George Floyd was actually an evil man.

You concerned with Kate Steinle's death?

Without expending the effort to look her up, I don’t know who that is. And to be clear, I’m really only mildly concerned with Floyd’s.
Without expending the effort to look her up, I don’t know who that is. And to be clear, I’m really only mildly concerned with Floyd’s.

of course you don’t know that much. Why? Well because it didn’t involve a white cop and a black person who was resisting arrest. No this was a case about an innocent white woman who was gunned down in cold blood by an illegal immigrant. Her killer walked. But see that’s not a problem because she was white and wasn’t breaking any laws.

So she really didn’t matter. No businesses were destroyed in her name.
What or when have I ever mentioned race being a factor?
You don’t have to mention it. You wouldn’t know who GF was if not for the fact that of his race. Let’s assume for the sake of discussion that he was a white guy of similar background (criminal thug).
Even if the story made the news, it would have been quickly forgotten. 1) the crime likely would not have been videoed. 2) even if videoed it likely doesn’t get picked up like wildfire on social media. 3) Even if it did, it would not have been incendiary or led to riots, which amped up additional coverage. 4) No one would have taken a criminal, drug addicted white guy and turned him into a martyr and had his name on the back of the jerseys of professional athletes.
The fact is there was a very similar death of a white man, at the hands of police, also caught on video, and virtually no one knows who he is.

So, you saying race means nothing to you, means absolutely jack squat. Your whole participation in this discussion has to do with race, and the sad thing is you don’t seem to know it.

So, press pause, digest that and STFU.
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You don’t have to mention it. You wouldn’t know who GF was if not for the fact that of his race. Let’s assume for the sake of discussion that he was a white guy of similar background (criminal thug).
Even if the story made the news, it would have been quickly forgotten. 1) the crime likely would not have been videoed. 2) even if videoed it likely doesn’t get picked up like wildfire on social media. 3) Even if it did, it would not have been incendiary or led to riots, which amped up additional coverage. 4) No one would have taken a criminal, drug addicted white guy and turned him into a martyr and had his name on the back of the jerseys of professional athletes.
The fact is there was a very similar death of a white man, at the hands of police, also caught on video, and virtually no one knows who he is.

So, you saying race means nothing to you, means absolutely jack squat. Your whole participation in this discussion has to do with race, and the sad thing is you don’t seem to know it.

So, press pause, digest that and STFU.

Sorry champ, just because race is a factor in your equation doesn’t make it so in mine. Shoehorning other circumstances or variables is a pathetic attempt to change the narrative. But you know this, don’t you?

Without you inventing arguments I’m not having or putting words in my mouth, are you capable of taking a single post in this thread from me and pointing out why race must be why I’m holding said position? Just one?

As I’ve stated Floyd being a scumbag (he was) is mutually exclusive from believing Chauvin killed him (he did). You can believe both, it’s ok. Try it.

I thought you’d be better than strawmans and whataboutisms to shore up misrepresentation of arguments, guess I was wrong.
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of course you don’t know that much. Why? Well because it didn’t involve a white cop and a black person who was resisting arrest. No this was a case about an innocent white woman who was gunned down in cold blood by an illegal immigrant. Her killer walked. But see that’s not a problem because she was white and wasn’t breaking any laws.

So she really didn’t matter. No businesses were destroyed in her name.

Her death was tragic. Create a thread about it and maybe I’ll weigh in. Your outrage that I don’t share yours over a completely unrelated circumstance to the one being discussed in this thread hasn’t been lost on me.
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Sorry champ, just because race is a factor in your equation doesn’t make it so in mine. Shoehorning other circumstances or variables is a pathetic attempt to change the narrative. But you know this, don’t you?

Without you inventing arguments I’m not having or putting words in my mouth, are you capable of taking a single post in this thread from me and pointing out why race must be why I’m holding said position? Just one?

As I’ve stated Floyd being a scumbag (he was) is mutually exclusive from believing Chauvin killed him (he did). You can believe both, it’s ok. Try it.

I thought you’d be better than strawmans and whataboutisms to shore up misrepresentation of arguments, guess I was wrong.
Whoosh. No strawman here. You seem unable to see that race is the ONLY reason you know the name, George Floyd.

It’s not the GF was a scum bag. He had just taken a LETHAL dose of fentanyl. Chauvin operated 100% within the police guidelines. I’ve read the toxicology report and I’ve read the guidelines of use of force.

If Floyd was sober, he is alive today. Removing those FACTS is the only thing “shaping” a narrative.
Chauvin will be found not guilty or a much reduced charge.
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Whoosh. No strawman here. You seem unable to see that race is the ONLY reason you know the name, George Floyd.

It’s not the GF was a scum bag. He had just taken a LETHAL dose of fentanyl. Chauvin operated 100% within the police guidelines. I’ve read the toxicology report and I’ve read the guidelines of use of force.

If Floyd was sober, he is alive today. Removing those FACTS is the only thing “shaping” a narrative.
Chauvin will be found not guilty or a much reduced charge.

Geezus, you’re flailing.

You really don’t see how conflating that it’s in the news is wholly irrelevant to the circumstances surrounding the fact that the only two qualified people to assess the cause of death agreed it was homicide? As has been my entire point.

That you can’t recognize that people can hold an opinion that he was killed without it being race related is painfully myopic at its mildest. In fact, it’s such a terribly ill conceived point - I almost have to assume you’re trolling.
Geezus, you’re flailing.

You really don’t see how conflating that it’s in the news is wholly irrelevant to the circumstances surrounding the fact that the only two qualified people to assess the cause of death agreed it was homicide? As has been my entire point.

