George Floyd was actually an evil man.

The things that occurred after he was cuffed and tried to be put in the car, are 100% caused by his own actions. BEFORE and After the cops arrived.

George Floyd was cuffed and no longer resisting when he was killed by the incompetent officer.
The things that occurred after he was cuffed and tried to be put in the car, are 100% caused by his own actions. BEFORE and After the cops arrived.

For him to even remotely consider that Floyd was not resisting arrest is totally biased and racist against the white cops.
Floyd fought getting into the squad car kicking and screaming. He was yelling that he could not breathe, because he was so loaded up with drugs, long before he was put on the ground and a method that is excepted in police forces all over the country, was used to restrain him.
how foolish, that's not racist.

Was he resisting arrest the entire time? When he was on his belly unconscious and cuffed was he still resisting and required a knee to the neck? If it was so hard to control why was one cop just watching and others backed off once he was down? Shouldn't he have jumped in to help subdue this dangerous criminal?
I know a number of policeman, they all look out for one another to a fault, where the unwritten rules are far more important than the written ones.

Challenging another cop on scene for roughing up a habitual felon is pretty low on at the bottom of the list of things they're concerned about.

Speaking of superhero's, it appears as if you're living in a world outside of reality yourself.
Ok so if the people you know do it then obviously these guys had to do the exact same thing. Typical Septic logic there.
how foolish, that's not racist.

Was he resisting arrest the entire time? When he was on his belly unconscious and cuffed was he still resisting and required a knee to the neck?

The knee to the neck is taught in police academies all over the country. The only reason he stopped resisting is because they got him on the ground and used what they were trained to use to subdue a drug out huge man. He caused his own death with drugs not the police method that is excepted all over the country.
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Correct, but no one from Black Lives Matter would give a ****. That is the racism about it.

Nah, bruh - you and the rest of these goofs are inserting nonsense into the narrative.

What BLM "would" do is irrelevant. You're simply screeching this stuff to help you try and internally justify it, unfortunately for you - the rational among us aren't biting.
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Get in the damn squad car the first time your asked to.

Again - I have no issue with taking him to the ground and kneeling on top of him while he is cuffed and subdued.

My issue is the unneeded continued pressure to the neck after he was subdued, cuffed, and laying on his stomach in the street. At that point he isn't going anywhere whether Chauvin was on top of him or not. The continued pressure was not needed, period.
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No need. Watch the video.

Thanks for proving my point. The only reason he was not resisting is because they wrestled him to the ground and put their knee on his neck as they were trained to do at the police academy. Floyd caused his own death with drugs and resistance.
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The knee to the neck is taught in police academies all over the country. The only reason he stopped resisting is because they got him on the ground and used what they were trained to use to subdue a drug out huge man. He caused his own death with drugs not the police method that is excepted all over the country.
It's also banned in many places. Is it taught to remain on his neck while he is face down, cuffed and unconscious? If it led to a man's death should it still be defended?
Nah, bruh - you and the rest of these goods are inserting nonsense into the narrative.

What BLM "would" do is irrelevant. You're simply screeching this stuff to help you try and internally justify it, unfortunately for you - the rational among us aren't biting.

If you think for one second that this would be national news if it was a white man and a white cop you are the one that has gone off the reservation.
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It's also banned in many places. Is it taught to remain on his neck while he is face down, cuffed and unconscious? If it led to a man's death should it still be defended?

Let’s not forget about all the drugs and fentanyl that was in his system, OK?
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Let’s not forget about all the drugs and fentanyl that was in his system, OK?
How could I when it's in every one of your posts?

Is it taught to remain on his neck while he is face down, cuffed and unconscious?
Thanks for proving my point. The only reason he was not resisting is because they wrestled him to the ground and put their knee on his neck as they were trained to do at the police academy. Floyd caused his own death with drugs and resistance.

Wait, so now you admit he was not resisting at the time the incompetent officer with an extensive record killed him?
Nah, bruh - you and the rest of these goofs are inserting nonsense into the narrative.

What BLM "would" do is irrelevant. You're simply screeching this stuff to help you try and internally justify it, unfortunately for you - the rational among us aren't biting.

And by the way, if this was a white man in the same situation and whatever color the cop might be, I would still agree with everything that happened that day.
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If you think for one second that this would be national news if it was a white man and a white cop you are the one that has gone off the reservation.

Dude - no one is even arguing that point. Why TF do you keep bringing it up? You are right, congrats.

It is still irrelevant to the facts at hand here.
If you think for one second that this would be national news if it was a white man and a white cop you are the one that has gone off the reservation.

Again, this is extraneous to the conversation being posited. That we're talking about the facts of the case (e.g. knee to neck and autopsy reports) has nothing at all to do about WHY we're talking about it, the two are mutually exclusive.

You keep trying to shoehorn one into the other and it isn't working.
Show me where I have said that it is. I’ll wait. My point is, drugs and resisting arrest caused George Floyd’s death.
You said they did as taught in the academy. I disagree and point out where your argument fails. Evidently that's racist

A man kneeling on his neck for minutes likely contributed also. Race didn't change that
Unfortunately, this death was ruled a homicide.
homicide in Autopsy reports does not mean murder..... the jury will decide if a homicide was committed.... homicide in autopsy terms means that someone else contributed to the death.... it does not mean they are guilty of murder, manslaughter, or even negligence.... imo, this case is so publicized that the police officer will be convicted of manslaughter no matter what happens at trial but in an ideal world if the autopsies show that the cops use of force was above and beyond/ outside of protocol then he would be guilty of manslaughter... if the autopsy shows that the force was not a direct cause of asphyxiation and wishing protocol than the office should be not guilty.
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You said they did as taught in the academy. I disagree and point out where your argument fails. Evidently that's racist

A man kneeling on his neck for minutes likely contributed also. Race didn't change that

Where have I called you racist?

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