Grand jury seated and investigating Trump

Scroll up a bit. Jimmy V said it at an Espy’s speech while he had cancer. “Don’t give up, don’t ever give up.” And then he died.

No. You'll have to explain why I'm on that list just because I don't automatically trust a lawyer who is paid to advocate for a client. I'm not gonna play "ND40 makes up arguments that people didn't espouse tonight." I never said he'd be indicted, I never said he wouldn't. I just said his lawyer saying it, doesn't make it true.
No. You'll have to explain why I'm on that list just because I don't automatically trust a lawyer who is paid to advocate for a client. I'm not gonna play "ND40 makes up arguments that people didn't espouse tonight." I never said he'd be indicted, I never said he wouldn't. I just said his lawyer saying it, doesn't make it true.
I’ll admit I’m not really sorry this is happening to you 🤷‍♂️
They're just trying to make sure that an outsider never runs for President again. What outsider wants to be President if they're going to be targeted in this way either during or after their Presidency?
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Hey I’m just pointing at an article and laughing. You’re the one helping LG read the tea leaves 😂
How so? By saying I have no opinion on whether he will be indicted or not, but the statements of his lawyer don't provide any extra weight to me. You're the one that seems to take the lawyer's word as gospel.
How so? By saying I have no opinion on whether he will be indicted or not, but the statements of his lawyer don't provide any extra weight to me. You're the one that seems to take the lawyer's word as gospel.
Lol. Ok you’ve made it perfectly clear how little you care one way or the other after your entry into this supporting LGs assertion. I look forward to several more posts adamantly pointing out how little you care I assume?

And if he was gonna post knowingly false info why not use “sources” they’re always willing to publish a sound bite. We’ll know soon if what he was saying is factual or not.
Lol. Ok you’ve made it perfectly clear how little you care one way or the other after your entry into this supporting LGs assertion. I look forward to several more posts adamantly pointing out how little you care I assume?

I look forward to several more posts where you claim I said something I didn't. Don't forget your water.
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They're just trying to make sure that an outsider never runs for President again. What outsider wants to be President if they're going to be targeted in this way either during or after their Presidency?
No. Trump is just the current target. And he’s happy to be a willing target let’s face it. There is no give an take in DC anymore which is their damn jobs. All of the idiots have turned compromise politics into zero sum pissing contests. And all of us collectively lose.
If you know LGs prediction history you probably don’t want him to guide your betting. He was certain Mueller report was going to sink Trump and Tucker would be taken off the air.

It would not surprise me one bit if he picked NC State to win the CWS. 😂
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They're just trying to make sure that an outsider never runs for President again. What outsider wants to be President if they're going to be targeted in this way either during or after their Presidency?

One that is not an egomaniacal pyscopathic conman, one would hope.
I'm gonna say this at the risk of you accusing me of "carrying water," even though I don't care if Trump gets indicted or not... Haven't you already been burned by trusting a Trump affiliated lawyer who put their name and reputation behind a statement that turned out to be complete nonsense?
Haven’t Dems and MSM been burned numerous times by all the accusations tossed Trump’s way?
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One that is not an egomaniacal pyscopathic conman, one would hope.

How can someone not be an egomaniac and say I think I can run this country?

That in itself makes every president ever an egomaniac and every president ever has killed more people in one year than the most prolific serial killer.

Obama literally set inside a room and watched a terrorist get killed that he authorized.

Leaders are egomaniacs. What's your point?
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