How important is the Oregon game to CBJ?

Some people have a losers mentality. It's sad really. It's a good thing that some of you guys are fans and not players.

If you think we are going to lose that bad, why even watch the game or support the team. There are a million ways you could better spend your time.

We all want the Vols to win. Except the Duck fans. Blowing "true fan" bs out of our hind parts isn't going to overcome our deficiencies in this matchup. It's great that people are excited about Butch and his recruiting. And they should be. But I think there will be a lot of people in for a rude awakening because I've seen way too many 9 win predictions.
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True, but a well coached team could have kept them in check. That team was not well coached and fell apart the second half.


I think the rain delay helped Oregon out a lot. The Ducks came out and suffered an initial shock of UT's running game (all we had) and the sheer size of Neyland imposing on them.

The rain delay gave their coaches time to review and respond to the team that threw the first punches. The team also settled their nerves. The crowd wasn't as into it after the delay as well.

I think we were in for a bad loss but perhaps with no rain delay we score 1 more TD and Oregon scores 1 less. 14-point difference. We had a pretty sizeable yardage advantage before the delay.

Again, since reading comprehension is not a strong suite on this board... I think Oregon was going to beat us. They were going to beat us by 20+. I'm just saying without the rain delay we go into halftime with a lead instead of tied.
We all want the Vols to win. Except the Duck fans. Blowing "true fan" bs out of our hind parts isn't going to overcome our deficiencies in this matchup. It's great that people are excited about Butch and his recruiting. And they should be. But I think there will be a lot of people in for a rude awakening because I've seen way too many 9 win predictions.

And who's to say we won't win 9? Has anyone on this board seen a game time snap yet to know just exactly what this team will do?
We all want the Vols to win. Except the Duck fans. Blowing "true fan" bs out of our hind parts isn't going to overcome our deficiencies in this matchup. It's great that people are excited about Butch and his recruiting. And they should be. But I think their will be a lot of people in for a rude awakening because I've seen way too many 9 win predictions.

Which I don't get. This team is probably good for one upset of somebody.

For the "Why bother playing and/or watching the game" people complaining about those of us who are at least trying to be objective about this season we're going to watch because we're fans. People are not less of a fan just because we figure the team isn't in a position to keep up with better competition. It also means we'll be pleasantly surprised if the team over performs instead, and not be the opposite if the team underachieves or hits the mark that most of us are expecting.
I don't think many predict us to have much of a chance in this game. The truth is we really should. The Ducks have some things hurting them right now. We have a better chance at an upset here then some other games. But how much does it effect CBJ? Well if he wins it's huge, he'll wear a halo until a few losses in SEC play anyway.....but if he loses not many people will really be that worked up on that game either. The question is do we have a QB to play a shootout? As important, do we have an O-line that can do more then pass protect, and give us a chance at a running game? I have much more confidence in our defensive prospects then our offense at this point before the season.....

I hate to be a d*ck but what exactly do the ducks have that is hurting them right now? I really want to know because I think a lot of people on this board underestimate them.
I just want to see this team compete and play hard the full 4 quarters. The talent gap is not as big as people think but we have alot of young and inexperienced players which is the biggest advantage Oregon has on us...that and being at home.
Such as telling other people on a message board not to be realistic?

there is a difference in being realistic and defeatist, you hide your bad attitude about the Vols behind the term being realistic when in fact you are just already defeated and have given up before the game is even played.

I really hope our team doesn't read these forums with the way some of you talk them down constantly.
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Not so important in the grand scheme of Jones rebuilding the Vols. Jones's 3rd year will be under the microscope much more than his first 2 years. Fans just don't realize how far the might Vols have fallen, but outsiders do by looking at the SEC record for the last 3 years.
And who's to say we won't win 9? Has anyone on this board seen a game time snap yet to know just exactly what this team will do?

We are returning one of the worst defenses in our history. We are almost a week away from week 1 and we still don't have a starting QB or WRs. We have one of the toughest schedules in the country. Even with improved coaching if you see a 9 win team here I can't help you.
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there is a difference in being realistic and defeatist, you hide your bad attitude about the Vols behind the term being realistic when in fact you are just already defeated and have given up before the game is even played.

I really hope our team doesn't read these forums with the way some of you talk them down constantly.

No, that's your interpretation of it all. I don't feel defeated having a different outlook on the season than you. It's also not really an indication of having "given up." No one has "given up" we just don't expect the same outcome.

