Did Bran lose his warging ability once he fully became the Three-Eyed Raven?
I feel like that could still have massive implications.
Oh she believes him! Her focus is the Iron Throne.They’re definitely beating the Night King. There is too much other unresolved tension and story to just bury it all with a bunch of deaths in vain at Winterfell. Dany doesn’t believe Jon and his claim, but she’s also already jealous, in the event that it is true. Will she somehow plot against him?
Mad King Daddy thing showing. If she lets it get it’s conclusion, I expect Jon to relinquish any claim to the throne...not his thing. But when she jerked her hand away from Sansa when asked about the North, your point looked accurate.It is kind of interesting that anyone that has seen the white walkers basically has turned their entire attention to fighting them) while Dany still cares most about the Iron Throne.
I can see a retreat to the iron islands after a massive defeat at winterfell. I don’t know really. Just spit balling. But I do think something bad will go down in the crypt. It was mentioned 8 times last night and 5 of them talking about how safe it is. Could be classic misdirection by the writers based of fan theory, would never rule that out. I know one thing, it will be hard not to watch next episode early if it leaks.Still thinking most of the army blows by. Didnt see the night king when they showed the WW ...walk up.
I think the NK is headed to King's Landing. There aren't enough dead in the Stark crypt to make much of a difference in that battle, and wights in small numbers aren't particularly dangerous against armed foes. Plus, seeing Ned and the rest of the fam's reanimated bones would just be unsettling and almost comical.
Whole episode reminded me of a high school reunion. They haven't told us anything new and nobody's dead. With 5 episodes to go, I'm starting to think it's going to be a mad dash to end story lines and character arcs without tying up loose ends.
I haven’t read the books (intention after the series ends), but I don’t recall on the show anyone other the Night King creating wights or White Walkers.White Walkers can summon skeletons from the ground that they did not kill. The Giants he has are from the assault on the wall maybe, if Mance didn't burn them. They looked fairly "fresh".
Okay, so Tyrion, Samwell women and children in the crypt. If it's next week, there was talk that this was the longest battle ever filmed. Should be intense.White Walkers can summon skeletons from the ground that they did not kill. The Giants he has are from the assault on the wall maybe, if Mance didn't burn them. They looked fairly "fresh".
Also, where the bloody hell is Melisandre?