Is secession the answer?

Who should we be loyal to, the government or our fellow citizens? Is the government traitorous when it goes against the will of it’s citizenry?

In a democracy the will of the people is expressed by the popular vote. Despite the far right's insistence to the contrary, there is NO PROOF that the election was fraudulent. Therefore, the will of the people is that Trump lost the Presidency and the Republicans lost the Senate.
I absolutely want to split. I have nothing in common with you people. I will not unite and come together with you people. I despise you all and hate everything you stand for.

Then do us all a favor and get the hell out. It's easy to do and there are a number of countries where you would fit right in. North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Russia immediately come to mind. You will fit right in.
Good riddance. But sorry, you can't stay in US territory. So have fun in I'm guessing Africa. Surely you'd love it there.

Ikr. People were sold off by their own people from that thriving utopia. As much as they love that place none of them seem to want to go back.
Then do us all a favor and get the hell out. It's easy to do and there are a number of countries where you would fit right in. North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Russia immediately come to mind. You will fit right in.
Or you all could move to your new capital China
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Dude, you guys are mandating people wear masks and shutting down businesses where people can't feed their families. Plus, you all show a clear hypocrisy with regards to rioting this summer vs the riot two days ago.
So you're condemning the entire philosophy of the left based on two policy choices you disagree with? Personally, I think whatever measures for covid are taken should be done more to allow those over fifty to isolate if they want to. Statistically, the mortality rate for people younger than 50 seems to be negligible. I hope biden or whoever will relax that stuff right away. Of course a number of Republicans have supported these measures as well, and trump has supported them too if anything. Again, personally I think rioting on both sides is unwarranted and will do more to work against what it's trying to accomplish. I'm not totally sure what the lefts doing here recently, but it seems a bit tone deaf to me.
You are naive if you believe that. Under our Constution this is not the federal government's responsibility. Under our Constitution this would be left to the states.
The constitution is just a framework to help the people achieve their will. If something needs to be accomplished in this regard at the federal level it can or the state level too. The legislative branch can enact whatever legislation in this matter it wants and then repeal it later depending on what their constituencies want.
In a democracy the will of the people is expressed by the popular vote. Despite the far right's insistence to the contrary, there is NO PROOF that the election was fraudulent. Therefore, the will of the people is that Trump lost the Presidency and the Republicans lost the Senate.

I wasn’t talking about the election, just in general. When is the Will of the majority wrong?
Then do us all a favor and get the hell out. It's easy to do and there are a number of countries where you would fit right in. North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Russia immediately come to mind. You will fit right in.

Russia isn't a bad choice, actually. Plenty of land, beautiful women, the vodka flows like the salmon of Capistrano, friendly folks...

Wonder if they'd allow people asylum based on their escape from communism?
Russia isn't a bad choice, actually. Plenty of land, beautiful women, the vodka flows like the salmon of Capistrano, friendly folks...

Wonder if they'd allow people asylum based on their escape from communism?

I'm sure they would, but you will have to leave your guns here. Putin only allows the police to have guns, other than hunting rifles for people out in the countryside. But hey, you don't care about that.

Maybe he'll let you see the movies of the Russian prostitutes giving Trump a golden shower.
I'm sure they would, but you will have to leave your guns here. Putin only allows the police to have guns, other than hunting rifles for people out in the countryside. But hey, you don't care about that.

Maybe he'll let you see the movies of the Russian prostitutes giving Trump a golden shower.

Why do I get the feeling I'll just ignore such regulations like everyone else over there?
Anyone who promotes succession is a traitor. Pure and simple. Don't try to call yourselves patriots when you advocate the break-up of the country. You only believe in democracy when your side wins.

Putin loves you guys so why don't you go live win Russia. He's now President for life, isn't that the kind of government you want?

I served in the military through 5 different Presidents. I didn't do it for the person who was President, I did it for my country, as did my brother, my father (WWII and Vietnam), my grandfather (WWI) and my great-great grandfather (the Civil War on the side of the Union).

Well first off, you and your family made an oath to the republic and the constitution... not to democracy.

Next, What does Russia have to do with this?
Russia isn't a bad choice, actually. Plenty of land, beautiful women, the vodka flows like the salmon of Capistrano, friendly folks...

Wonder if they'd allow people asylum based on their escape from communism?
Well, Roy Jones Jr. defected there a few years ago.
I'm sure they would, but you will have to leave your guns here. Putin only allows the police to have guns, other than hunting rifles for people out in the countryside. But hey, you don't care about that.

Maybe he'll let you see the movies of the Russian prostitutes giving Trump a golden shower.
And if he stays here, how much longer before you all take his guns here?
Exactly. If you look at a map many northern states are just as red geographically as southern states. As you said it’s and urban/rural division.

Army drill sergeants had a quote "It's mind over matter. I don't mind, and you don't matter." That's the way urban areas look at rural areas - "flyover land"; they don't mind what we think, and we don't matter to them. A drill sergeant could get away with that attitude, but eventually city dwellers are going to find out it doesn't work for them.

The problem when you really break it down is that urban areas are overhead and the rural areas are the producers - at least until the corporate types clustered in cities outsourced jobs. So the urban areas have a second thing going against them - the people who want to work and produce because some people actually do understand the relationship between work to produce products and income derived from that.
Army drill sergeants had a quote "It's mind over matter. I don't mind, and you don't matter." That's the way urban areas look at rural areas - "flyover land"; they don't mind what we think, and we don't matter to them. A drill sergeant could get away with that attitude, but eventually city dwellers are going to find out it doesn't work for them.

The problem when you really break it down is that urban areas are overhead and the rural areas are the producers - at least until the corporate types clustered in cities outsourced jobs. So the urban areas have a second thing going against them - the people who want to work and produce because some people actually do understand the relationship between work to produce products and income derived from that.
Its basically sounding like you are saying we need an Atlas Shrug strike mixed in with some kind of commodities and labor embargo between the cities and flyover country.
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You are generally correct. But there are clear distinctions between the coastal states and flyover country. Sorting out how to handle the large cities in flyover country would be something that would definitely need to be sorted out.

Get rid of Atlanta and GA is a decent state again. Just one example, but that is the basic problem. The other is a little argument that brewed here the other night ... "sophistication". A lot of city dwellers of all levels on the social strata (continuum for luther) consider themselves to be sophisticated and the only source of leadership for the country. Therefore, it's more than a simple we do this you do that argument; it becomes we know better how to do everything, and that kind of smugness will burn somebody's azz every time.

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