George Floyd was actually an evil man.

It's certainly evidence of something.
Just spent a week with a number of college educated professional people in the 23 - 32 range. They were from Birmingham, Knoxville, Boston, Houston, Atlanta, Nashville, New Jersey, Sweetwater.......every single one of them saw the relevance and legitimacy of the protests.
I can't stress enough how little that sentence means to me.

Anyway, I don't find that shocking at all. Their opinion means jack in the face of statistics and studies, however.

An Empirical Analysis of Racial Differences in Police Use of Force

Opinion | The Myth of Systemic Police Racism

A 2015 Justice Department analysis of the Philadelphia Police Department found that white police officers were less likely than black or Hispanic officers to shoot unarmed black suspects. Research by Harvard economist Roland G. Fryer Jr. also found no evidence of racial discrimination in shootings. Any evidence to the contrary fails to take into account crime rates and civilian behavior before and during interactions with police.
Such as the thousands of articles that link to

The cool thing about the real world is that the truth, which doesn't care about how you or I feel, always reveals itself in the end. We don't have to agree about the problem. If the problem is there and it is as obvious as everyone seems to think, the potential solutions should be equally obvious.There is a reason, as the smoke clears on this erotic virtue signaling orgy, the best idea anyone can seem to come up with is defunding or eliminating the police. Bold move. We'll see if it works out.

I don't want to see anyone that accepted the proposition that black people are under existential threat in this country from police disagree with that though. Not unless you have a better idea that is equally as drastic for such a drastic problem. Looking at you Joe Biden.
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It's certainly evidence of something.
Just spent a week with a number of college educated professional people in the 23 - 32 range. They were from Birmingham, Knoxville, Boston, Houston, Atlanta, Nashville, New Jersey, Sweetwater.......every single one of them saw the relevance and legitimacy of the protests.
College educated is kinda an oxymoron depending on the field
It's certainly evidence of something.
Just spent a week with a number of college educated professional people in the 23 - 32 range. They were from Birmingham, Knoxville, Boston, Houston, Atlanta, Nashville, New Jersey, Sweetwater.......every single one of them saw the relevance and legitimacy of the protests.
College educated is kinda an oxymoron depending on the field
I can't stress enough how little that sentence means to me.
LOL.....what it should mean to you is that a larger percentage of the American public than you realize does find relevance.
Anyway, I don't find that shocking at all. Their opinion means jack in the face of statistics and studies, however.
In a way, personal opinion is all that really does matter. However.........
Police stops are still marred by racial discrimination, new data shows.

An Empirical Analysis of Racial Differences in Police Use of Force

Opinion | The Myth of Systemic Police Racism

Such as the thousands of articles that link to

The cool thing about the real world is that the truth, which doesn't care about how you or I feel, always reveals itself in the end. We don't have to agree about the problem. If the problem is there and it is as obvious as everyone seems to think, the potential solutions should be equally obvious.There is a reason, as the smoke clears on this erotic virtue signaling orgy, the best idea anyone can seem to come up with is defunding or eliminating the police. Bold move. We'll see if it works out.
The cool thing about social movements is that it impacts the speed at which the "truth" reveals itself.

The potential solutions should be equally obvious? Are you serious? On what planet to you live?

I don't want to see anyone that accepted the proposition that black people are under existential threat in this country from police disagree with that though. Not unless you have a better idea that is equally as drastic for such a drastic problem. Looking at you Joe Biden.
No one is serious about eliminating the police. That's as stupid as claiming there is no racial injustice.

I provided a couple of additional links.
I'm guessing dinosaurs never realized they were becoming extinct.

You're absolutely right; the youth of America were never naively-idealistic liberals at any other point in history.

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I disagree that the protesting has helped the defense. I don't think that the other three officers outside of Derek Chauvin, would have ever been criminally charged with anything, if not for the nationwide stir that has evolved. I tend to agree that a plea deal will be reached. It would be hard to blame the prosecution for taking whatever they can get, although the public will want their pound of flesh on the wall. The shooting of Walter Scott by Police Officer Michael Slager in North Charleston, South Carolina in April of 2015 was a much more open and shut case for 2nd degree murder than what happened to George Floyd. There was even video evidence that Slager had tampered with the crime scene... and incredibly, the first trial of Slager ended in a mistrial due to a hung jury. You just never know what a jury is going to do.

