George Floyd was actually an evil man.

I don’t have to be “up on this story” to understand how autopsies work. It seems that the only reason you think one autopsy is unbiased is because it fits a political agenda.

You still haven’t elaborated about what your conspiracy theory is exactly and what evidence you have for pushing said conspiracy theory.

Bless It
Isn't that exactly what he did in the OJ case? Might want to read up before you start defending someones integrity. I don't know if he is compromised or not in this case, but this guy is FOR HIRE.
I’m speaking in generalities, I don’t know anything about these specific pathologists. If a pathologist is proven to be “compromised”, then why do they have a license?

I’ve spent a lot of time around many pathologists including but not limited to Dr. Cyril Wecht. There are tremendous ethical standards maintained throughout the profession in general (not to say there aren’t outliers, as in any case) and they hold one another to those standards very well.

Do you have any specific evidence besides a hunch or misgiving that there is anything wrong with either of the autopsy results?
Well, aside from a policeman, I also know two sheriffs deputies and a FWC officer.

I told them about you, they all think you're a wannabe.

I told my black friends about you and they said the same about you.
Lol. Your naivety or ignorance in believing someone is going to hire a person to give them a result they don’t want is beyond ridiculous. Why does the findings from the “for hire” guy vastly different from the actual medical examiner’s?

I’ve experienced hundreds of instances where a family hired a private pathologist when they suspected something wrong with findings in a ME autopsy. I’ve seen the original autopsy findings clearly contradicted maybe 3 or 4 times. Who is naive? Sit down.
You clearly need to either do ride alongs with your local PD or check out a local Level 1 Trauma center, to see the reality of what happens to these people daily.

I was an RN in a level 1 trauma center in a former career. Move along kid, I know what I'm talking about.
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I’m speaking in generalities, I don’t know anything about these specific pathologists. If a pathologist is proven to be “compromised”, then why do they have a license?

I’ve spent a lot of time around many pathologists including but not limited to Dr. Cyril Wecht. There are tremendous ethical standards maintained throughout the profession in general (not to say there aren’t outliers, as in any case) and they hold one another to those standards very well.

Do you have any specific evidence besides a hunch or misgiving that there is anything wrong with either of the autopsy results?

Or maybe they’re like the way dementia Joe views cops. “Most pathologists are good”.
I’m speaking in generalities, I don’t know anything about these specific pathologists. If a pathologist is proven to be “compromised”, then why do they have a license?

I’ve spent a lot of time around many pathologists including but not limited to Dr. Cyril Wecht. There are tremendous ethical standards maintained throughout the profession in general (not to say there aren’t outliers, as in any case) and they hold one another to those standards very well.

Do you have any specific evidence besides a hunch or misgiving that there is anything wrong with either of the autopsy results?
Yes, professionals including physicians and pathologists are paid to conclude results for entities all the time whether it be pharmaceutical companies, hospital systems, the state government or research/grant firms. If you truly believe these people who agree to get paid to go to court and be "expert witnesses" are 100% on the up and up, you're more naive than even i thought possible
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I’ve experienced hundreds of instances where a family hired a private pathologist when they suspected something wrong with findings in a ME autopsy. I’ve seen the original autopsy findings clearly contradicted maybe 3 or 4 times. Who is naive? Sit down.

Lol. I guess it’s up to the jury on which one to believe.
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I was an RN in a level 1 trauma center in a former career. Move along kid, I know what I'm talking about.
Former career huh? Gee wonder what happened :rolleyes:

And is this the same as you "knowing policeman" and then saying that they covered up for other officers, yet you are still friends with them? or do you retract your previous post about that
Lol. Your naivety or ignorance in believing someone is going to hire a person to give them a result they don’t want is beyond ridiculous. Why does the findings from the “for hire” guy vastly different from the actual medical examiner’s?
Also, the findings weren’t “vastly different.” One is vague and one is more definitive but they could very well mean the same exact thing.
Also, the findings weren’t “vastly different.” One is vague and one is more definitive but they could very well mean the same exact thing.

Vague? Lol. You’re right though. Whether I experience respiratory arrest or a heart attack I’m going to stop breathing in the end. 🤣
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Former career huh? Gee wonder what happened :rolleyes:

And is this the same as you "knowing policeman" and then saying that they covered up for other officers, yet you are still friends with them? or do you retract your previous post about that

I left it to make more money in the pharmaceutical business, now I'm in the family business. Unlike you who is taking photos for visitors at the front desk of a hospital entrance somewhere.

Also, I didn't say they "covered up" for one another, I said that correcting another cop on scene for being too rough doesn't happen. If you want to keep misrepresenting my argument, by all means continue to do so - but don't get all butt hurt when I continue to make you look like a moron.
Lol what? This entire situation is because there are apparently some bad cops in law enforcement. Why wouldn’t this logic apply to all professions?
You injected “Dementia Joe” into a conversation about pathologists and autopsies when you no longer had a leg to stand on. I see “mental gymnastics” thrown around in here an awful lot... you’re doing mental BASE jumping.
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I left it to make more money in the pharmaceutical business, now I'm in the family business. Unlike you who is taking photos for visitors at the front desk of a hospital entrance somewhere.

Also, I didn't say they "covered up" for one another, I said that correcting another cop on scene for being too rough doesn't happen. If you want to keep misrepresenting my argument, by all means continue to do so - but don't get all butt hurt when I continue to make you look like a moron.
So you are still saying that if your "policeman" friends saw Chauvin "roughing up" Floyd, they wouldn't have stopped him either, even though you think it's a criminal act these others didn't? Is that true or false?

And drug rep? That does seem to fit you better I would think. I've never take a photo for visitors in my office but feel free to come by and visit my actual level 1 trauma center, I will have someone give you a tour of what a great one actually looks like!
Vague? Lol. You’re right though. Whether I experience respiratory arrest or a heart attack I’m going to stop breathing in the end. 🤣

I don't think you'd have too tough of a time convincing people you didn't stop breathing at birth.
You injected “Dementia Joe” into a conversation about pathologists and autopsies when you no longer had a leg to stand on. I see “mental gymnastics” thrown around in here an awful lot... you’re doing mental BASE jumping.

I injected that it’s been brought to our attention there are bad/inept people in all professions.
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You have never fought someone on drugs and/or experiencing a psych issue...they go through highs and lows and may be trying to kill you one instant and rest a bit then start up again. even in handcuffs or patient restraints. I am not saying Chauvin was right or wrong on his perception of the events, however it's incorrect to say "he can't just pop up from that position in those restraints". I have seen that happen dozens of times

From a prone position, flat on stomach, while handcuffed?

Sorry, calling BS on that one. The physics and body position alone necessitate at least several movements before one is on their feet again. And it isn’t exactly like it would be natural or fluid. Quite frankly, if Chauvin could not jump back on him before he got to his feet and started running or swinging at him while in cuffs then he shouldn’t be doing this job.

Maybe I’m not understanding or we have a different definition of just “pop up”. There is no reason Chauvin needed his knee on his back/neck. Especially for that long.

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