Is secession the answer?

Its basically sounding like you are saying we need an Atlas Shrug strike mixed in with some kind of commodities and labor embargo between the cities and flyover country.

Or you can build and produce and even sell to cities ... until they run out of money. I see flyover land being self sustaining unlike cities. Cities currently because the are the placeholders for corporate headquarters, financial institutions, and governments believe the rest of the country is subservient. In the end it comes down to who actually produces food, power, and clean water ... and can defend themselves. I don't see cities winning that one.
Or you can build and produce and even sell to cities ... until they run out of money. I see flyover land being self sustaining unlike cities. Cities currently because the are the placeholders for corporate headquarters, financial institutions, and governments believe the rest of the country is subservient. In the end it comes down to who actually produces food, power, and clean water ... and can defend themselves. I don't see cities winning that one.
Well, that is a change that will occur over decades... I was looking for something a bit faster. But then again, maybe that is just it. Slow and steady wins the race. Look how long liberals have been playing their game.
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Well, that is a change that will occur over decades... I was looking for something a bit faster. But then again, maybe that is just it. Slow and steady wins the race. Look how long liberals have been playing their game.
Since the beginning of mankind. Playing the long game.
Well, that is a change that will occur over decades... I was looking for something a bit faster. But then again, maybe that is just it. Slow and steady wins the race. Look how long liberals have been playing their game.
Why are you guys so angry?
The constitution is just a framework to help the people achieve their will. If something needs to be accomplished in this regard at the federal level it can or the state level too. The legislative branch can enact whatever legislation in this matter it wants and then repeal it later depending on what their constituencies want.
That is not correct at all. The Constitution is specific in what the federal government can do and all other powers are reserved for the states. That is why there is the 10th amendment.
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Because you guys are going to do everything you can to remove civil liberties. Just look at how you guys behaved during this alleged COVID nonsense. You just don't know how to leave people alone.
Alleged COVID nonsense? You might want to run that theory by the local hospitals around here. I'm sure they would get a kick.

But I guess it does highlight the differences perfectly.........still no reason to be so full of anger.
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Secession, for it 1,000% This government with the liberals running the majority, against the foundations of our forefathers and for everything that is wrong leaves us with only two choices. Secession or outright war against liberals. Secession!!

Most of the Founding Fathers were "liberals" in their own time. Don't you know that?
Secession, for it 1,000% This government with the liberals running the majority, against the foundations of our forefathers and for everything that is wrong leaves us with only two choices. Secession or outright war against liberals. Secession!!
Trumpism at it's finest.
Secession or outright war.............and you thought the reaction to Trump in 2016 went overboard? lol
You are highlighting exactly why people knew Trumpism was bad.
Not angry. Just waiting on the horrendously despicable libs to go down by any “legal” man’s necessary.
Lookinup seems to be angry. He thinks the only two choices are secession or outright war.
If the libs only sign up men to fight their gonna be in trouble. Hell I bet a lot of trannies will revert back.
Fight who? Trumpers and the merry gang of proud boys?
and what exactly are we to be fighting for?
There’s over 70 million people that know their gender and have the most guns.
And they are really angry over losing the election?
Their feelz got hurt because their chosen one got his a$$ kicked?

I remember some of you guys claiming that if your candidate lost, you would just go to work the next day and move on.
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And they are really angry over losing the election?
Their feelz got hurt because their chosen one got his a$$ kicked?

I remember some of you guys claiming that if your candidate lost, you would just go to work the next day and move on.

You think it’s just because of the election? Look at how people are being treated already.
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Alleged COVID nonsense? You might want to run that theory by the local hospitals around here. I'm sure they would get a kick.

But I guess it does highlight the differences perfectly.........still no reason to be so full of anger.
Yes, it still is one of many reason to be angry. You all shut down the economy, forcing people to close down businesses, mandating these sill masks and are working your way to mandating vaccines.

There was no reason to do any of this. And that is just with the nonsense from tis past year dealing with COVID. Lets not compare and contrast the reaction from one riot this week where they stormed the capital and did minimal damage to the summer long riots in multiple cities where billions of dollars was done in damage and countless lives lost, but now the left wants to act all sanctimonious. You guys are so disingenuous and deceitful. There isn't an honest bone in most of you guys.
Most of the Founding Fathers were "liberals" in their own time. Don't you know that?
Classical liberals are far different than the liberals that we see in modern times. You guys do not believe in liberty or individual freedom. You all love govt and believe in a centralized, one size fits all model that simply doesn't work. That is the whole purpose of having individual states.
Yes, it still is one of many reason to be angry. You all shut down the economy, forcing people to close down businesses, mandating these sill masks and are working your way to mandating vaccines.

There was no reason to do any of this. And that is just with the nonsense from tis past year dealing with COVID. Lets not compare and contrast the reaction from one riot this week where they stormed the capital and did minimal damage to the summer long riots in multiple cities where billions of dollars was done in damage and countless lives lost, but now the left wants to act all sanctimonious. You guys are so disingenuous and deceitful. There isn't an honest bone in most of you guys.
You are borderline certifiable.
So it was the left that shut down the economy? Seems we had a repub president, Senate, and most governors and state houses.
But yea, it's the left.
Have a beer and get a damn clue. (start by tuning out the right wing propaganda at least a tad)
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Trumpism at it's finest.
Secession or outright war.............and you thought the reaction to Trump in 2016 went overboard? lol
You are highlighting exactly why people knew Trumpism was bad.
Trump didn't do anything to liberals to infringe on their daily lives while in office... unless you consider mean tweets an inconvenience.

But liberal democrats on the other hand are shutting down the economy, making mandates and done enough to make half the country believe far less in the election process.

trump never did anything to you guys... and really, he didn't even accomplish a lot of what he campaigned on.

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