If Georgia fires their coach, are you worried about Dooley leaving?

Nothing against Dooley, but GA doesn't want him... GA would want someone with a big name that could bring them back. GA wouldn't just go after Dooley just because of his last name...

Yep they have always gone after the big name coaches.....Ray Goff,Jim Donnan...
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Im not worried but alot of talk of Rict getting fired and you know UGA would want Dooley. What does VN think?

I wait for the day that you post something worth reading. This discussion had the wheels beat off of it when we hired him. Do some research. :crazy:
this is obviously Houston Nutt's job to turn down. He is always the first in line when there is an opening in the SEC.
Nothing against Dooley, but GA doesn't want him... GA would want someone with a big name that could bring them back. GA wouldn't just go after Dooley just because of his last name...

Ken Niumatalolo at Navy...... he has a big name
that's two titles corrected out of two presented by the OP this morning. Kid's a disaster.

Why do misspellings get to you so bad? Do you so love constantly picking at people that you perceive to be not as smart or some how less than you? Does it make you feel good about yourself to always have an inside joke? News flash, not everyone spends as much time on here as you do, and you're not a superior person because you're spelling and grammar are without fault. Those facts don't give you the right to make people feel laughed at. THE SOZ is far from my favorite poster but he's only trying to participate in some discussions. I appriciate your type of humor in most cases but I feel you're somewhat of a bully and I feel bad for you. JMO of course. Feel free to make fun of my post.:peace2:
a loss to UT would axe Richt for sure...we beat them this yr that would make 4 wins in 5 yrs...UGA wont stand to lose to TN and if they come into the TN game with a losing record and indeed lose hes gone for sure...
Why do misspellings get to you so bad? Do you so love constantly picking at people that you perceive to be not as smart or some how less than you? Does it make you feel good about yourself to always have an inside joke? News flash, not everyone spends as much time on here as you do, and you're not a superior person because you're spelling and grammar are without fault. Those facts don't give you the right to make people feel laughed at. THE SOZ is far from my favorite poster but he's only trying to participate in some discussions. I appriciate your type of humor in most cases but I feel you're somewhat of a bully and I feel bad for you. JMO of course. Feel free to make fun of my post.:peace2:
How dare you challenge the much heralded BPV!
Let me see, how do I say this tactfully: NO!

IMHO people who think this is possible really do not understand Derek Dooley or his parents.

He went to Va. undergrad and played football and went to Ga. for law school. He would not return to Ga. because of some kind of draw from his alma mater because he wants to make a name for himself as a coach somewhere else (Tennessee).

His dad did the same thing: an Auburn grad and Georgia coach.
Since we are talking about DUI's. I wanted to ask you guys a serious question. It has to do with your favorite coach Lane Kiffen. I figure it does not matter anymore since he left for his dream job.

I once heard from a very reliable guy that Lane was busted for a DUI while in K-ville. According to the guy who told me this, he claims that the UT bosses took care of this and helped cover the whole thing up. I swear to God that I'm not making this up and am very curious if any of you guys have ever heard about this. Thanks.

The TMZ-quality rumor I heard was that Kiffin drove a loaner car off the road while he was drunk, supposedly with a non-Layla chick in the car, and the dealership that owned the car basically just towed the car back and fixed it and kept their mouths shut. Not good, obviously, but an order of magnitude different from the University covering up an actual DUI arrest.

Note that I have no connections whatsoever, and this is just salacious eighth-hand hearsay gossip. Reliability is probably close to zero.
I think he is man of integrity and will not leave. Additionally he has a big enough problem being compared to his father without compounding the issue by coaching at the same school. He has also shown in the past his independence, going to UVA and charting his own course.
I think he is man of integrity and will not leave. Additionally he has a big enough problem being compared to his father without compounding the issue by coaching at the same school. He has also shown in the past his independence, going to UVA and charting his own course.

I can't see the connection between integrity and leaving for another job. Unless he violates the terms of his contract, it shouldn't be considered an integrity issue.
Michael Adams would have to do an extraordinary amount of arse-kissing to the Dooley family for Derek Dooley to consider taking the job. Derek Dooley hasn't had nearly enough success for Adams to swallow his pride and pucker up. So no way, not any time soon.
Young Dooley is going to make his own way in the profession and not follow in his dad's footsteps at GA.
woud yall get a life and answer his question or move along to troll a new post?

I notice you didn't answer the OP's question. Are you too lacking a life? I kinda wish you would move along to troll another thread.

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