Get Behind Coach Heupel

I bought in with Dooley, Butch, and Pruitt. Like with them, I will hope they have what it takes to get us back on track. I will support them until they give me a reason not to.

In hindsight, Pruitt has been an absolute disaster. I'm so happy I don't have to watch JG cough up turnovers and not get benched for it., and Pruitt wearing his Covid mask over his head like an old Russian woman. Those days are over.

50 recruiting violations - for those who are questioning why we have a guy like Heupel, he's probably asking, why am I going to a school that is such a train wreck as Tennessee. The way we view our school/team is not reality in the way the rest of the world views us. At this point, we are a hair better than Vanderbilt. Pruitt took a bad program and made it worse. Good players have left. Season ticket holders are not renewing. It's bad. We are gonna suck a while longer. Maybe Heupel becomes the sacrificial lamb to get past this dark period.

So, on the bright side, I'm trying to talk myself into liking this guy. What choice do I have anyway??

Face it, we have had a coaching staff, that can't coach. For whatever reason - maybe personality conflicts or just plain incompetency. A team that comes out of the locker room at half time and tries to run out the clock before the other team can score 7 more touchdowns.

All Heupel has to do, for starters - is get some coaches in here that can develop players and a team that looks like they want to be, and are excited to be playing in one of the greatest venues on the planet. Current coaches and staff are a cancer. You can't cut the sick tumor out without taking some healthy tissue with it. UT football needs a total purge in all coaches.


Should be better than this:

I think the odds of Heupel being the next great coach in the SEC aren't good. But it might not be him. He's inherited a mess.
For those less than enthused with this hire take this into consideration. CJH wanted this job when most others didn’t. Despite all of the adversity, despite unprecedented hurdles and despite a diminished roster he thought enough of this job to take on such a daunting task. He left a comfortable situation in Orlando to come to Knoxville to build something from the ground up. You can question whether he can get the job done but fact of the matter he is willing to give it a go. If your going to be critical of anyone be critical of those that didn’t have confidence in themselves that they could turn this thing around. Get behind this guy and remember a lack of early success doesn’t fall on him but does on the previous administration and coaching staff. Welcome to Rocky Top CJH!


Plus it gave me flashbacks to the Dooley hire. I'm not excited about the hire, but I think with a good DC, we'll be fine. I'm onboard until he gives me a reason not to be.
Do you really trust your assessment, more of a projection, over our new AD's enough to get on sites and make pronouncements? He has a pretty good track record of getting the right guy in place. I will sit back and wait for some milestones before I go into providing post mortem analysis. I had hoped we could get some A list guys listen, maybe they did, but when we could not quantify the impact of the NCAA investigations, they could not do a risk/reward analysis and passed.
Today is a venting day. I will still hope for the best and expect the worse with this hire. I agree with what another member said in this thread, White already knew who he was going to hire when he said “yes” to this job. He took the easy, lazy option.
No reason to be down on Heupel, FANS need to get behind him at this point and see what he can do. The stats say he knows offense, and I like what he said about this is a LOS league and that would be where he had to get it done. If he can recruit and gets a good staff on defense he may surprise everyone. I have no doubt he can coach offense and will recruit well there. For the folks that can't get behind him I hope they just take a step back at this point screaming and downgrading doesn't help, sure we can grade him as he goes but give it a chance. I have no doubt he knows more about Offense and Qb's and how to develop them better than the last 3 coaches we have had for sure. He seems to have a quiet confidence in himself, I actually think he thinks he can win here and I don't think Pruitt truly thought he could, he may have thought he had a chance but not truly committed to it. I think Dooley and Jones new quickly they were out of their league. In the end it's how we feel about the hire 2-3 years from know is what is the most important. GBO!!!!
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I wish JH the best considering the situation he's in . With that being said , if it doesn't work I will not blame him. This will strictly fall on the UT administration for not getting a proven coach and doing whatever it takes to get that coach. I don't believe they did enough.
Today is a venting day. I will still hope for the best and expect the worse with this hire. I agree with what another member said in this thread, White already knew who he was going to hire when he said “yes” to this job. He took the easy, lazy option.

So, you think he did not have the search firm feel the pulse with some A-listers and if they responded positively he would not have gone for the hire of a press conference winner? I think he selected the top guy in his B list over the interim route, but mine is just speculation too. The NCAA open issues are simply elephants in the room and these two guys have reason to trust each other and time was short.
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Took me a min, but I'm here. We know he can coach up offense. With the right defensive staff we can start winning again. Let's do it!
So, you think he did not have the search firm feel the pulse with some A-listers and if they responded positively he would not have gone for the hire of a press conference winner? I think he selected the top guy in his B list over the interim route, but mine is just speculation too. The NCAA open issues are simply elephants in the room and these two guys have reason to trust each other and time was short.
Depends on the money offered. How serious were they in making a home run hire. Was Franklin, Fleck and Campbell worth 8m if they were serious? Yes.
We just hired the 5th most productive offensive scoring team in the 2018-2020 time frame:

Bama- 47.0 ppg (41 games)
Oklahoma- 44.6 ppg (39 games)
Clemson 43.9 ppg (42 games)
Ohio State- 43.8 ppg (36 games)
UCF- 43.0 ppg (36 games)

We could have done a lot worse.

