How long will it take to be a championship team?

The problem is that the kids now don't have that on their radar, it was too long ago. By that logic, a team like Lehigh is just a big win or two from being back on top. (An extreme example, but you get my drift, I'm sure).

My personal sense is that, for UT to get back in the hunt, you simply need much better players than you have. Not two or three of them. 30 of them. And to do that they have to be convinced that coming here is a good step towards getting to the NFL.

That should be the focus right now, imo.

That's a bit of a stretch to compare to Lehigh.

We are simply not far removed from the upper echelon and I think the success CBJ is having has been because he is using that history to teach these kids what UT really is and what it can do for them.

I agree whole heartedly that we need at minimum 2 solid recruiting classes (top 5) to get back to that level. And another couple of years to see them impact the game.
Yes, of course. But I'm sorry I just think UT has been "down" too long to be in those groupings.

Can it be turned around? Of course. I just think people envisioning some sort of quick turn around are deluding themselves about just how far a road you have to travel at this point to get back into the mix.

And I don't think UF has been relevant long enough for you to conviniently put them up top. Yeah UT is down, UF has seen recent success. But to put your program multiple tiers above UT, Nebraska, USC, etc is just flat out bull**** and explains why you regularly get smashed on the politics forum.

College football is to cyclical to analyze programs on a 4-5 year stretch. I mean according to your theory Oregon, WVU, Clemson, and A&M are better programs than UT, Nebraska, Michigan, simply because they've had recent success. Every team has down years. These programs have proven that with the right coach they can win and win big. That to me is a sign of what type of program one has. Florida is no better of a program than UT, Nebraska, Michigan, USC, Texas ,etc. the Ron Zoom era showed that you are one bad hire away from being a "tier 4" program as you put it. The MAJOR top 10 all time programs that you conviniently placed UF above are simply a good coach away from being right back at the top. That IMO has a lot to do with how I see programs. If Nebraska, UT, Michigan, USC hire the right coach he can have them competing for a NC...literally. They've proven that over and over and over for more than a century. Those IMO are top tier programs.
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tier 1....right now. alabama, oregon, ohio state, oklahoma, lsu

tier a large group of schools who have been in tier 1 recently or are knocking on that door.

tier a large group of schools who have been in tier 1 at one time and aren't close right now.

tier 4.....these are the schools that will never see tier 1.

again, these are right now. tier 1 schools have been in bcs bowls or are winning 10+ games a year consistently
5 year- you should be in Atlanta

Who you face there will determine that next step you're asking about.

There is no reason Tennessee should be a middle of the pack East team for any longer than 4-5 years. By then, the upcoming teams of today will have fizzled, and the teams at the top in the east currently will have new coaching staffs.


Hopefuly this guy is the right fit.

NB4: "Oh he is 07, he gets it!" yaddda yaddda blah blah blah.....

LOL, that will fall on deaf ears.
You're talking about the SEC. I don't think 10 wins is enough to be at a championship level. UGA, UF, and Bama were all 11-1. That's pretty tough to do in the SEC. Granted the schedules set up favorably for UGA and Bama and UF caught aTm early.

It may take a while to get into "championship" form but I think UT can at least beat some of the upper tier teams.

It won't be this year and then after that it will take a minimum of 14 wins to win the NC.


Man it is hard for me to get used to the perception that TN is somehow a weak Football program. I refuse to accept it.

I still beleive that TN is the right hire away for being quickly back in the SEC and national title hunt year in and year out.
The problem is that the kids now don't have that on their radar, it was too long ago. By that logic, a team like Lehigh is just a big win or two from being back on top. (An extreme example, but you get my drift, I'm sure).

My personal sense is that, for UT to get back in the hunt, you simply need much better players than you have. Not two or three of them. 30 of them. And to do that they have to be convinced that coming here is a good step towards getting to the NFL.

That should be the focus right now, imo.

So according to your logic Bama, ND, Texas, Oklahoma, and USC should never have risen back to the top after being down for a decade or more. I mean...when ND was good in the early these recruits remember that? Nah I don't think they do. Oklahoma was down for ages. Stoops came in and won a NC in no time! But I'm sure he couldn't recruit because they had been irrelevant for over a decade. How would the kids remember who Ok was? how long was USC down before Caroll? I'm sure them dudes didn't remember the Rodney Pete days, LMAO!