That you can’t recognize that people can hold an opinion that he was killed without it being race related is painfully myopic at its mildest. In fact, it’s such a terribly ill conceived point - I almost have to assume you’re trolling.
it’s 100% relative.

You are the one conflating.The status of homicide could mean a spectrum of things in the legal sense.
It could mean justifiable homicide. As an example, if you break into my home and i shoot you, it’s justifiable homicide. What we are talking about is criminal guilt, and isn’t determined by an autopsy.

Trust me, I understand that you believe in your heart of hearts that what you believe has nothing to do with race. And in one sense I agree. But that is the part you are missing, that the whole of your opinion is indirectly influenced by the racial climate.

My point is it’s bull shat. Everything we know about this case, our exposure to the video, the reporting, etc. is all directly tied to race.
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The issue of how Floyd was restrained definitely looked bad, and there should be better ways, but Floyd was the one who resisted the opportunity to be arrested without any undue force. It seems like the best cops could do at this point is cuff both the hands and ankles and let the idiots do what they will until they are hauled away. If they are damaged during the cuffing process, too bad, they had the chance to be civil,
You're actually more likely to die from positional asphyxiation from having your hands/feet bound at the same time. It simply comes down to people who take narcotics/have comorbidities/mental illness mixed together are more likely to die from fights/restraints than normal people.
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“Perception is reality”

Derek Chauvin had a knee is George Floyd’s back while Floyd begged and pleaded that he could not breathe. Floyd was handcuffed and wasn’t fighting and pleading for his life while Chauvin continued to keep his knee on Floyd’s back and neck. Floyd died with Chauvin’s knee on his back.

Did Chauvin cause the death of George Floyd?
Maybe not, but he did nothing to save his life. The video isn’t going to go over well with the jury.

Chauvin is going to prison where he belongs.
Perception is reality for sure. The full video was concealed for months while cities across this country burned and people were hurt or even killed. I’m sure there would’ve been some of that happen anyway had the full video come out right away but not to the degree it happened. To me, the people concealing the truth while all this went on are the ones that should be in jail. They allowed the lie that Floyd wasn’t resisting and basically was killed by a cop over one counterfeit $20 bill to persist for months. That’s criminal.
Homocide in medical terms just means that someone else contributed to your death..... it does not mean murder or even negligence...... I wasn’t arguing guilt or innocence of the officers..... just if they are proven to be innocent that they shouldn’t be in jail.
Ah but most liberals have already convicted Chauvin so the findings of the court don’t matter.
He probably is, but a cop should not be judge, jury, or executioner.

We are still The USA with a constitution and bill of rights that’s supposed to protect every citizen. “Nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property. Without due process of law.” I know most of the government and cops hate the constitution that they swore to uphold, but thank God our forefathers knew that some day our government would be infiltrated by tyrants.

I’m pro death penalty when done through the legal system. I don’t like agents of the government who murder citizens without justification.
Interesting so you claim Chauvin took Floyd’s life without due process of law but seem content to go ahead and deem Chauvin guilty of murder without his due process. Due process applies to everyone, regardless of what the latest YouTube clip or CNN article says.
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Interesting so you claim Chauvin took Floyd’s life without due process of law but seem content to go ahead and deem Chauvin guilty of murder without his due process. Due process applies to everyone, regardless of what the latest YouTube clip or CNN article says.
Yeah it applies in court. Really doesn't apply here
I guess I hope the Lady Justice is truly blind. HAd it been a black or hispanic cop and a white crackhead would you have the same passion to prosecute?
Nope and Tony Timpa is proof, although I don’t know if he was a crackhead.
That person seems to care about it in one sense but not another. That’s the point.
Because it applies in one and not the other. Only one was being accused of denying due process through their real actions. Where is Chauvin being denied anything?
it’s 100% relative.

You are the one conflating.The status of homicide could mean a spectrum of things in the legal sense.
It could mean justifiable homicide. As an example, if you break into my home and i shoot you, it’s justifiable homicide. What we are talking about is criminal guilt, and isn’t determined by an autopsy.

Trust me, I understand that you believe in your heart of hearts that what you believe has nothing to do with race. And in one sense I agree. But that is the part you are missing, that the whole of your opinion is indirectly influenced by the racial climate.

My point is it’s bull shat. Everything we know about this case, our exposure to the video, the reporting, etc. is all directly tied to race.

I pity you for feeling this way.

Apparently we're no longer able to have discussions on facts without being mired in or accused of nefarious racial narratives.

But for arguments sake and because I want to make sure I get this straight, your position is that since I dare discuss the circumstances surrounding Floyds' death it simply must because or race? Or is it that it's not because I see Chauvins actions as criminally negligent, but that I hold my position because he's white?

Is that what you're implying?

You keep dancing around my point about your apparent inability to hold competing thoughts as if this is some sort of zero sum argument. Have you even tried reconciling that Floyd is a scumbag and that Chauvin was responsible for the compression to the the neck that the coroners say resulted in Floyds death? Or are you just going to continue to screech about why the topic is being discussed?
You're actually more likely to die from positional asphyxiation from having your hands/feet bound at the same time. It simply comes down to people who take narcotics/have comorbidities/mental illness mixed together are more likely to die from fights/restraints than normal people.

Again, the proximate cause of loss for Floyd was asphyxiation due to neck compression. If a laymen like you knows what you've asserted in the bold, a professional policeman should understand that he has a duty of care not to exacerbate the possibility of asphyxiation by the "position" of his knee on an immobilized suspects neck.
Because it applies in one and not the other. Only one was being accused of denying due process through their real actions. Where is Chauvin being denied anything?
How was either one denied anything when no one is positive what caused Floyd’s demise until we hear all the facts?
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