How important is the Oregon game to CBJ?

levels. Our strengths should exploit their youth and inexperience.

haha please tell me more about this.

(There is literally only one area where the Ducks are young and "inexperienced" and that is at MLB.) You could count RB too, but we at least have a second year player there along with DAT.
No offense but... similar talent levels? Not a chance no matter all the analyses of past recruiting classes. They're the #3 ranked team in the nation... we're a consensus #5 pick in the SEC East.... behind freakin vandy.

This game will be a measuring stick that shows us how far we have to go. Just wanna see a disciplined, well coached team that fights to keep it respectable all the way through the 4th qtr. Anything else is gravy IMHO.
this is what I don't understand about all this from our fans.

do you honestly think that Oregon could play any of those three SEC teams and beat them badly if at all ?

yet you think the ducks will destroy us but we can beat
those three. It just doesn't make sense.
any of those three teams can rip Oregon apart.

Oregon is the weakest of all these teams. You let their performance in the pac 12 cloud your thinking.

It's the type of team they are. We play right in their hands. They are speed team going against a D that has little.

Also, scheduling/stadium plays a part in thinking Oregon will win big compared to UGA/USCe
Dang...this thread went south in a hurry.

OP is way off. Oregon is a very good team. I'm not sure where this delusion that we somehow match them in talent is coming from. I believe Butch will field a better coached team no doubt, but we are starting a boatload of freshmen and still don't have a starting QB or WRs. They will be exploiting OUR youth and inexperience. And a Wilcox-like defense, which is a big if that we have that, is not good enough to compensate for our offense early on.

Most of the negativity from a thread like this is because we need to temper expectations around here. In reality this game will probably not be pretty, and the same people that think we are going to show this little PAC 12 team what the SEC is all about are the same people that will get on here after a loss and start calling for a coach's head.
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We were definitely out noted by the difference in 1st half versus 2nd half adjustments. Also note the horrible tackling....

I'm sure it had nothing to do with LaMichael James and Kenjon Barner being better athletes.
Its the same Oline from last year essentially and we were underwhelming in the run game. Neal and Lane are average backs at best. Serviceable but not smashmouth.

I don't think you will see anything that reminds you of last years team come game time. You have some fired up seniors playing for respect and a coaching staff that knows what they are doing. That in itself will turn a team around. Last years problems IMO had more to do with coaching and attitude than it did talent. JMO
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Who called offensive plays last year, Chip or the OC(Now HC) and who will call them this year the HC(old OC) or the new OC?

If someone new is calling plays that COULD be a bad thing for them.
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Who called offensive plays last year, Chip or the OC(Now HC) and who will call them this year the HC(old OC) or the new OC?

If someone new is calling plays that COULD be a bad thing for them.

Good question... Honestly don't expect much change other than a more diverse offense. Perhaps a bit more throwing the ball.
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Oregon is going to crush this team and it won't even be close. They will run up the score to prove a point since we are in the SEC.
Chip called the plays, Helfrich did much of the game planning. They've always maintained that everything about the offense in-game has been heavily collaborative, and that's kind of Chip's M.O. - though he definitely had the final call on what was run. The point is that Chip hand-picked both Helfrich and Frost when he took over from Mike Bellotti - and they spent 4 productive years learning from him. They are ready.
OP is way off. Oregon is a very good team. I'm not sure where this delusion that we somehow match them in talent is coming from. I believe Butch will field a better coached team no doubt, but we are starting a boatload of freshmen and still don't have a starting QB or WRs. They will be exploiting OUR youth and inexperience. And a Wilcox-like defense, which is a big if that we have that, is not good enough to compensate for our offense early on.

Most of the negativity from a thread like this is because we need to temper expectations around here. In reality this game will probably not be pretty, and the same people that think we are going to show this little PAC 12 team what the SEC is all about are the same people that will get on here after a loss and start calling for a coach's head.

Finally, a voice of reason.
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To add to what everyone else is saying... I'd also wager that the 3rd game, on the road against a much better team is going to be tough for Jones. I'd like to see us compete for 4 Quarters but I'm not expecting much in the way of a score.

I would think that, in the long run, a win against Florida would be much better for Jones in terms of the program over a win against Oregon. Florida is to us like how Tennessee was to the 2007 Bama squad under Saban. Yeah, they lost 6 other games including La-Monroe but they got the UT monkey off their back.
Oregon is not as important as Auburn, Mizzou, or Vandy. Those 3 games make or break our season.
The coaching staff needs to look competent against a ranked opponent, in that the team plays hard and doesn't make dumb mistakes. Beyond that, it's not very important.
Why do I see Wilcox's name every time I turn around?

OP threw it out there. But Wilcox did have a top 30 defense with about the same players year before last. I think it's just people assuming that this defense can revert back to playing the way they did under Wilcox rather than Sal.
Oregon is not as important as Auburn, Mizzou, or Vandy. Those 3 games make or break our season.
If we don't dominate AP esp. the run game and noticeably outplay WKy, this team's confidence could wane considerably.

Poor QB and K play and a re-run of the last few seasons defensively, we could look at a sub 5 win season.

There are a LOT of players on the field who have been perennial losers...with an offence now history consisting of some of the top talent in the country. They know damn well what their capabilities are/aren't and if they see the same old, same old, or for that matter less than the same old, we are screwed orange and tattooed.
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Oregon is not as important as Auburn, Mizzou, or Vandy. Those 3 games make or break our season.

Exactly. Oregon doesn't matter as far as I'm concerned. If we actually improve throughout the season, which I believe we haven't seen in a long time and is a direct result of good coaching, I will call this season a win. And that will lead to beating the teams we should beat.
If we don't dominate AP esp. the run game and noticeably outplay WKy, this team's confidence could wane considerably.

Poor QB and K play and a re-run of the last few seasons defensively, we could look at a sub 5 win season.

There are a LOT of players on the field who have been perennial losers...with an offence now history consisting of some of the top talent in the country. They know damn well what their capabilities are/aren't and if they see the same old, same old, or for that matter less than the same old, we are screwed orange and tattooed.

Just for reference, only 3 members of the current roster have seen a winning season... and that was 7-6. Everyone else has only seen losing seasons.
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Some people have a losers mentality. It's sad really. It's a good thing that some of you guys are fans and not players.

If you think we are going to lose that bad, why even watch the game or support the team. There are a million ways you could better spend your time.
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I'm a pretty optimistic person and am really excited with what CBJ et al are doing. That being said, a win at Autzen is extremely unlikely and would be a monumental upset. Seriously, with our current squad, it would immediately become one of the biggest wins in modern Vol history. Like, "'85 Sugar, Miracle at South Bend, '95 Bama, '01 Florida, '03 Miami" big.
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Some people have a losers mentality. It's sad really. It's a good thing that some of you guys are fans and not players.

If you think we are going to lose that bad, why even watch the game or support the team. There are a million ways you could better spend your time.

Such as telling other people on a message board not to be realistic?
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