Great post....Opens the eyes a little wider....
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CJH wanted this job when most others didn’t. Despite all of the adversity, despite unprecedented hurdles and despite a diminished roster he thought enough of this job to take on such a daunting task.

How many other Power 5 offers did he have? He's another newcomer. This was a huge promotion and a step up to the national spotlight.. Of course he took the job.
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Linear regression.
Let's not forget that he took over the Scott Frost UCF that went undefeated and won a self-proclaimed "National Championship". He walked into a gold mine in 2018... Once the Frost recruits started leaving, things started going downhill.

If you're going to point to that 12-1 record in 2018 as proof that he's good, then you can't use the whole "it's his first year! give him time!" excuse when he lays an egg in 2021. Your first year with a new team is either relevant or irrelevant. Pick one.
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For those less than enthused with this hire take this into consideration. CJH wanted this job when most others didn’t. Despite all of the adversity, despite unprecedented hurdles and despite a diminished roster he thought enough of this job to take on such a daunting task. He left a comfortable situation in Orlando to come to Knoxville to build something from the ground up. You can question whether he can get the job done but fact of the matter he is willing to give it a go. If your going to be critical of anyone be critical of those that didn’t have confidence in themselves that they could turn this thing around. Get behind this guy and remember a lack of early success doesn’t fall on him but does on the previous administration and coaching staff. Welcome to Rocky Top CJH!
Let's not forget that he took over the Scott Frost UCF that went undefeated and won a self-proclaimed "National Championship". He walked into a gold mine in 2018... Once the Frost recruits started leaving, things started going downhill.

If you're going to point to that 12-1 record in 2018 as proof that he's good, then you can't use the whole "it's his first year! give him time!" excuse when he lays an egg in 2021. Your first year with a new team is either relevant or irrelevant. Pick one.

Not sure Scott Frost is all that good either.
Everyone keeps saying that frost took over a zero win team and built something but that’s just not true. They were a zero win team the year before Frost got there but it’s not like they were a down program.
Man....I F'n love me the keyword search button and some old threads.

For those less than enthused with this hire take this into consideration. CJH wanted this job when most others didn’t. Despite all of the adversity, despite unprecedented hurdles and despite a diminished roster he thought enough of this job to take on such a daunting task. He left a comfortable situation in Orlando to come to Knoxville to build something from the ground up. You can question whether he can get the job done but fact of the matter he is willing to give it a go. If your going to be critical of anyone be critical of those that didn’t have confidence in themselves that they could turn this thing around. Get behind this guy and remember a lack of early success doesn’t fall on him but does on the previous administration and coaching staff. Welcome to Rocky Top CJH!

No. I'm done handing out blind loyalty to coaches.

No thank you

By "come around", you mean get ready for the next coaching search in 3-4 years?

See you guys again in 3 years

Is not only a good guy, but he's going to make Tennessee into a name again. I live in Orlando now, and I've been watching this game. It's exactly the spark Tennessee needs

After taking over for Frost who went 13-0 his coaching record has went down each year he was there. Did he win with Frost's recruits and couldn't sustain it?

This is the worst hire imaginable.

No, I won't support it. White and Heupel can eff off back to central Florida.

For every guy on this forum that is trashing the new coach there is at least one booster with actual power working to actively undermine him. Heupel won't get a chance to make a good impression. The hard work is already being put in to discourage recruits and ensure he fails, regardless of his abilities.

Jeff Fisher would have taken it, guess we just were not going to pay 9 mil. a year for him and his staff . Would have been a slam dunk.

I am satisfied with the hire. When no one else wanted the job he did. That’s good enough for me to support for the next 5 years or longer.

I don’t think he is an upgrade.

You had one alternative better than this. Keep Steele as interim for a year. That is a FAR better outcome than wedding yourself to this coach for 3 to 4 years.

Heupel is not going to bring the recruits in to compete with the big boys not matter how much of an offensive genius he is.

I'm excited to see what Heupel's offense can do w/Harrison Bailey throwing it to Hyatt, Wideman, Calloway, Holiday and Beckwith over the next four years.

^^^^ Since fair is fair, look at what this idiot posted.^^^^

Its not about being loyal to a coach. Just be loyal to the University of Tennessee. At least give the guy a chance. Looks like he is here weather people like it or not. The players and team need our support.

He sucks. Had fans from literally everywhere he has been laughing at the hire. We are officially worse than Vanderbilt.

White is off to a very bad start by bringing in a prior coach out of all the candidates out there. You cannot deny this with a straight face.

How can you be after the last 20 years then our university pulls this.
Expect the worst and wait for it to happen

Then don't bitch until you have something to bitch about. SMDH He has not lost a game here. Give the rest of us a break! Lord I wish someone would create a forum for bitching and whining.

One can disagree with the admin on the hire and still support the hire after the fact.

Welcome aboard coach.

I will get behind him because that is the right thing to do. But no one can tell me I must be excited about it. He will have to earn that.

The proof will be in the pudding. He is going to have to earn my respect and trust, and that is not going to be easy.

We will probably be having these same discussions in three years tops.

a chubbier Pruitt

wonder how he wears his burqa

Terrible hire. This should have been expected. What a joke.

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