Protesting AND rioting. A peaceful protest after an unfavorable result if it goes to trial shouldn't have much effect and the prosecution could go after the maximum charge. But knowing that a failed case will result in more riots and more death and destruction, the prosecution will be under pressure to settle for a watered down plea. The defense will exploit the inevitable violence and will use it as leverage. The mayhem puts the prosecution in a less favorable position and is an advantage for the defense.
I haven't eaten anything from there in 20 years or more... your posts have a bizarre randomness today. That's cool, though. Just checkin' on ya! LOL.
It started when they changed their chicken tenders. They used to have the best ones ever
It's certainly evidence of something.
Just spent a week with a number of college educated professional people in the 23 - 32 range. They were from Birmingham, Knoxville, Boston, Houston, Atlanta, Nashville, New Jersey, Sweetwater.......every single one of them saw the relevance and legitimacy of the protests.
Because they are gullible and unaware of actual facts
College educated is kinda an oxymoron depending on the field
That's why I added professional.
4 engineers from GT
2 degrees from Cornell. Landscape architecture/City Planning and pre-law.
Law degree from Boston U.
Nursing Degree from UAB.
Accounting/Masters of Accounting - ETSU
Geology - UT - Oak Ridge.
Education - UT and UAB

My point was that intelligent young professionals (the future) find the protests relevant.
It may be a generational thing - most change seems to be.
They’re trying to paint the guy as a saint who had completely turned his life around after years of criminal behavior and drug use and was maliciously targeted simply because of the color of his skin. It just isn’t true.
None of that matters.
He was in cuffs and no longer resisting. A knee was on his neck for 2:45 after he went out. This cop is guilty of murder. If Floyd had been caught killing someone or in the act of a rape then this cop is guilty of murder. it’s just that simple
I disagree that the protesting has helped the defense. I don't think that the other three officers outside of Derek Chauvin, would have ever been criminally charged with anything, if not for the nationwide stir that has evolved. I tend to agree that a plea deal will be reached. It would be hard to blame the prosecution for taking whatever they can get, although the public will want their pound of flesh on the wall. The shooting of Walter Scott by Police Officer Michael Slager in North Charleston, South Carolina in April of 2015 was a much more open and shut case for 2nd degree murder than what happened to George Floyd. There was even video evidence that Slager had tampered with the crime scene... and incredibly, the first trial of Slager ended in a mistrial due to a hung jury. You just never know what a jury is going to do.
I 100% agree that Walter Scott was a clear cut case of police misconduct. He knew he was in the wrong and planted evidence.
That's why I added professional.
4 engineers from GT
2 degrees from Cornell. Landscape architecture/City Planning and pre-law.
Law degree from Boston U.
Nursing Degree from UAB.
Accounting/Masters of Accounting - ETSU
Geology - UT - Oak Ridge.
Education - UT and UAB

My point was that intelligent young professionals (the future) find the protests relevant.
It may be a generational thing - most change seems to be.
Yep and in 20 years they will be complaining about some other dumb protests that their younger generations will be having
I provided a couple of additional links.
Here is a quote from the first one:

.In fact, systemic racism means almost the opposite. It means that we have systems and institutions that produce racially disparate outcomes, regardless of the intentions of the people who work within them. :

Might as well stop there. That is an absurd claim.

Racially disparate outcomes are not only explained by racism, or even primarily explained by racism. The NFL and the NBA are not racist against whites.

The other studies, like I said, seem to fail along these lines:

Any evidence to the contrary fails to take into account crime rates and civilian behavior before and during interactions with police.

If you can find one that doesn't, post it. I'm not gonna waste my time wading through personal accounts and "studies" that don't even account for crime demographics.

A few points on ehat you inserted.

-Social movements do not have any bearing on the truth. Chanting, burning, looting... None of these things prove your point.

That is absurd. If you would not tell a child that a tantrum is justified and brings about the truth, you shouldn't tell adults that. Protesting is effective when it brings along with it substantial evidence and a coherent plan for change. These protests bring neither.

-Yes, obvious problems have obvious solutions. Always. Do not tell me that the racist system is obvious and then post the minutia of uncited studies of "slightly unaccounted for" discrepancies between races.

The Civil rights act was not a complicated document to an uncomplicated problem.

-Saying no one is serious about eliminating the police simply means you don't believe black lives matter, as far as I'm concerned. It is one of the first goals on their websites. Shame. Shame. Shame.

In all seriousness, if you aren't taking those claims seriously then you are not taking the primary actors in these protests seriously.

Like I said though, if you don't like that solution, I assume it means you have a better solution. Keep in mind the problem is that large swathes of police are murdering the black community. Your solution should be equally as drastic unless you don't think black lives matter.
You're absolutely right; the youth of America were never naively-idealistic liberals at any other point in history.

What? They always have been. That's why society continues to change (progress).

You should see how Forsyth County has changed .
You're absolutely right; the youth of America were never naively-idealistic liberals at any other point in history.


This was your generation. They seemed to survive and thrive. I’m sure your parents didn’t quite understand what all of the hullaballoo was about and probably said the same **** y’all are saying today.
Like I said though, if you don't like that solution, I assume it means you have a better solution. Keep in mind the problem is that large swathes of police are murdering the black community. Your solution should be equally as drastic unless you don't think black lives matter.
I don't know a single person who claims the bolded, yet I know many who support the protests.
Good luck in your continuing effort to tie the two together, your whole argument rests on your success.

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