How important is the Oregon game to CBJ?

I'm just being a realist based on what I have seen to this point. Do I want to the vols to win? Of course, but you have to be objective too. BTW, Stanford is a top ten team this year so it was not a huge upset for them to beat the ducks last year. Some people are even picking Stanford to be in the BCS title game. I respect your opinions but look at Oregon's offensive side of the ball and compare it to UF's and SCAR and tell me which one is better. Additionally, Oregon is returning an athletic speedy defense as well.

I am being an optimist. If you want to crown them, then crown them...I will believe that we have a chance to win until all 60 minutes have been played.
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Too many people here are victims of sports press hype and actually believe the non SEC propaganda. The same press that somehow is amazed when middle pack SEC teams blow out their darlings in other conf in bowl games. No doubt the ducks are good, and tough, and if we win it will be an upset, but they're not even the top 4 of teams we will play this year. They also have a change in coaches, and their defense I doubt is equal to ours, or pretty much anyone in the top half of the SEC.....Can we beat them? it likely? maybe not....if we can't create a fast tempo offense fast, and or slow down their play.....nope... But we still are a bigger obstacle in our weakened state then the majority of their season games.

This. Good post. We are the underdog, but if Oregon makes a few untimely mistakes UT has a chance. Maybe we win the turnover battle 4 to 1 and that makes the difference.
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Oh, I dunno. maybe if you spent more timing loving the Vols and less time making Duck love, people wouldn't be so peeved at you. Why continue harping on our zero chances against the Ducks? I mean, I hope we win but think we may not. However, I don't throw out repetitive posts or make towering defense of my position on that. Matter of fact, I'm gradually (as in snail paced) beginning to think that barring injuries, we might just come out of Oregon with a "W."
Miracle at South bend, Miracle in Miami, it can happen. :yahoo:

When did I ever say the vols had zeros chances to win? There is always a chance. But you are right and I will go to the other end of the spectrum and talk about the positives. Our o-line is beastly and if the vols can limit the possessions of the duck offense and muster a solid ground game I like their chances of keeping it close in the 4th quarter.
I am being an optimist. If you want to crown them, then crown them...I will believe that we have a chance to win until all 60 minutes have been played.

Fair enough but I never said the vols did not have a chance to win. Just wanted to clear that up.
It's not important because we have no chance against them, they have too much speed on offense and we lack depth on defense. The games that are realistic are important. It's a ridiculous question.
this is what I don't understand about all this from our fans.

do you honestly think that Oregon could play any of those three SEC teams and beat them badly if at all ?

yet you think the ducks will destroy us but we can beat
those three. It just doesn't make sense.
any of those three teams can rip Oregon apart.

Oregon is the weakest of all these teams. You let their performance in the pac 12 cloud your thinking.

I absolutely think Oregon can beat any of those 3. To think they can't just because they are SEC is silly. Do I think they'd kill them, no, but you're kidding yourself if you think all 3 of those would definitely destroy Oregon.

Plus I didn't see the poster say we would beat those 3, only that we can possibly beat them and actually there's good reason to believe we might get beaten badly by Oregon and yet hang with those 3.

For one they are rivals, and if you've paid attention to college football for oh, the last 40 years, many times teams play their rivals better than other teams, even when said rivals are very good. Two, especially in the case of Georgia and SC, we've actually beaten them when we were "worse". 2009 ring a bell? On paper and rankings, both teams were better than us and we not only beat both them, we killed both of them.
Oregon game has no bearing on CBJ in my eyes. Oregon is a top 5 team. Anyone who thinks Tennessee has that level of talent is kidding themselves and living in Dreamland. My hope is the team can play well enough to maintain confidence for the next week. Frankly, I think the talent is more comparable with Florida than I do Oregon.

Exactly! I've been saying couple months now if UT can keep this game pretty close then it gives them the confidence to go into the swamp with a real good chance to beat the gators!
It's ok to admit the Ducks had a better team AND coach than us. Here's a refresher:


IMHO, we're not even in the same class... yet. 2yrs removed from this beatdown we still couldn't seal the edge against slow as frick Trey Burton and Jeff Driscoll of Florida. I just hope De'Anthony Thomas doesn't rape our defense on national tv. :ermm:
Hate to burst your bubble, but Oregon is better than UF and SCAR. I would give GA a slight edge over the Ducks based on their performance in the SECCG last year though.

I have no bubble to burst. The ducks are not better then UF and Scar. And giving Ga a slight edge over the ducks is crazy. Did you not see the sec championship game last year. :crazy:
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People just don't understand how badly the back seven is going to suck this year. The CB's aren't good and there is zero depth at linebacker. NONE. Mariota, as a frosh, threw 32 TD's and completed 68% of his passes. He's going to go for 300 yards.

Anyways, the answer to the question is...Zero. Nada. Zilch. Even if UT loses 63-0 it doesn't matter. The goal is to win seven games and go bowling and compete against UF, UGA, and USCe.

If we get creamed by 63 I wouldn`t expect us to compete very well with UF, UGA, and even USCe
I think there are a few valid reasons we have less of a chance to beat Oregon vs the SEC teams. 1. An offense predicated on the option has ALWAYS given us fits. 2. Speed. Yes, Florida and Georgia have boatloads of it too (which is why at this point I think we lose both if those games). We have some, but not nearly enough to contain this offense. 3. familiarity. Even though there is a good argument to be made that UF and UGA are as talented as the Ducks, we've seen these teams before and know their strengths and weaknesses. Plus, as stated earlier, rivalry games are a whole different animal. Even with a new staff, the fact these kids have played against these opponents helps IMO. 4. First real road test. We go to the swamp the next week, but this game should provide us with valuable experience for traveling to the swamp. No offense to AP or WKU, but we should win those home games handily. Now having said all this in August, I can promise you by an hour before kick off, all of this will go out of the window and I will have convinced myself we are going to shock the world because I do love me some Vols football!
It's ok to admit the Ducks had a better team AND coach than us. Here's a refresher:


IMHO, we're not even in the same class... yet. 2yrs removed from this beatdown we still couldn't seal the edge against slow as frick Trey Burton and Jeff Driscoll of Florida. I just hope De'Anthony Thomas doesn't rape our defense on national tv. :ermm:

We were definitely out noted by the difference in 1st half versus 2nd half adjustments. Also note the horrible tackling....
I have no bubble to burst. The ducks are not better then UF and Scar. And giving Ga a slight edge over the ducks is crazy. Did you not see the sec championship game last year. :crazy:

I saw where Dooley lost to them by a touchdown in Athens. Sometimes opinions differ, so deal with it.
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I bet you still believe in the tooth fairy.

Shhhhhhh!!!!! You'd be wise to......!


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