Herschel Walker, US Senator

Who Are These People? Dirtbag Mitch McConnell Threatens to Defy Trump and Pick His Own Candidate to to Run Against Herschel Walker in GA Senate Race

McConnell is said to be considering Loeffler along with David Perdue, per CNN. The former Georgia Republican senator lost his seat to Democrat Jon Ossoff – who won’t have to defend himself until 2026 if he chooses to run again.

Herschel Walker is a conservative favorite and leads Marxist Senator Raphael Warnock in the 2022 race and hasn’t even announced his candidacy yet.
Hershel Walker is a bad idea.
It's been a long time now, but in his 2008 autobiography, Herschel Walker disclosed that he had multiple personalities disorder (I think it's called something else now), and he went into specific details of his struggle, which helped explain some of his bizarre behavior over the course of his career. He seems to be coping with his mental illness really well now, which is great... but running for a seat in the United States Senate is a very bad idea. There is a ton of embarrassing crazy stuff he used to do that would come out.
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It's been a long time now, but in his 2008 autobiography, Herschel Walker disclosed that he had multiple personalities disorder (I think it's called something else now), and he went into specific details of his struggle, which helped explain some of his bizarre behavior over the course of his career. He seems to be coping with his mental illness really well now, which is great... but running for a seat in the United States Senate is a very bad idea. There is a ton of embarrassing crazy stuff he used to do that would come out.
Unless your target voters will vote for you just because the other side is telling all your embarrassing crazy stuff.
It's been a long time now, but in his 2008 autobiography, Herschel Walker disclosed that he had multiple personalities disorder (I think it's called something else now), and he went into specific details of his struggle, which helped explain some of his bizarre behavior over the course of his career. He seems to be coping with his mental illness really well now, which is great... but running for a seat in the United States Senate is a very bad idea. There is a ton of embarrassing crazy stuff he used to do that would come out.
Really? What do you think about the representative from GA that was concerned Guam would become over populated and capsize. If somebody has a pulse and they're willing to be an opposition to the one party rule we have in gov. they're probably over qualified to be a senator.
She’s a horrible candidate too. Comes off completely inauthentic and detached. Her appointment has been Brian Kemp’s worst move.

Brian's worst move will be not calling for a full forensic audit in GA. I predict he will be primaried. (And yes, I voted for him)
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Really? What do you think about the representative from GA that was concerned Guam would become over populated and capsize. If somebody has a pulse and they're willing to be an opposition to the one party rule we have in gov. they're probably over qualified to be a senator.
Some of Herschel's antics were just kind of funny - showing up to a formal team dinner at a Dallas steak house in full uniform. Some others were scary. He held a razor to his wife Cindy's throat and said he would kill her until she started singing a favorite lullaby of his which would make him snap out of it. He had 12 alter personalities, and would bounce from one to another with no recollection of any of the other personalities, other than the one he was currently in.

Jerry Jones and Jimmy Johnson went to great lengths to keep the Vikings from discovering his issues before they were able to pull off that blockbuster trade.
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It's been a long time now, but in his 2008 autobiography, Herschel Walker disclosed that he had multiple personalities disorder (I think it's called something else now), and he went into specific details of his struggle, which helped explain some of his bizarre behavior over the course of his career. He seems to be coping with his mental illness really well now, which is great... but running for a seat in the United States Senate is a very bad idea. There is a ton of embarrassing crazy stuff he used to do that would come out.

but a lying child groping sexual harassing angry racist dementia patient sits in the WH
Some of Herschel's antics were just kind of funny - showing up to a formal team dinner at a Dallas steak house in full uniform. Some others were scary. He held a razor to his wife Cindy's throat and said he would kill her until she started singing a favorite lullaby of his which would make him snap out of it. He had 12 alter personalities, and would bounce from one to another with no recollection of any of the other personalities, other than the one he was currently in.

Jerry Jones and Jimmy Johnson went to great lengths to keep the Vikings from discovering his issues before they were able to pull of that blockbuster trade.
I'd vote for him.
It's been a long time now, but in his 2008 autobiography, Herschel Walker disclosed that he had multiple personalities disorder (I think it's called something else now), and he went into specific details of his struggle, which helped explain some of his bizarre behavior over the course of his career. He seems to be coping with his mental illness really well now, which is great... but running for a seat in the United States Senate is a very bad idea. There is a ton of embarrassing crazy stuff he used to do that would come out.
Don't we have a transgender (mentsl illness) as a number 2 in the health office
Hershel Walker is a bad idea.

I am torn on this one. Clearly Herschel wants to be a relevant factor in the Republican party and as a minority that would be good for the party, but I just don't know what kind of political chops he has. The good news is it's normally better than democrat nimrod activists.
I am torn on this one. Clearly Herschel wants to be a relevant factor in the Republican party and as a minority that would be good for the party, but I just don't know what kind of political chops he has. The good news is it's normally better than democrat nimrod activists.
I’m just afraid that he’ll either get exposed as a lightweight or his mental health issues will be too much to overcome.
I said it in another thread, but I really thought TN had the worst collection of Republicans until I saw the clown show in GA this past year.

Hagerty has turned out to be a true conservative as far as I can tell. I voted for Manny Sethi because of the Hagerty connection to Romney, but fortunately I was wrong about him. Blackburn might not be the sharpest but she is a true conversative and a fighter.
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