WiseOldVol, a QB is only as effective as the surrounding team. Even Dobbs, who I consider one of the better running QBs had the privilege of WRs that knew how to block down field when he was forced out of the pocket. Remove that, and I do believe Dobbs would have found himself flattened more often he was. Tee Martin wasn't as good a passer as Peyton, but his OL all but gave him a year and day to find a receiver. And yes, he could run if he had to, but often he didn't because of that OL. The result, he did what Peyton didn't, beat Florida and got us all the way to a national championship. It helped enormously as well that we had an all-everything defense. It's a team sport, Wise one, a team sport. Much as I dislike the man, William Belichick understood this better than anybody, thus his demand of his players, "Just do your job."