Harry Reid Dead At 82

Once again, you guys seem to be arguing that it's OK to trash RBG when she dies because she a "public figure" but Limbaugh is not. So whe. Maddow goes, she's off limits?
You're being intentionally obtuse.
Not at all.
I am saying I (as in me, the singular entity known here as mcdad) find it more classless to trash an entertainer than I do a politician.
I find it classless to trash dead people. I find people who put themselves into the public based on politics no better than politicians.
Read the first page of this thread carefully and without bias. You can easily see who I was shining light on.
I find it classless to trash dead people. I find people who put themselves into the public based on politics no better than politicians.

Yeah. I remember on Rush Limbaugh’s first day in politically driven radio, you know after he was elected to represent our country, with his views, home and abroad. He put his hand on a Holy Book on National television with the world watching and swore to uphold our Constitution. He also collected a half-million dollar salary paid for by the taxpayers of this country.

Totally the same thing.
Yes. You're struggling to understand the position of others.
I understand your position.
No. I understand the position that you think people get a pass for trashing dead politicians, but not media. I just don't agree with it.
Not what any of us said. Good lord.
What are you trying to say? I understand that Rush Limbaugh doesn't make laws, I understand Harry Reid does. What is your point in the argument over talking ish about dead people? Explain to someone that is dense like me.
What are you trying to say? I understand that Rush Limbaugh doesn't make laws, I understand Harry Reid does. What is your point in the argument over talking ish about dead people? Explain to someone that is dense like me.
When did I talk **** about reed? What I will say is that I understand more anger at people like him and Mitch. They have the job. But people want to focus on Rush or Maddow. Waste of time. Blame the actual people responsible. Those who make laws. People who blame fox or msnbc are idiots.
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When did I talk **** about reed? What I will say is that I understand more anger at people like him and Mitch. They have the job. But people want to focus on Rush or Maddow. Waste of time. Blame the actual people responsible. Those who make laws.
I never said you talked about Reid. I think you jumped into this conversation. I never thought I'd have to treat you like BOT, but did I specifically ever accuse you of talking ish about Reid? Is there a quote? I think all I've done is say it's BS to talk trash about dead politicians, just like media figures. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
No. I understand the position that you think people get a pass for trashing dead politicians, but not media. I just don't agree with it.
Read this thread tomorrow. Read it slowly. Repeat what you read aloud to yourself. If you still don't comprehend where you're missing the mark, I'll do what I can to elucidate.
Read this thread tomorrow. Read it slowly. Repeat what you read aloud to yourself. If you still don't comprehend where you're missing the mark, I'll do what I can to elucidate.
Elucidate now. I haven't accused you of anything. All I'm saying is that i don't prefer to talk ill of the dead and that media figures make themselves public. You may think politicians are worse because they vote on things, but media figures are still public figures who try to influence votes.
Anyone influenced by LG's post is advised to go read the Rush Limbaugh thread
Absolutely. You really should go to the thread which marked Rush Limbaugh's passing, and read what I posted when you get there, while keeping in mind that I was obviously no fan of his. It was in February, so it probably is several pages back, but I'll wait.


Some of you look very small with these tasteless posts.

"If you can't say something nice, sometimes it's better to say nothing at all." - Every mother in America in the 70's and 80's
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