If Georgia fires their coach, are you worried about Dooley leaving?

If the Bulldogs go 8-4 in the regular season (don't make SECCG) and lose the bowl game will Richt lose his job?
1 game into the season and this f'n s**t starts again? What the hell us wrong with people?
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I seem to recall when Dooley was asked that shortly after being hired he commented that he hadn't live in georgia for 20 years or so. If Dooley's desire or history was the issue I'd be more concerned about LSU where he spent a lot of time. I don't worry too much about him going to a school he didn't attend and never coached at.
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1 game into the season and this f'n s**t starts again? What the hell is wrong with people?
Posted via VolNation Mobile
The Heavenly Father himself told Bryce Brown to UT. It was revealed thru supernatural means to more than one family member. How'd that work out? You never know what people are going to do, ever.
Dooley will be here till he's 80. His orange pants will be his trademark like Joe Pa's black glasses!!
1 game into the season and this f'n s**t starts again? What the hell is wrong with people?
Posted via VolNation Mobile

They say Tn isnt a big job anymore and we cant get the big coaches but once a HC job comes open, they come after our coach, LMAO priceless
Since we are talking about DUI's. I wanted to ask you guys a serious question. It has to do with your favorite coach Lane Kiffen. I figure it does not matter anymore since he left for his dream job.

I once heard from a very reliable guy that Lane was busted for a DUI while in K-ville. According to the guy who told me this, he claims that the UT bosses took care of this and helped cover the whole thing up. I swear to God that I'm not making this up and am very curious if any of you guys have ever heard about this. Thanks.

Nothing, and I mean nothing would shock me about Lane Kifffin. Something happened, not sure what, but something.
I aint worried...worse case we actually get a coach with a bigger name and more experience...don't get me wrong i hope dooley is a VFl for 30 years
From what I've read and seen Dooley's family loves it in Knoxville. If you look at his track record he is not one to just up and move. Each move he made has been moving him up the ladder in coaching until Tennessee came calling. Most of the time when a major university comes calling on you to be their coach and it's your first big time coaching job your loyal to that school for giving you that chance. I say he is our coach till they show him the door, which I never hope happens, because he's a great guy and it nice to have him as the face of the program. GO VOLS!!!
Did you see Dooley's orange pants? He is a VFL!
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Im not worried but alot of talk of Rict getting fired and you know UGA would want Dooley. What does VN think?

Why would he?....He's not a UGA grad nor does he have any ties to UGA expect his father coached there....DD played his college ball at UVA....He's not going anywhere
Yeah Dooley isnt going anywhere GO VOLS!!!

Trying to lower the temperature in you're thread me see.

SMH over and over...

In the real world, the only people I speak to with as bad of grammar as you are my clients. And that's only a small percentage of them.
And no, F*** no he's not going there. Not going to LSU either.

But I cannot wait for the thread Dooley to Alabama once Saban decides to run for governor following Bentley's term.... Stranger things have happened :crazy:
I've never understood the cause for worry behind this. Why would UGA pursue Dooley in the first place? He had a less than stellar record at La Tech and just came off a 6-7 record in his first year at TN. I don't mean that in a negative fashion, rathar just stating the facts. The only thing he has going for them as far as Georgia's concerned is the blood line.

I'm pretty sure their family isn't on such great terms with UGA for some reason.

i think Dooley's here to stay. Of course thats just an opinion.

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