How Do We Score 50 at Oregon?

Me telling you to sleep it off is making you uncomfortable instead of me telling you to continue to make a dumbass of yourself by staying awake?

I'm not the one who thinks we're going to keep it close at Oregon just because we beat an average Sun Belt team at home; and on top of that didn't even see Oregon play today.

But yes, I'm the dumbass.
I'm not the one who thinks we're going to keep it close at Oregon just because we beat an average Sun Belt team at home; and on top of that didn't even see Oregon play today.

But yes, I'm the dumbass.

Look, im not guaranteeing a victory, but i just dont see it being a blowout. This is gonna be a close game. Oregon may come out on top, but this blowout stuff is bs. This is a swing game imho.
One thing we had better not let happen again is the Blocked Punt.....this was disturbing to say the least....I'm sure Butch will have the team work on their blocking assignments on punts
:) Stoner beatniks. Pretty good description, I must admit.

So,,have you ever lived out on the west coast? And in your opine, just what is wrong with stoner beatniks? Do they separate themselves from east Tennessee stoner rednecks? I will venture to say that if a study was done (and I'm sure some graduate thesis could confirm) that those west coast "stoner beatniks" would test out significantly higher in levels of education and general IQ than, oh, lets say the east Tennessee redneck society. Game on? yes/no?
I'm not the one who thinks we're going to keep it close at Oregon just because we beat an average Sun Belt team at home; and on top of that didn't even see Oregon play today.

But yes, I'm the dumbass.

At the end of the day, we're all Vols, but how can you not get a positive vibe from the two games played today by each team? Western Kentucky would make it a great game with Virginia from what i seen. I think the UT - Oregon game is a 10 or less point differential either way.
At the end of the day, we're all Vols, but how can you not get a positive vibe from the two games played today by each team? Western Kentucky would make it a great game with Virginia from what i seen. I think the UT - Oregon game is a 10 or less point differential either way.

If the game were in Knoxville, I would agree moreso with you to an extent. It's not that I think we're bad, we actually may be better than I thought, but I think Oregon is that good. I think we will hang for a while but I don't think we will be able to stop them.

I think WKU/UVa would likely be a pick'em. UVa definitely isn't a good team by any means, and I have no idea how good or bad WKU is.
The best chance for our team to win is keep the Oregon offense off the field. Run, Run, Run. Success in the run game is huge for this game. Worley needs to keep them honest, other then that Neal and Lane need to pound the rock!
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So,,have you ever lived out on the west coast? And in your opine, just what is wrong with stoner beatniks? Do they separate themselves from east Tennessee stoner rednecks? I will venture to say that if a study was done (and I'm sure some graduate thesis could confirm) that those west coast "stoner beatniks" would test out significantly higher in levels of education and general IQ than, oh, lets say the east Tennessee redneck society. Game on? yes/no?

I live in Portland and I grew up in Eugene. I'm just saying I've heard less accurate descriptions. :) Go Ducks.

I'm going to go find the bowl now. Not legal here yet, but just a traffic ticket less than an ounce.
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If the game were in Knoxville, I would agree moreso with you to an extent. It's not that I think we're bad, we actually may be better than I thought, but I think Oregon is that good. I think we will hang for a while but I don't think we will be able to stop them.

I think WKU/UVa would likely be a pick'em. UVa definitely isn't a good team by any means, and I have no idea how good or bad WKU is.

I agree, if the game were in Knoxville, id feel better. I did happen to catch alot of the Oregon-Virginia game and Virginia is not a good team at all. IF we get Curt and Smith back, which i expect we will, i think our chances go up significantly. I think Smith has has one hell of a breakout game, considering it's his senior season and it's against the number 2 team in the country. He's gonna be hungry against Oregon.
Good post. Think positive and positive things happen. If the military thought like some of our fans, we would never show up for battle. Get some.. Get some... Just don't lead them as much. (Name that Movie) :)
Full Metal Jacket, the guy firing the gun was actually the actor to play Gunney during basic training. Ralph Lee Ermey was his coach and he was so great he got the part and the no name is still a no name.
"just dont lead them as much" was in response to the query, "How do you shoot women and children?" I sorta like that film.:)
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So,,have you ever lived out on the west coast? And in your opine, just what is wrong with stoner beatniks? Do they separate themselves from east Tennessee stoner rednecks? I will venture to say that if a study was done (and I'm sure some graduate thesis could confirm) that those west coast "stoner beatniks" would test out significantly higher in levels of education and general IQ than, oh, lets say the east Tennessee redneck society. Game on? yes/no?

Let's play nice now, but, I agree....sadly....Yes I've lived in the Pacific NW as well as New England
I agree, if the game were in Knoxville, id feel better. I did happen to catch alot of the Oregon-Virginia game and Virginia is not a good team at all. IF we get Curt and Smith back, which i expect we will, i think our chances go up significantly. I think Smith has has one hell of a breakout game, considering it's his senior season and it's against the number 2 team in the country. He's gonna be hungry against Oregon.

He had better eat something. He's going to be running a lot! :):loco::p
Close game? Maybe but we can never beat a team that has a speed school run by a speed guru. :D
That might not be enough to win.

Watching UVA game now, our OLine WILL have the advantage on the Oregon DLine, particularly late.

Cavs helping Butch by putting it all out there vs. the Ducks today.

Hope we've got some surprises for them.

Its simple. Seven more turnovers, and we might have a chance to be in the game.
I agree, if the game were in Knoxville, id feel better. I did happen to catch alot of the Oregon-Virginia game and Virginia is not a good team at all. IF we get Curt and Smith back, which i expect we will, i think our chances go up significantly. I think Smith has has one hell of a breakout game, considering it's his senior season and it's against the number 2 team in the country. He's gonna be hungry against Oregon.

So....we kinda agree?


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