Herschel Walker, US Senator

Herschel for Senate, Vernon for governor. Let's do this!! It will be interesting interesting to see how they try to paint us GA Conservatives as rascist now.

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So what's the point? Posting a pic of dangerous tools on the right doesn't justify dangerous tools on the left.

Never said it did. Just making a point that there are dubious characters all around. Republicans and Democrats got no holier than thou ground to stand on.
Never said it did. Just making a point that there are dubious characters all around. Republicans and Democrats got no holier than thou ground to stand on.
LOL Yeah you did. Not that it matters, but you equate one day to the entire summer of Burning Looting and Mayhem caused by your leftist buddies.

Either that or the only point you have is on top of your head.
It's not the right thats out burning down and destroying cities. I'll comdemn Trump supporters when they start doing that as well.

We are dancing around the well known fact that President Donald Trump organzed and incited the January 6 riot, which was against our U.S. Congress in the process of counting Electoral College votes, a duty required of Congress by the Constitution. So Trump incited an attack against Congress and the U.S. Constitution. No Democratic President or other Republican President has ever done anything like that. I've been following politics a long time, and I have never seen reports of any President inciting riots in the street of any city, except Donald Trump.
We are dancing around the well known fact that President Donald Trump organzed and incited the January 6 riot, which was against our U.S. Congress in the process of counting Electoral College votes, a duty required of Congress by the Constitution. So Trump incited an attack against Congress and the U.S. Constitution. No Democratic President or other Republican President has ever done anything like that. I've been following politics a long time, and I have never seen reports of any President inciting riots in the street of any city, except Donald Trump.

Lol Trump did not incite the Jan. 6 riot.
Lol Trump did not incite the Jan. 6 riot.

Yes, he did. He sponsored a rally in DC, incited the crowd to violence, and ordered them to the Capitol, promising that he would go there with them(another one of his lies). There is video of it. Unless you are so brainwashed that your brain cannot accurately process what your eyes see and your ears hear, it will back up what I'm saying.
Yes, he did. He sponsored a rally in DC, incited the crowd to violence, and ordered them to the Capitol, promising that he would go there with them(another one of his lies). There is video of it. Unless you are so brainwashed that your brain cannot accurately process what your eyes see and your ears hear, it will back up what I'm saying.

OK...Lets see it
Yes, he did. He sponsored a rally in DC, incited the crowd to violence, and ordered them to the Capitol, promising that he would go there with them(another one of his lies). There is video of it. Unless you are so brainwashed that your brain cannot accurately process what your eyes see and your ears hear, it will back up what I'm saying.

Lets see it..Lets freakin see it.

How many times does one have to ask..Lets see it.
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We are dancing around the well known fact that President Donald Trump organzed and incited the January 6 riot, which was against our U.S. Congress in the process of counting Electoral College votes, a duty required of Congress by the Constitution. So Trump incited an attack against Congress and the U.S. Constitution. No Democratic President or other Republican President has ever done anything like that. I've been following politics a long time, and I have never seen reports of any President inciting riots in the street of any city, except Donald Trump.
What color is the sky in your world?
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We are dancing around the well known fact that President Donald Trump organzed and incited the January 6 riot, which was against our U.S. Congress in the process of counting Electoral College votes, a duty required of Congress by the Constitution. So Trump incited an attack against Congress and the U.S. Constitution. No Democratic President or other Republican President has ever done anything like that. I've been following politics a long time, and I have never seen reports of any President inciting riots in the street of any city, except Donald Trump.
Maxine Waters Tells Protesters to ‘Stay in the Street,’ Be ‘More Confrontational’ If Chauvin Acquitted
Yes, he did. He sponsored a rally in DC, incited the crowd to violence, and ordered them to the Capitol, promising that he would go there with them(another one of his lies). There is video of it. Unless you are so brainwashed that your brain cannot accurately process what your eyes see and your ears hear, it will back up what I'm saying.

I'm not going to waste my time arguing with people like you. It's people like you who are ruining this great nation
I'm not going to waste my time arguing with people like you. It's people like you who are ruining this great nation

Says a man supporting the former President who sent a mob to the Capitol to overthrow the Election he lost. You got no credibility outside the Trump cult.

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