Is secession the answer?

You are borderline certifiable.
So it was the left that shut down the economy? Seems we had a repub president, Senate, and most governors and state houses.
But yea, it's the left.
Have a beer and get a damn clue. (start by tuning out the right wing propaganda at least a tad)
The liberal governors got it started and stepped on the gas the entire year. At least Trump made a half-hearted effort to keep as much open as possible. Off hand, I'm trying to think of what Trump actually shutdown.
Everytime any of us post on here we have two options: engage in actual debate or just be a prick.

Why must you always choose the condescending prick option?
I asked who and how.
Those are two debate questions.
The propaganda comment was made because it is the root of all of the misinformation that is processed as truth by so many.
I asked who and how.
Those are two debate questions.
The propaganda comment was made because it is the root of all of the misinformation that is processed as truth by so many.

You called ras certifiable.

Anyone who remotely disagrees with you gets attacked and belittled.

It's just ridiculous.
The liberal governors got it started and stepped on the gas the entire year. At least Trump made a half-hearted effort to keep as much open as possible. Off hand, I'm trying to think of what Trump actually shutdown.
I just find it telling that you place all the blame on the left when most of the country was governed by the right. Don't you?
Not trying to be a condescending prick, but come have to see that doesn't make sense.
I just find it telling that you place all the blame on the left when most of the country was governed by the right. Don't you?
Not trying to be a condescending prick, but come have to see that doesn't make sense.

The states that went full blown shut down are California and ny and Michigan.

All democrat governors.

Some states had semi shut downs but only the states with Democrat leadership went long term lock down.

Ga, FL, TN all had their amusement parks and restaurants open over the summer.
I just find it telling that you place all the blame on the left when most of the country was governed by the right. Don't you?
Not trying to be a condescending prick, but come have to see that doesn't make sense.
Look at how differently the governors from the left handled things vs the right.
Also, what exactly did trump shutdown?
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Look at how differently the governors from the left handled things vs the right.
Also, what exactly did trump shutdown?
I'm not overly familiar with how individual states differed. I know GA shut down some things state wide, as did FL.
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Interesting, I didn't realize the Pledge of Allegiance was one of the founding documents of the country.

View attachment 337989
You miss the sentence directly above it. "If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it's that there is no right to secede."

Justice Scalia knew more about constitutional law than anyone here and than most who teach in law schools. I'll trust his opinion.
If you need further proof that secession is impossible, a tremendous States Rights and Slavery supporter President Andrew Jackson threatened to kick South Carolina's butt if they thought about seceding in 1832. A long read, but Jackson wasn't playing and they backed down.

Digital History
There will be no secession.

The country will either unite or eventually fall.

Those are the only two options.
There will be no secession.

The country will either unite or eventually fall.

Those are the only two options.
We may fight over it again.

I don't recommend fighting the 1st Armored Division of the Army or the 2nd Marine Division with weapons you bought at a gun show, however. It will be a considerably shorter Civil War next time, if a group decides to try it.
We may fight over it again.

I don't recommend fighting the 1st Armored Division of the Army or the 2nd Marine Division with weapons you bought at a gun show, however. It will be a considerably shorter Civil War next time, if a group decides to try it.
How many of those soldiers would belong to a state that is seceding?
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How many of those soldiers would belong to a state that is seceding?
Excuse me? Soldiers don't belong to states. Soldiers take an oath to The United States of America.

If your flag isn't the Stars and Stripes, you don't have soldiers.

This isn't your great great granddad's Civil War. Soldiers fight for America, not insurrectionists.
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There will be no secession.

The country will either unite or eventually fall.

Those are the only two options.
No. It's not the only 2 options. Certainly there could be something in between. We don't have to agree on everything. We can agree to disagree.
Excuse me? Soldiers don't belong to states. Soldiers take an oath to The United States of America.

If your flag isn't the Stars and Stripes, you don't have soldiers.

This isn't your great great granddad's Civil War. Soldiers fight for America, not insurrectionists.

Soldiers take an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, not the United States.

Furthermore, Scalia was probably wrong to fall back on case law on this one. How is it we can make a Union with specific ways of getting in, but almost zero on how to get out?

"Suicide pact."
Because you guys are going to do everything you can to remove civil liberties. Just look at how you guys behaved during this alleged COVID nonsense. You just don't know how to leave people alone.
That’s the real truth of the matter. There’s only two type of people in the world, people who want to be left alone and those who won’t leave them alone.
That’s the real truth of the matter. There’s only two type of people in the world, people who want to be left alone and those who won’t leave them alone.

Funny thing. I just recently had a cat that decided it wants to live here (you don't pick cats, they pick you) and she's all about being friends with my 90 pound German Shepherd. The dog isn't really that okay with it, but tolerates her for the moment. However, the cat can get really annoying when she wants to be let out and circles the front part of the house to include prancing up to the dog on her couch and rubbing and purring like the dog can open the door.

Sometimes I get these looks from the dog like "really? Can you make this cat go away or something?" and I'll move the cat on to which the process repeats in five minutes. Luckily, my dog has some age on her and tolerates it a lot more than a lot of dogs would.

I liken the left to the cat in this situation. They don't have enough sense to stop messing with the "dog" and keep at it like they are unaware the teeth and mouth are made for destruction. I do my best to keep them apart and can only hope the cat figures out over time not to mess with the dog.
Funny thing. I just recently had a cat that decided it wants to live here (you don't pick cats, they pick you) and she's all about being friends with my 90 pound German Shepherd. The dog isn't really that okay with it, but tolerates her for the moment. However, the cat can get really annoying when she wants to be let out and circles the front part of the house to include prancing up to the dog on her couch and rubbing and purring like the dog can open the door.

Sometimes I get these looks from the dog like "really? Can you make this cat go away or something?" and I'll move the cat on to which the process repeats in five minutes. Luckily, my dog has some age on her and tolerates it a lot more than a lot of dogs would.

I liken the left to the cat in this situation. They don't have enough sense to stop messing with the "dog" and keep at it like they are unaware the teeth and mouth are made for destruction. I do my best to keep them apart and can only hope the cat figures out over time not to mess with the dog.
The question becomes when does one get tired of dealing with the other? I don’t see this ending in a good way mainly because the supposed voice of reason is a senile old man in the form of Joe Biden who has done nothing but spew divisive rhetoric.

Let’s hope your dog continues to have patience with your feline friend.
The question becomes when does one get tired of dealing with the other? I don’t see this ending in a good way mainly because the supposed voice of reason is a senile old man in the form of Joe Biden who has done nothing but spew divisive rhetoric.

Let’s hope your dog continues to have patience with your feline friend.

Well, I don't let them be in a room together alone for that long.

And that's really the $25,000 question. When the left is given a pass and the right is demonized for everything they do, eventually people are going to say "screw it" and not care about the consequences any longer.
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