Grand jury seated and investigating Trump

My money is on something relatively minor gets caught. The Dems will over play, the Rs will say he was completely vindicated, again. Trump pays some late fees for the library book, or parking ticket, and no jail time.

“According to Fischetti, members of Vance’s team said they were considering bringing charges against the Trump Organization and its individual employees related to alleged failures to pay taxes on corporate benefits and perks. It has been widely reported that those perks included cars and apartments and appear to only involve a small number of executives.

“We asked, ‘Is there anything else?’” Fischetti told POLITICO. “They said, ‘No.’”
“It’s crazy that that’s all they had,” he added.

Fischetti also said that Vance’s team told him they will not bring charges against Trump himself when the first indictment comes down.

“They just said, ‘When this indictment comes down, he won’t be charged. Our investigation is ongoing,’” he said.

A spokesperson for Vance’s office declined to comment.


“It’s like the Shakespeare play Much Ado About Nothing,” Fischetti added. “This is so small that I can’t believe I’m going to have to try a case like this.”

AAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Hey @lawgator1 and shrew @evillawyer better get busy moving those water pails spinning this as a big deal and that you finally got Trump!!! 🤡
So does somebody have a running tab on how much the DA’s office blew in this waste of time and a current level of budget deficit NYC is running? LMFAO 🤡
You are ignoring at least two things. First, this is coming from a criminal defense attorney who of course is minimizing things as much as possible. Second, the comment is that in the immediately UPCOMING indictment the organization is not named, but that investigation continues.

So let's see who is indicted for what and whether that sets some dominoes in motion.

It's not like they can bring only one indictment, you know.
You are ignoring at least two things. First, this is coming from a criminal defense attorney who of course is minimizing things as much as possible. Second, the comment is that in the immediately UPCOMING indictment the organization is not named, but that investigation continues.

So let's see who is indicted for what and whether that sets some dominoes in motion.

It's not like they can bring only one indictment, you know.
LMFAO so he goes on record and puts his name by it and you come back with he’s just down playing it all for appearances.

You are ignoring at least two things. First, this is coming from a criminal defense attorney who of course is minimizing things as much as possible. Second, the comment is that in the immediately UPCOMING indictment the organization is not named, but that investigation continues.

So let's see who is indicted for what and whether that sets some dominoes in motion.

It's not like they can bring only one indictment, you know.

Go ahead...Lets see.
Dont be so freaking naive that Trump is guilty and members of both parties are not even culpable.
If that what it takes. then so be it.
LMFAO so he goes on record and puts his name by it and you come back with he’s just down playing it all for appearances.


I'm gonna say this at the risk of you accusing me of "carrying water," even though I don't care if Trump gets indicted or not... Haven't you already been burned by trusting a Trump affiliated lawyer who put their name and reputation behind a statement that turned out to be complete nonsense?
Ironic that the thread title contains "Grand Jury Seated"
How many times has a grand jury ever come back with a "not true" bill? Grand juries are one of the biggest farces of the American justice system because they only hear one side of an argument before they decide if someone should be indicted..... total crap. Our resident Florida legal barf monkey started it so I'm not surprised.
I'm gonna say this at the risk of you accusing me of "carrying water," even though I don't care if Trump gets indicted or not... Haven't you already been burned by trusting a Trump affiliated lawyer who put their name and reputation behind a statement that turned out to be complete nonsense?
Go ahead and say it. I’ll stand pat. Since Trump’s actual ass is on the line here I’d guess he’s got pretty good representation for this.

Oh and super sorry you can’t play the sources game since he you know put his name by it.
More sound bites from the Trump lawyer and more hope for LG 😂

Trump blasts prosecutors as grand jury nears indictment vote

“I can’t say he’s out of the woods yet completely,” Fischetti said.

“After hundreds of subpoenas, over 3 million pages of documents, 4 years of searching, dozens and dozens of interviews, and millions of dollars of taxpayer funds wasted, they continue to be ‘in search of a crime’ and will do anything to frighten people into making up the stories or lies that they want, but have been totally unable to get,” Trump said, later adding: “It is a continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt of all time.”

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