Gun control debate (merged)

It's sad this has just become every day news. It doesn't have to be like this. But while y'all were celebrating your SCOTUS win, another crazy person with a gun went on a shooting spree, and y'all didn't even notice or bat an eyelash.

How are people supposed to notice and immediately think to come here and comment on something that happened only 3 hours ago? It's Saturday man. Folks aren't sitting at work or listening to the radio on the way home from work. They're doing stuff. Kid sports. Yardwork. Watching 24 hours of Le Mans. I've been at a softball field hitting bp with some teamates.
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We wouldn't want to do anything to inconvenience mass murderers in America....I believe the Las Vegas shooter---you remember that
"responsible gun owner" who killed, what, 70 people and injured more than 200, used bump stocks.

I always get a laugh about this, its no where close.

women aren't allowed in government buildings, including schools, airplanes, a lot of public functions, not allowed to drink at a bar, cross state lines, outright banned in some states and cities, and require a background check, and a permit to go into public? Are told how many can be gathered, are told where they can have sex, are held responsible for the actions of other women, demonized by the government and most of society, has a whole federal agency dedicated to limiting their operation and role in the public forum?

the only regulation on women, is the same that should be on guns. they aren't allowed to kill someone else without really good cause.
Big piece yesterday in the NY Times that illustrates the constant cheating and disinformation that is the cornerstone of right-wing
organizations these days. The NRA and other pro-gun groups funded by dirty/secret money have bought off, for years, a Georgetown
professor who, in return for money, produces bogus research that has been used to help win some key gun-control cases. And like Clarence Thomas and others, the guy has never acknowledged his ties to pro-gun groups/nuts. He's a corrupt loser.

The guy has claimed, for example, that his surveys show that guns are used for self-defense 1.67 million times annually---a laughable, preposterous number. The NRA, of course, has been pushing similar nonsense numbers for years---just pulling numbers out of its organizational ass. I'll guarantee you that Professor English, who's clearly sold his personal integrity for money, could not substantiate even 10,000 legit examples of self-defense--maybe not even 2,000---much less more than one and half million annually. And he knows his "research" is ********. That is why he hides like a sniveling coward and has never agreed to sit down and answer questions about his methodology, etc. He wouldn't talk to the Times for its story. Buying off academics, lying, dark money, disinformation---it's SOP for the political right these days because they know they can't win hearts and minds legitimately. FACT.

Big piece yesterday in the NY Times that illustrates the constant cheating and disinformation that is the cornerstone of right-wing
organizations these days. The NRA and other pro-gun groups funded by dirty/secret money have bought off, for years, a Georgetown
professor who, in return for money, produces bogus research that has been used to help win some key gun-control cases. And like Clarence Thomas and others, the guy has never acknowledged his ties to pro-gun groups/nuts. He's a corrupt loser.

The guy has claimed, for example, that his surveys show that guns are used for self-defense 1.67 million times annually---a laughable, preposterous number. The NRA, of course, has been pushing similar nonsense numbers for years---just pulling numbers out of its organizational ass. I'll guarantee you that Professor English, who's clearly sold his personal integrity for money, could not substantiate even 10,000 legit examples of self-defense--maybe not even 2,000---much less more than one and half million annually. And he knows his "research" is ********. That is why he hides like a sniveling coward and has never agreed to sit down and answer questions about his methodology, etc. He wouldn't talk to the Times for its story. Buying off academics, lying, dark money, disinformation---it's SOP for the political right these days because they know they can't win hearts and minds legitimately. FACT.

right because everyone who uses stats to after gun owners has absolutely no bias at all, and no funding from the Anti-2A crowd...
right because everyone who uses stats to after gun owners has absolutely no bias at all, and no funding from the Anti-2A crowd...
The Covid and Climate Change BS has caused infinitely more damage than anything the NRA has done. Those "scientists" were/are bought and paid for.
Big piece yesterday in the NY Times that illustrates the constant cheating and disinformation that is the cornerstone of right-wing
organizations these days. The NRA and other pro-gun groups funded by dirty/secret money have bought off, for years, a Georgetown
professor who, in return for money, produces bogus research that has been used to help win some key gun-control cases. And like Clarence Thomas and others, the guy has never acknowledged his ties to pro-gun groups/nuts. He's a corrupt loser.

The guy has claimed, for example, that his surveys show that guns are used for self-defense 1.67 million times annually---a laughable, preposterous number. The NRA, of course, has been pushing similar nonsense numbers for years---just pulling numbers out of its organizational ass. I'll guarantee you that Professor English, who's clearly sold his personal integrity for money, could not substantiate even 10,000 legit examples of self-defense--maybe not even 2,000---much less more than one and half million annually. And he knows his "research" is ********. That is why he hides like a sniveling coward and has never agreed to sit down and answer questions about his methodology, etc. He wouldn't talk to the Times for its story. Buying off academics, lying, dark money, disinformation---it's SOP for the political right these days because they know they can't win hearts and minds legitimately. FACT.

Was that article written by the reporter that thought ear plugs were rubber bullets?
Big piece yesterday in the NY Times that illustrates the constant cheating and disinformation that is the cornerstone of right-wing
organizations these days. The NRA and other pro-gun groups funded by dirty/secret money have bought off, for years, a Georgetown
professor who, in return for money, produces bogus research that has been used to help win some key gun-control cases. And like Clarence Thomas and others, the guy has never acknowledged his ties to pro-gun groups/nuts. He's a corrupt loser.

The guy has claimed, for example, that his surveys show that guns are used for self-defense 1.67 million times annually---a laughable, preposterous number. The NRA, of course, has been pushing similar nonsense numbers for years---just pulling numbers out of its organizational ass. I'll guarantee you that Professor English, who's clearly sold his personal integrity for money, could not substantiate even 10,000 legit examples of self-defense--maybe not even 2,000---much less more than one and half million annually. And he knows his "research" is ********. That is why he hides like a sniveling coward and has never agreed to sit down and answer questions about his methodology, etc. He wouldn't talk to the Times for its story. Buying off academics, lying, dark money, disinformation---it's SOP for the political right these days because they know they can't win hearts and minds legitimately. FACT.

I wonder if you feel the same way about huge pharmaceutical companies paying to have specific results published about the safety of drugs and vaccines?
We wouldn't want to do anything to inconvenience mass murderers in America....I believe the Las Vegas shooter---you remember that
"responsible gun owner" who killed, what, 70 people and injured more than 200, used bump stocks.

The muff holds great power. It’s practically the most powerful thing on earth. Wars have been fought over it

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