I'll go a bit further and ask you this. If kids don't remember who UT is, how the hell did UF ever get good? I mean you had a century of NOTHING to hang your hat on, then suddenly became dominant. Those kids could have been a hundred years old and still wouldn't remember the glory days of UF. Because THERE WERE NONE!!!! In comes a kick ass coach named Spurrier who knocked off a few teams and had recruits believing and the rest is history. To think Florida can go from being a never has been to national contender, yet UT, Neb, etc have winning tradition oozing out of their arse can't get back to the top...LOL. Well that's just typical LawGator thinking. Me and anyone who has dealt with this dude is use to it.

Bottom line, the right coach can easily elevate UT to a NC. I'll go on record as saying the same for Nebraska, Michigan, USC,etc.
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tier 1....right now. alabama, oregon, ohio state, oklahoma, lsu

tier a large group of schools who have been in tier 1 recently or are knocking on that door.

tier a large group of schools who have been in tier 1 at one time and aren't close right now.

tier 4.....these are the schools that will never see tier 1.

again, these are right now. tier 1 schools have been in bcs bowls or are winning 10+ games a year consistently

So you are saying Tennessee will never be a power again,huh? BS:the_finger::finger3:
Year 1 Butch Jones should be in the National Championship game

Year 2 Butch Jones should win the National Championship game
Year 1 Butch Jones should be in the National Championship game

Year 2 Butch Jones should win the National Championship game

My sarcasm meter is on, but actually there is merit in this. History is clear - a proper coach makes noise in his second year.

Butch has done little wrong so far, and his 2014 class is full of noise already. But we'll have a really good idea if he is SECCG calibre in his second year.
It is a Tennessee board and there really isn't any reason for rival fans to post on here, except to troll. I wasn't the one who posted the comment, but I don't disagree with it. Why do you go to a rival's messageboard if you have such thin skin?

Last I checked anyone anywhere are free to roam the webz. Not all fans of other schools are trolls. I don't have a problem with the majority of them posting here, and can weed out the true trolls. Hell there are plenty on here posing as Vol fans.

Most add decent info to a lot of different threads. To say another schools fan has no reason to post here is ridiculous.
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So according to your logic Bama, ND, Texas, Oklahoma, and USC should never have risen back to the top after being down for a decade or more. I mean...when ND was good in the early these recruits remember that? Nah I don't think they do. Oklahoma was down for ages. Stoops came in and won a NC in no time! But I'm sure he couldn't recruit because they had been irrelevant for over a decade. How would the kids remember who Ok was? how long was USC down before Caroll? I'm sure them dudes didn't remember the Rodney Pete days, LMAO!

I'll go a bit further and ask you this. If kids don't remember who UT is, how the hell did UF ever get good? I mean you had a century of NOTHING to hang your hat on, then suddenly became dominant. Those kids could have been a hundred years old and still wouldn't remember the glory days of UF. Because THERE WERE NONE!!!! In comes a kick ass coach named Spurrier who knocked off a few teams and had recruits believing and the rest is history. To think Florida can go from being a never has been to national contender, yet UT, Neb, etc have winning tradition oozing out of their arse can't get back to the top...LOL. Well that's just typical LawGator thinking. Me and anyone who has dealt with this dude is use to it.

Bottom line, the right coach can easily elevate UT to a NC. I'll go on record as saying the same for Nebraska, Michigan, USC,etc.


I am SO glad to see some Big Orange pride, instead of the defeatist attitude that has become so prevalent lately. Yes, Dooley led UT to lows never felt before. But, the same folks on here saying "Dooley recruited good classes but couldn't coach them", are the same folks saying "we have NO talent, we SUCK, and it may be years before we ever win 7 games again".

Maybe we have a tough season, or maybe we have found good coaches who can coach these supposed top 20 recruiting classes of Dooley's to some wins!
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To get back all the way to the top, i am talking about winning it all the playoffs is 5 years by then coach will have all his players in place we will win before that just not the whole damn thing.
If Butch does in fact truly "Get It"....then in 4 years we should be playing in the Final Four and in year five Playing in the Final game.
Other than us playing in the S.E.C. Championship game, when will we play both Alabama & Florida in the same season?

Aren't we getting rid of the rival games????? Thus we will not play Alabama each season????

Only if LSU's vote suddenly is worth 10 times as much as everyone else's

Last I checked, it's not.

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