How Do We Score 50 at Oregon?

I guess there is no point for us to show up since we have already lost the game. Should stay back and get ready for Florida.
I guess there is no point for us to show up since we have already lost the game. Should stay back and get ready for Florida.

The games are played in meat-space and not computers, obviously. UT will get some yards on the ground -- Oregon's LB play has slacked a bit.

Gotta make Oregon's D break. Yards aren't points.
I've never seen so many NegaVols in my entire life. Yes our chances of winning at Oregon are very slim but some of you are acting like we shouldn't even show up for the game. If we play hard and make some big plays, it'll be a lot closer than some of you guys think. We may not win but at least we could say we gave them a good game. It's college football, anything can happen. I don't like being negative cause I always have faith in this Tennessee team and I choose to believe. Start bashing me in 3...2....1.. Go.
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I've never seen so many NegaVols in my entire life. Yes our chances of winning at Oregon are very slim but some of you are acting like we shouldn't even show up for the game. If we play hard and make some big plays, it'll be a lot closer than some of you guys think. We may not win but at least we could say we gave them a good game. It's college football, anything can happen. I don't like being negative cause I always have faith in this Tennessee team and I choose to believe. Start bashing me in 3...2....1.. Go.

Good post. Think positive and positive things happen. If the military thought like some of our fans, we would never show up for battle. Get some.. Get some... Just don't lead them as much. (Name that Movie) :)
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I just want to see where we are against an elite team. Would love to get a W but will be focusing on how we handle the moment. Vols have a bunch of young kids looking for an identity. Great opportunity to get some national attention if we show well (even in a loss). Go Vols and pluck the ducks!!
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I've never seen so many NegaVols in my entire life. Yes our chances of winning at Oregon are very slim but some of you are acting like we shouldn't even show up for the game. If we play hard and make some big plays, it'll be a lot closer than some of you guys think. We may not win but at least we could say we gave them a good game. It's college football, anything can happen. I don't like being negative cause I always have faith in this Tennessee team and I choose to believe. Start bashing me in 3...2....1.. Go.

I don't understand why everyone who doesn't post "I think we get the upset" is automatically called a NegaVol. Those who post that we'll get the upset or play really close are able to post things that others don't agree with, and for some reason disagreeing with that suddenly makes you some negative fan that "doesn't believe".
I don't understand why everyone who doesn't post "I think we get the upset" is automatically called a NegaVol. Those who post that we'll get the upset or play really close are able to post things that others don't agree with, and for some reason disagreeing with that suddenly makes you some negative fan that "doesn't believe".

Sportsfan why have you got 14,000 post and only got 1900 something likes?
This makes no sense; you said we're basically in WKU's position next week and we beat them by 32, yet we're either going to win by less than 10 or lose by less than 10?

I'll grant you the gap is smaller between WKU and us and us and Oregon, but it's still rather large.

It doesnt make sense that i think WKU and Virginia are on the same level and that i think UT is a little bit (maybe alot) better than i thought?
The difference in Oregon and UT is that Oregon players don't have much experience in losing, UT players have experience....copy
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If the Ducks hang 50 on us we lose. The magic number we need to hold them to is somewhere in the 30's. We have to turn the Ducks over and a couple of pick 6's would sure help. The mind set our D has to have is limit big plays and get turnovers. Offense can't have 3 and outs and must run the ball and burn clock. Keeping Duck O at the Gatorade cooler is the key. Limit their possessions and they will start pressing and not get into that famous rhythm that just kills teams. See LSU, Auburn, Stanford. And yes I know current Vols aren't as good as those teams but that's the formula for winning.
It doesnt make sense that i think WKU and Virginia are on the same level and that i think UT is a little bit (maybe alot) better than i thought?

No; it doesn't make sense to say UT is in the same position next week that WKU was in this week, and say it like it's a positive when WKU got beat by 32. Being in that position didn't help WKU very much, and I doubt it helps UT all that much. The "not much to lose" position is highly overblown.

WKU and Virginia are on the same level; but UT and Oregon are not. UT may be better than you thought, but Oregon IMHO is still much better than UT.
WKU put 20 on us. Oregon is 1000x better on offense. It could be closer to 70 points. This could be the biggest blowout we have ever had. Oregon is that good on offense.

Not gonna happen. Have faith, if you want to except defeat before the battle that's on you but I will not. Have a great night Sir.
I love the big orange and I guess you can call me a negavol since I don't think we beat the ducks. Our LB's are slow and our DB's are too inexperienced. We still don't have enough depth to go 4 qtrs with a top 10 team.:cray::cray:

Ducks 48
UT 38
WKU put 20 on us. Oregon is 1000x better on offense. It could be closer to 70 points. This could be the biggest blowout we have ever had. Oregon is that good on offense.

Your math is bad. If the Ducks are 1000x better then we get 20000 hung on us:) Despite the inevitability of a crushing defeat I think I will still watch. Thanks for the earning though.
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