But wait, if we go to businesses to figure out who is illegal, aren't we profiling them because they have a high number of Hispanic employees?
Dude, you don't have a damn clue. Your arguments are straw men and generalizations.
I'd say illegal immigration in Arizona is 99% hispanic. If you find them and deport them, it's a hell of a lot easier to find the 1%.
There's no one on here that is ok with illegal immigration, at all. However, there are a hell of a lot more Hispanic illegals than any other ethnic group. It's just the way it is. It's a lot more difficult to illegally emigrate from Europe to America than to run across a shoddily built border wall.
Stop acting like you're so in tune with racism and race relations because you know some black guys. From what you've posted on here, you actively seek out racism. Correlation != causation. Just because something happens to a black guy doesn't mean it's racism. It might have been the first person he noticed. I mean, he could have pointed him out for being black, but he still let him in the door. I'd imagine that a true racist bouncer and establishment would refuse service. And it raises the question why, if you knew the rules on tucked shirts, you chose to subvert them? Too good to follow rules?
Just because Arizona officials look for Hispanic illegals, it doesn't mean they're racist. It means they understand where these illegal aliens come from 999/1000 times.
There are plenty of people in big cities with black and Mexican friends who fully understand the negative implications of illegal immigration. Apparently to you, illegal immigration is only wrong if they're Hispanic.