actions of someone else contributed to his death. Now a jury will decide if it was just or unjust. Not you or I, a jury.
With hand cuffs cops will need to put on a heart monitor and pulse oximeter.

If only they’d had a counselor on scene to deal with a 300+ pound man jacked up on fentanyl.

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