George Floyd was actually an evil man.

True. Floyd was jacked-up w/10x more of the deadly drugs that he was freaking out about going to jail again.
He was showing so much resistance w/police that a person told him he was going to have a heart attack.

“...Floyd had hypertensive heart disease.”
“The medical examiner, Dr. Andrew Baker, concluded in Wednesday's report that Floyd died of a heart attack complicated by restrained and compressed by the neck.”
“...Floyd had hypertensive heart disease.”
“The medical examiner, Dr. Andrew Baker, concluded in Wednesday's report that Floyd died of a heart attack complicated by restrained and compressed by the neck.”

Having that much drugs in your system would CAUSE that don’t you think?

He would not have had a knee on his neck if he had not thought them from getting in the squad car in the first place. Your argument is garbage.
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Having that much drugs in your system would CAUSE that don’t you think?

He would not have had a knee on his neck if he had not thought them from getting in the squad car in the first place. Your argument is garbage.

No, it’s not necessarily related. Also, people get arrested every day with drugs in their system and it doesn’t lead to death. Some of these people actually resist.

So he deserved to die by the hands of an incompetent cop? Was deadly force necessary?
Interesting. Who paid for those 2 autopsies?
They paid for what they wanted to reveal.

Well, the Hennepin County Medical examiner was first, so? Tax payers.

His results were merely corroborated by the family's commissioned autopsy.

Didn't get the results you wanted by the two qualified dudes who actually examined the remains? Bummer.

Well at least you have anonymous internet forums in which to grouse about and concoct conspiracy theories.
What exactly is racist about that post?

For him to even remotely consider that Floyd was not resisting arrest is totally biased and racist against the white cops.
Floyd fought getting into the squad car kicking and screaming. He was yelling that he could not breathe, because he was so loaded up with drugs, long before he was put on the ground and a method that is excepted in police forces all over the country, was used to restrain him.
No, it’s not necessarily related. Also, people get arrested every day with drugs in their system and it doesn’t lead to death. Some of these people actually resist.

So he deserved to die by the hands of an incompetent cop? Was deadly force necessary?
it has definitely led to death at times....
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For him to even remotely consider that Floyd was not resisting arrest is totally biased and racist against the white cops.
Floyd fought getting into the squad car kicking and screaming. He was yelling that he could not breathe, because he was so loaded up with drugs, long before he was put on the ground and a method that is excepted in police forces all over the country, was used to restrain him.

Where are your facts? Above is opinion that says more about you than you realize.
“"I said, 'officer, he's not resisting arrest, you have your knee on him and you have handcuffs on him, he's detained at this moment,'" Williams said.
Rashad West -- who owns the Dragon Wok restaurant released the video along with another man, Jared Brewington -- who also disputed claims that Floyd resisted arrest.
"Did not see any resistance, not at all," West told CNN's Don Lemon on Wednesday night of the surveillance video.
Brewington, whose business preceded West's at the same location, agreed that he did not see Floyd resisting arrest.”
Surveillance video does not support police claims that George Floyd resisted arrest - CNN
What exactly is racist about that post?

You're not allowed to talk about this case without being racist, as I was reminded yesterday.

For if you point out the facts as we know them, it's clearly because "racism."

Not that the discussion is in anyway about race, it's that its a easy, lazy fallback to dismiss Chauvin's actions as acceptable and warranted.
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No, it’s not necessarily related. Also, people get arrested every day with drugs in their system and it doesn’t lead to death. Some of these people actually resist.

So he deserved to die by the hands of an incompetent cop? Was deadly force necessary?

The things that occurred after he was cuffed and tried to be put in the car, are 100% caused by his own actions. BEFORE and After the cops arrived.
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Having that much drugs in your system would CAUSE that don’t you think?

He would not have had a knee on his neck if he had not thought them from getting in the squad car in the first place. Your argument is garbage.

I still don't think a knee to the neck for 8 minutes is required with a handcuffed individual face down in a prone position. Especially one that is letting you know he can't breathe and begging and 3 other officers standing around to help if needed.
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The only people bring up race are the ones defending the police by blaming the dead guy.

If the two guys were of the same race, the same arguments still apply to the circumstances.

Correct, but no one from Black Lives Matter would give a ****. That is the racism about it.
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