If Georgia fires their coach, are you worried about Dooley leaving?

I like Dooley, but if he does leave, maybe our new AD can hire a proven coach.
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Why do misspellings get to you so bad? Do you so love constantly picking at people that you perceive to be not as smart or some how less than you? Does it make you feel good about yourself to always have an inside joke? News flash, not everyone spends as much time on here as you do, and you're not a superior person because you're spelling and grammar are without fault. Those facts don't give you the right to make people feel laughed at. THE SOZ is far from my favorite poster but he's only trying to participate in some discussions. I appriciate your type of humor in most cases but I feel you're somewhat of a bully and I feel bad for you. JMO of course. Feel free to make fun of my post.:peace2:
I appreciate your concern for me. I'm really here so people will feel similar pity for me. It's tough to find, so I work all the angles. White Knights, such as yourself, just make my heart feel good and where else can you find bravado, for another anonymous poster, like this on display?

As to soz, his introductory thread a few days ago was pathetic enough to draw my attention, so he now has it. His initial response to a reasonably old board joke was so entertaining that I continued. His absurdity in going to "old man" jokes just assured that I'll find him.

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on GA list of potential interviews. You have to prove you can win before you become a hot commodity and I haven't seen that from Dooley as yet. He has to show he can gameplan and beat someone of consequence.
I can feel the love here, I can. I hope DD stays, but if he does oh well on to the next head coach, but I really hope he stays for a long time.

I appreciate your concern for me. I'm really here so people will feel similar pity for me. It's tough to find, so I work all the angles. White Knights, such as yourself, just make my heart feel good and where else can you find bravado, for another anonymous poster, like this on display?

As to soz, his introductory thread a few days ago was pathetic enough to draw my attention, so he now has it. His initial response to a reasonably old board joke was so entertaining that I continued. His absurdity in going to "old man" jokes just assured that I'll find him.

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Is BPV being a PoS bully? Do I have to roll up on Casa de BPV and remind him its the Hobbesian world he says he longs for?

I will say this - BPV is the GoF Emeritus. Usually, when taking his acolytes behind the woodshed for their routine cyber-beatings, I feel dirty - like I should be done for beating up middle schoolers. I never feel this way with BPV though, and he has been behind the woodshed often and repeatedly.
i'd live the illiterate turd alone if he hadn't posted an initial troll special and use the excuse that his roommate told him there are a lot of douchebags here.

Hey OP, there are also a lot of people here who can freaking read and write.

We should always use correct grammer :)
It is more like "when" Georgia fires their coach instead of "if" and no not worried at all. Georgia would go for "the" hire not "a" hire and right now DD would be just "a" hire. Not saying DD won't be "the" hire some day but CMR days at UGA are numbered.
It is more like "when" Georgia fires their coach instead of "if" and no not worried at all. Georgia would go for "the" hire not "a" hire and right now DD would be just "a" hire. Not saying DD won't be "the" hire some day but CMR days at UGA are numbered.
I agree. With the lure of easy in-state recruiting that UGA has, the Dawgs will not have a problem hiring a big name coach. They might even be able to rip Muschamp out of UF.
Dooley isn't leaving for UGA. In an interview last year he said UGA was his dad's legacy and he is not his dad. CDD want's to build his own legacy and step out of his father's shadow. At UGA he will always be "Vince's Boy."
Yeah right, Dooley has invested too much here and let's remember, he actually has values rather than Kiffin. And let's remember...it's Georgia
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even tho his dad coached there and he grew up there i still think he will stay cause tennessee is what got him even in the conversation in the SEC so he is ALL ORANGE
If the offer and money are there, then I wouldn't say it's impossible. I don't think they would pursue Dooley unless he goes 8-4 or 9-3 this year. But, I don't really understand the "He's all orange!" crowd... if he thinks it would advance his career and would be better for his family, then I personally wouldn't blame him nor would I think it's out of the realm of possibilities for him to make that jump, assuming Georgia offered. I know that this probably offends all of the Kiffin haters out there.
I agree. With the lure of easy in-state recruiting that UGA has, the Dawgs will not have a problem hiring a big name coach. They might even be able to rip Muschamp out of UF.

That would be endless in humor and joy just to watch the $h!+ storm that would ensue.
1 game into the season and this f'n s**t starts again? What the hell us wrong with people?
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Im just saying what espn is saying and that is that richt will get fired if they dont be usc and if they fire him they will go after alot of SEC coaches,i think dooley will stay for along time im just saying that it is a possibility.
I appreciate your concern for me. I'm really here so people will feel similar pity for me. It's tough to find, so I work all the angles. White Knights, such as yourself, just make my heart feel good and where else can you find bravado, for another anonymous poster, like this on display?

As to soz, his introductory thread a few days ago was pathetic enough to draw my attention, so he now has it. His initial response to a reasonably old board joke was so entertaining that I continued. His absurdity in going to "old man" jokes just assured that I'll find him.

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At least he got 2/3 on the you're/your.... 66% still fails IMO.
Since we are talking about DUI's. I wanted to ask you guys a serious question. It has to do with your favorite coach Lane Kiffen. I figure it does not matter anymore since he left for his dream job.

I once heard from a very reliable guy that Lane was busted for a DUI while in K-ville. According to the guy who told me this, he claims that the UT bosses took care of this and helped cover the whole thing up. I swear to God that I'm not making this up and am very curious if any of you guys have ever heard about this. Thanks.

Yeah man that's definitely old news. He supposedly had a few coeds with him too. Orgeron and Hamilton took care of him. That's pretty common knowledge that it happened. Glad he's gone.
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Is BPV being a PoS bully? Do I have to roll up on Casa de BPV and remind him its the Hobbesian world he says he longs for?

I will say this - BPV is the GoF Emeritus. Usually, when taking his acolytes behind the woodshed for their routine cyber-beatings, I feel dirty - like I should be done for beating up middle schoolers. I never feel this way with BPV though, and he has been behind the woodshed often and repeatedly.
your delusion knows no bounds.

By the by, you're winning in a walkover.
I appreciate your concern for me. I'm really here so people will feel similar pity for me. It's tough to find, so I work all the angles. White Knights, such as yourself, just make my heart feel good and where else can you find bravado, for another anonymous poster, like this on display?

As to soz, his introductory thread a few days ago was pathetic enough to draw my attention, so he now has it. His initial response to a reasonably old board joke was so entertaining that I continued. His absurdity in going to "old man" jokes just assured that I'll find him.

Posted via VolNation Mobile
What do you mean "you will find me"?

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