Also, if the team reads this I hope they take the attitude that "No one gave us a chance and we're here to prove them wrong." Otherwise Butch Jones has failed as a coach.
No, that's your interpretation of it all. I don't feel defeated having a different outlook on the season than you. It's also not really an indication of having "given up." No one has "given up" we just don't expect the same outcome.

Also, if the team reads this I hope they take the attitude that "No one gave us a chance and we're here to prove them wrong." Otherwise Butch Jones has failed as a coach.

All I have ever said is that we will give them a good game and if Oregon overlooks us it could be a long day for them. I wont be upset if we lose nor will I be shouting to have any coaches fired. But I believe in backing my team and being positive about them winning until the game is played.
As a fan I don't believe anyone can beat us until they prove it on the field, to do otherwise is being defeatist.
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We are returning one of the worst defenses in our history. We are almost a week away from week 1 and we still don't have a starting QB or WRs. We have one of the toughest schedules in the country. Even with improved coaching if you see a 9 win team here I can't help you.

We are not returning one of our worst defenses in the country it was the worst coached defense in the country! We have a pretty talented D and I think we will see them improved. As far as QB that will work itself out over the 1st 2 games. This team has got a lot of talent that was just poorly coached! I think people will see that these players are better coached and will be a lot better than last year. I know we lost bray, hunter, and Patterson but no one knows what these WRs can do either.
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Who are you to say we won't go undefeated?



my whole point I've been trying make over these threads, I've got trust in my team and staff that we can win each and every game! I don't go around putting down my team and calling for a 4-8 or 5-7 season realistic or not! Now how does that make ME a negavol?
my whole point I've been trying make over these threads, I've got trust in my team and staff that we can win each and every game! I don't go around putting down my team and calling for a 4-8 or 5-7 season realistic or not! Now how does that make ME a negavol?
You're moving the goal posts. You claimed we are only going to win 9 games.

- hesh up.
Chip called the plays, Helfrich did much of the game planning. They've always maintained that everything about the offense in-game has been heavily collaborative, and that's kind of Chip's M.O. - though he definitely had the final call on what was run. The point is that Chip hand-picked both Helfrich and Frost when he took over from Mike Bellotti - and they spent 4 productive years learning from him. They are ready.

That's still going to matter. It may not matter very much but it matters. Kelly is a legend at Oregon and legends are difficult to follow no matter how good you are or how well you've apprenticed.

Basketball is usually an easier coaching transition for many reasons and Holly Warlick is as close as you're ever gonna get to a head coaching clone regardless of what sport you're talking about (we're talking nearly 30 years of knowing the program as a player and asst. coach when she took over) but she's never going to be Coach Pat Summitt nor should she try to be. She's doing pretty darn good and she inherited a program that wasn't just among the elite but arguably the single most historic and elite program in the entire sport but she still has a long way to go before she's coaching to the level she'll get to with more head coaching experience.

On the flip side, you have amazing apprentices/OC's and DC's etc. that are absolutely horrid as head coaches. Sometimes it's just not in their skill range to make the transition despite their knowledge and despite a team being talented enough to win or the team being left at the best possible time for hand-off. Other times they'll mature into it after they get that experience.

Oregon is talented and should handle the transition well but 'the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.'
All I know , This is not 2010 , 11 or '12 . We will not be replaying those seasons. This is about the 2013 Vols . Will we win in a huge upset ? Will we actually show up looking like a football Team ? Will we lose 89 to 0 ? Until the game is actually played I will wait . But I reject everyone's "We cannot win " . Mentality . Thats why they play the games .
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It is disturbing to me that so many fans mistake being realistic for being negative. This term "Negavol" is one of the stupidest words I have ever read and it gets used in almost every thread. In nearly every game, there is a favorite and an underdog; a champion and a challenger. It seems pretty clear to me (and anyone else with sense) that the Vols are severe underdogs in the Oregon game. Despite numerous bald and unsupported claims that there is some parity in the respective talent levels of these teams, Oregon simply outclasses the Tennessee in nearly every category of the game. That being said, these games are not played on paper and there is always a chance (however small) that an upset will occur. If we win when all the odds are against us, we bathe ourselves in glory that may not wash off for quite some time. That being the case, why can't we acknowledge that the odds are against us when they so clearly are. It is a win-win situation. If we lose, we are doing what every sensible person in the county expects. If we win, we shock the football watching world and rejoice in the lamentations of our enemies.
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That's still going to matter. It may not matter very much but it matters. Kelly is a legend at Oregon and legends are difficult to follow no matter how good you are or how well you've apprenticed.

