Herschel Walker, US Senator

I am torn on this one. Clearly Herschel wants to be a relevant factor in the Republican party and as a minority that would be good for the party, but I just don't know what kind of political chops he has. The good news is it's normally better than democrat nimrod activists.
The guy has a severe psychiatric disorder, that doesn't have a cure, but your misgivings are with his "political chops"?
I had initially forgotten about. It would seem to be a concern. What's some of the psycho's on the dems side excuse?
I'm not aware of anyone with 12 alter personalities having ever been a member of the United States Senate. I think Herschel would be a first.... or I guess in his case, he would be first through twelfth.
Announced today and wow Dems were ready...from accusing his wife of being a felon to him pulling a gun on her and suffering mental issues from NFL hits. Georgia folks question will it backfire? I mean he's a legend down there right?
Announced today and wow Dems were ready...from accusing his wife of being a felon to him pulling a gun on her and suffering mental issues from NFL hits. Georgia folks question will it backfire? I mean he's a legend down there right?

Re the tweet: it worked for Hillary.
Announced today and wow Dems were ready...from accusing his wife of being a felon to him pulling a gun on her and suffering mental issues from NFL hits. Georgia folks question will it backfire? I mean he's a legend down there right?

LOL ... you'd be hearing nothing but crickets on the left if this were a Democrat doing this.
Didn't the GOP try to draft Mike Ditka to run against Obama Illinois? Personally I think its a mistake and I'd like to see someone else as the nominee.
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Herschel is contemplating running against the preacher in 2022.

Kind of wish Munson was still around to moderate the debate.
In the game of politics, his history of mental illness will come out. He seems like a good guy and will probably win in Georgia cause of his sports background. Hate to see him get drug through the mud

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