George Floyd was actually an evil man.

You're actually more likely to die from positional asphyxiation from having your hands/feet bound at the same time. It simply comes down to people who take narcotics/have comorbidities/mental illness mixed together are more likely to die from fights/restraints than normal people.

GF had drugs in his system. Got it.

If Chauvin hadn’t had his knee on GF back, or had Chauvin let him up or moved off him when he said he couldn’t breathe, would GF still be alive?

I don’t know, but by any reasonable standard it isn’t unfair to say Chauvin contributed to his death. It further isn’t unreasonable to assume had Chauvin moved him in a sitting position or gotten off him while he was begging he would still be alive.

Floyd wasn’t a good man, got it. But at that moment neither was Chauvin.
Perception is reality for sure. The full video was concealed for months while cities across this country burned and people were hurt or even killed. I’m sure there would’ve been some of that happen anyway had the full video come out right away but not to the degree it happened. To me, the people concealing the truth while all this went on are the ones that should be in jail. They allowed the lie that Floyd wasn’t resisting and basically was killed by a cop over one counterfeit $20 bill to persist for months. That’s criminal.

Do you know what would have prevented cities from burning? Chauvin removing his knee from Floyd’s neck before he died. Floyd was handcuffed and wasn’t fighting, so why did Chauvin continue to place his knee on Floyd’s neck?

I can condemn both the riots and the actions of a bad cop. I hope every rioter, looter, and murderer rota in jail and hope justice is served and Chauvin spends the rest of his life in prison.
Do you know what would have prevented cities from burning? Chauvin removing his knee from Floyd’s neck before he died. Floyd was handcuffed and wasn’t fighting, so why did Chauvin continue to place his knee on Floyd’s neck?
Or any of the other 3 stepping up and calling out their coworker for his actions
GF had drugs in his system. Got it.

If Chauvin hadn’t had his knee on GF back, or had Chauvin let him up or moved off him when he said he couldn’t breathe, would GF still be alive?

I don’t know, but by any reasonable standard it isn’t unfair to say Chauvin contributed to his death. It further isn’t unreasonable to assume had Chauvin moved him in a sitting position or gotten off him while he was begging he would still be alive.

Floyd wasn’t a good man, got it. But at that moment neither was Chauvin.

I think manslaughter or negligent homicide would be appropriate charges.
Interesting so you claim Chauvin took Floyd’s life without due process of law but seem content to go ahead and deem Chauvin guilty of murder without his due process. Due process applies to everyone, regardless of what the latest YouTube clip or CNN article says.

Chauvin will get his day in court and Floyd will not.

I don’t watch cnn, sorry I’m a conservative.
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Based on the reports
I will wait till evidence is presented at trial..... there are still people running around yelling hands up/ don’t shoot which never happened.... Imo......if the cops knee caused asphyxiation of Floyd then he needs to go to jail.... if the knee up near his neck exacerbated Floyd’s drug induced condition than he needs to go free. Another issue I would want to know.... what is police protocol for handling those kind of situations?
Chauvin will get his day in court and Floyd will not.

I don’t watch cnn, sorry I’m a conservative.
Floyd cause that situation by making bad choices.... chauvin never would have been there without Floyd’s poor choices.... if chauvin caused his death bc he choked him with his knee than he needs to go to jail.
Floyd cause that situation by making bad choices.... chauvin never would have been there without Floyd’s poor choices.... if chauvin caused his death bc he choked him with his knee than he needs to go to jail.
None of those bad choices carries a death sentence in our system
I will wait till evidence is presented at trial..... there are still people running around yelling hands up/ don’t shoot which never happened.... Imo......if the cops knee caused asphyxiation of Floyd then he needs to go to jail.... if the knee up near his neck exacerbated Floyd’s drug induced condition than he needs to go free. Another issue I would want to know.... what is police protocol for handling those kind of situations?
so he goes free if his knee made the situation worse? How does that make sense?
None of those bad choices carries a death sentence in our system
so he goes free if his knee made the situation worse? How does that make sense?
There has been several cases where just putting a persons hands behind their back has caused similar issues..... when you od.... it doesn’t take much to put you over the top.... did the cop apply enough pressure that in normal situations would cause harm to the prisoner.... Imo.... he was trying to control the prisoner and not kill.... if forensics shows the force was excessive than I agree with you.
There has been several cases where just putting a persons hands behind their back has caused similar issues..... when you od.... it doesn’t take much to put you over the top.... did the cop apply enough pressure that in normal situations would cause harm to the prisoner.... Imo.... he was trying to control the prisoner and not kill.... if forensics shows the force was excessive than I agree with you.
How much pressure needs to be applied to control a handcuffed, unconscious man?
How much pressure needs to be applied to control a handcuffed, unconscious man?
I would have to go back and watch the videos Which like septic I’m not concerned enough about this case to do but if I had to venture a guess that the cops were more concerned about the crowd starting to gather around.... one time in my youth..... I ran from the cops..... got pulled over in a very rough neighborhood.... I was pulled from my car.... those cops drew their guns and you could tell from the look on their face that they were scared as h&ll...I just knew it was getting ready to go down but luckily the crowd stayed under control.
As for this case, I feel the cop will be found guilty of manslaughter..... it won’t be enough to pacify people and the city will burn.
I would have to go back and watch the videos Which like septic I’m not concerned enough about this case to do but if I had to venture a guess that the cops were more concerned about the crowd starting to gather around.... one time in my youth..... I ran from the cops..... got pulled over in a very rough neighborhood.... I was pulled from my car.... those cops drew their guns and you could tell from the look on their face that they were scared as h&ll...I just knew it was getting ready to go down but luckily the crowd stayed under control.
As for this case, I feel the cop will be found guilty of manslaughter..... it won’t be enough to pacify people and the city will burn.