Basketball is usually an easier coaching transition for many reasons and Holly Warlick is as close as you're ever gonna get to a head coaching clone regardless of what sport you're talking about (we're talking nearly 30 years of knowing the program as a player and asst. coach when she took over) but she's never going to be Coach Pat Summitt nor should she try to be. She's doing pretty darn good and she inherited a program that wasn't just among the elite but arguably the single most historic and elite program in the entire sport but she still has a long way to go before she's coaching to the level she'll get to with more head coaching experience.

On the flip side, you have amazing apprentices/OC's and DC's etc. that are absolutely horrid as head coaches. Sometimes it's just not in their skill range to make the transition despite their knowledge and despite a team being talented enough to win or the team being left at the best possible time for hand-off. Other times they'll mature into it after they get that experience.

Oregon is talented and should handle the transition well but 'the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.'

This is the first time I've ever heard Kelly referred to as a "Legend".... LOL He did a very good job at Oregon and I wish him well. Give the man credit he did a very good job at Oregon, but........... legend???? I don't think so. Save that for someone who turns a program around and wins multiple NCs. We are still building our program, we're not there yet.
It is disturbing to me that so many fans mistake being realistic for being negative. This term "Negavol" is one of the stupidest words I have ever read and it gets used in almost every thread. In nearly every game, there is a favorite and an underdog; a champion and a challenger. It seems pretty clear to me (and anyone else with sense) that the Vols are severe underdogs in the Oregon game. Despite numerous bald and unsupported claims that there is some parity in the respective talent levels of these teams, Oregon simply outclasses the Tennessee in nearly every category of the game. That being said, these games are not played on paper and there is always a chance (however small) that an upset will occur. If we win when all the odds are against us, we bathe ourselves in glory that may not wash off for quite some time. That being the case, why can't we acknowledge that the odds are against us when they so clearly are. It is a win-win situation. If we lose, we are doing what every sensible person in the county expects. If we win, we shock the football watching world and rejoice in the lamentations of our enemies.

Go support Oregon!!!
This is the first time I've ever heard Kelly referred to as a "Legend".... LOL He did a very good job at Oregon and I wish him well. Give the man credit he did a very good job at Oregon, but........... legend???? I don't think so. Save that for someone who turns a program around and wins multiple NCs. We are still building our program, we're not there yet.

I consider him a legendary like figure in the sense that he put you on the map and is an innovative figure (not beyond the Oregon program but within your program's history). He's in no way a legend like Summitt, Neyland, Bryant, Wooden, etc.
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I hate to be a d*ck but what exactly do the ducks have that is hurting them right now? I really want to know because I think a lot of people on this board underestimate them.

They also are going through a new coaching change with Helfrich. He may be an excellent coach, but he's not Chip Kelly so there will be adjustments. Helfrich has never been a head coach before. Also the Ducks lost 4 of their front seven, and have quite a few injuries in their secondary...making their defense possibly suspect.

Their offense is a powerhouse......but they have a head coach that might can be rattled and their defense I don't think stacks up well at all compared to the defenses we'll be seeing in SEC play. If we can in anyway put them in an awkward position, Helfrich might coach himself into a problem. If they run away with it early and give him plenty of room to relax and just play conservative....we're in for a long day. However I definitely do think it is doable. I also think they are a more likely target then Alabama, Georgia and Florida.

Would definitely be a good game to go for broke on some razzle dazzle, and hope we can take advantage on an inexperienced coach. Also Butch did an excellent job at Cincinnati with upbeat offense himself, it gave us quite a bit of problems for the first half of the game when they played us. I know he's only had one summer, but I do know coaching wise we're likely in more experienced hands, that knows how to coach a shoot out.

I don't underestimate them, but I think their current ranking has a lot more with their soft schedule then how good they are...the Pac-10 is NOT the SEC. Any of those three SEC schools I mentioned would wipe the field with them....

We have a chance, it may not be a 51% chance...but we got a chance, and at the college level I'll take that, plus players that want it badly enough, and a competent coach wanting to make a statement as us having a shot.
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This is the first time I've ever heard Kelly referred to as a "Legend".... LOL He did a very good job at Oregon and I wish him well. Give the man credit he did a very good job at Oregon, but........... legend???? I don't think so. Save that for someone who turns a program around and wins multiple NCs. We are still building our program, we're not there yet.
Then you better get up off your ass since you have been swollen with a deluge of Knight/Nike money for over a decade.

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