I agree, in the end - I don't think Chauvin intended lasting injury (though he certainly didn't show any noticeable regard for Floyd's safety.) Too bad (for him) that intent in negligence isn't important. That and a police SOP that I assume allowed for chokes may be what gets this knocked from murder to manslaughter.
I agree, in the end - I don't think Chauvin intended lasting injury (though he certainly didn't show any noticeable regard for Floyd's safety.) Too bad (for him) that intent in negligence isn't important. That and a police SOP that I assume allowed for chokes may be what gets this knocked from murder to manslaughter.
Imo.... Professions such as cops, doctors, my profession should be protected to an extent if you are doing something that you are trained to do.... cops have to be physical and sometimes things like this are going to happen..... if it was outside protocol or his knee directly caused his death then I feel he is guilty....As for not showing care.... I’m not sure the officers truly knew he was in distress until it was too late especially when worried about the crowd in front of them. Every single real life cop videos I have ever seen .... the guy being arrested claims he is not able to breathe.... you are breaking my arm and on and on and on. I can see how someone wouldn’t respond to that when Floyd had shown he was going to be non-compliant by not allowing the cops to put him in the patrol car.
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I pity you for feeling this way.

Apparently we're no longer able to have discussions on facts without being mired in or accused of nefarious racial narratives.

But for arguments sake and because I want to make sure I get this straight, your position is that since I dare discuss the circumstances surrounding Floyds' death it simply must because or race? Or is it that it's not because I see Chauvins actions as criminally negligent, but that I hold my position because he's white?

Is that what you're implying?

You keep dancing around my point about your apparent inability to hold competing thoughts as if this is some sort of zero sum argument. Have you even tried reconciling that Floyd is a scumbag and that Chauvin was responsible for the compression to the the neck that the coroners say resulted in Floyds death? Or are you just going to continue to screech about why the topic is being discussed?
On your first line we would totally agree.
It’s not my fault that the media and special interest groups have made it such. I’m just acknowledging that reality. We are not allowed to see this apart form race. The only significant difference between you and me is that I’m alert to how race has fed my awareness of the incident and the narrative. It’s absurd for you

It’s not my job to reconcile those things. I’ve read the use of force parameters for his department, and he was compliant. So, my perception of the video, which was horrifying, doesn’t matter. In hindsight, seeing the whole video and the body cam, and the toxicology, and the procedures, and his history of Floyd, and the riots that followed, and the narratives affecting millions of people, has simply forced me to realize that it is impossible to look at this apart from race. Perhaps you are really that much better than me, but I doubt it enough to say “bull Sh!t.”
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Because it applies in one and not the other. Only one was being accused of denying due process through their real actions. Where is Chauvin being denied anything?
Really? In the media. Among people burning cities. Connect the dots on your own. It’s obvious.
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Do you know what would have prevented cities from burning? Chauvin removing his knee from Floyd’s neck before he died. Floyd was handcuffed and wasn’t fighting, so why did Chauvin continue to place his knee on Floyd’s neck?

I can condemn both the riots and the actions of a bad cop. I hope every rioter, looter, and murderer rota in jail and hope justice is served and Chauvin spends the rest of his life in prison.
I agree with the most of this but Chauvin deserves due process.
Chauvin will get his day in court and Floyd will not.

I don’t watch cnn, sorry I’m a conservative.
Ok, so why are you already saying he should spend his life in jail before he has been convicted? That’s the point. Watching CNN doesn’t make you one thing or another. I watch it from time to time and I’m not liberal.
Due process doesn't apply to those entities. Where is it being denied?
The guy I responded to on one hand said Floyd was denied his, which I understand, and then he says Chauvin should spend his life in jail. I responded he should get due process as well. I can’t make it any clearer. I’m not saying Chauvin is being denied but that poster is already convicting Chauvin when he hasn’t had his due process.
The guy I responded to on one hand said Floyd was denied his, which I understand, and then he says Chauvin should spend his life in jail. I responded he should get due process as well. I can’t make it any clearer. I’m not saying Chauvin is being denied but that poster is already convicting Chauvin when he hasn’t had his due process.
Having an opinion on guilt doesn't mean he isn't receiving due process. Nothing is being removed
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