Is secession the answer?

Well, I don't let them be in a room together alone for that long.

And that's really the $25,000 question. When the left is given a pass and the right is demonized for everything they do, eventually people are going to say "screw it" and not care about the consequences any longer.
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But pipe bombs and Molotov cocktails!

You see how that got real quiet on the news front. Why do I get the impression it didn't come back to any Trump supporter?
Yeah, you didn’t hear much else about it. Mostly because it probably led back to antifa.

That’s something I have a real problem with. In all of my dealings with constitutional conservatives, I’ve found them to have the upmost respect for the state and its institutions. I mean they were saying the pledge of allegiance out on the lawn. I showed you the video of people being let in obviously by someone’s authorization. This whole thing stinks....
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Excuse me? Soldiers don't belong to states. Soldiers take an oath to The United States of America.

If your flag isn't the Stars and Stripes, you don't have soldiers.

This isn't your great great granddad's Civil War. Soldiers fight for America, not insurrectionists.
Lol you don’t take an oath to the USA, you take an oath to the constitution and it’s ideology. Why I have to tell someone in the armed forces that is beyond me. And furthermore Susan if you don’t fight for insurrectionists why do you keep letting the people in power take away our civil liberties? Y’all are supposed to protect them. You think you fight against insurrection? What insurrection are y’all fighting against Susan? Because all I see you guys doing is bending over and doing whatever you’re told by war mongers, criminals, and the people who want to get rid of that ideology on that paper you supposedly didn’t know you took an oath too. I am extremely thankful for every armed service member, but I gotta be honest most of y’all are Karen’s like the rest of the population.
Yeah, you didn’t hear much else about it. Mostly because it probably led back to antifa.

That’s something I have a real problem with. In all of my dealings with constitutional conservatives, I’ve found them to have the upmost respect for the state and its institutions. I mean they were saying the pledge of allegiance out on the lawn. I showed you the video of people being let in obviously by someone’s authorization. This whole thing stinks....
But pipe bombs and Molotov cocktails!

You see how that got real quiet on the news front. Why do I get the impression it didn't come back to any Trump supporter?
I'll be first to admit I'm no bomb tech, just know about stuff from reading and watching documentaries and such, but the first picture of the "pipe bomb " I saw from the Capital looked awful odd. To me (again untrained very layman's understanding) it sure looked like the detonator/ blasting cap was in backwards. It sure looked like it was outside the bomb with the wires on the other end stuck in the bomb. If it was to pop, it would blow out side the bomb and leave a "dud" or misfire. I could be wrong thought.

*** update*** I went back to try and find the pictures I saw and can't find them. They were pics posted and on news live when it was all live. It was of the bomb in the bushes. Now all you can find is pictures later of one with a timer on the side.
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Yeah, you didn’t hear much else about it. Mostly because it probably led back to antifa.

That’s something I have a real problem with. In all of my dealings with constitutional conservatives, I’ve found them to have the upmost respect for the state and its institutions. I mean they were saying the pledge of allegiance out on the lawn. I showed you the video of people being let in obviously by someone’s authorization. This whole thing stinks....

The problem is they pledge allegiance to an illusion. To what they have been misguided to believe is the real nation. They are just way off on that.
I didn’t realize that we are the oldest democracy style government on earth. That means it’s about to fail.

Mapped: The world’s oldest democracies
Honestly they all have expiration dates. All fail eventually, just a matter of how long.

What's the quote? Something like : Democracy only lasts till 51% of the population learn they can support themselves off the other 49% and get in power.

Once you reach that point there's never any incentive for the majority to change.
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Soldiers take an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, not the United States.

Furthermore, Scalia was probably wrong to fall back on case law on this one. How is it we can make a Union with specific ways of getting in, but almost zero on how to get out?

"Suicide pact."
It's like the old Roach Hotel commercial, where roaches check in , but can't check out, or like Hotel California, where you can check in any time you like, but you can never leave.
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The idea that an entire regiment, division, or even a platoon..... composed of soldiers from several states would join in an insurrection against the country they serve?

You're still living in 1860, I see.
Yep. Some of our resident insurrectionists don’t understand that one Army division, one submarine or one aircraft carrier probably has more firepower at there disposal than all 70 million put together. It ain’t 1860 anymore where two lines form about 100 yards from each other and start firing. You are correct. A new “Civil War” wouldn’t last long.
Yep. Some of our resident insurrectionists don’t understand that one Army division, one submarine or one aircraft carrier probably has more firepower at there disposal than all 70 million put together. It ain’t 1860 anymore where two lines form about 100 yards from each other and start firing. You are correct. A new “Civil War” wouldn’t last long.
The Vietnamese didn’t understand it either.
Yep. Some of our resident insurrectionists don’t understand that one Army division, one submarine or one aircraft carrier probably has more firepower at there disposal than all 70 million put together. It ain’t 1860 anymore where two lines form about 100 yards from each other and start firing. You are correct. A new “Civil War” wouldn’t last long.
Have you not learned the lessons of Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq?
Yep. Some of our resident insurrectionists don’t understand that one Army division, one submarine or one aircraft carrier probably has more firepower at there disposal than all 70 million put together. It ain’t 1860 anymore where two lines form about 100 yards from each other and start firing. You are correct. A new “Civil War” wouldn’t last long.

You really have no clue..the militray will not even survive intact, supply chain disruptions, hit and run tactics. Entire regional economies could be shut down even taking out a couple of power stations
Yep. Some of our resident insurrectionists don’t understand that one Army division, one submarine or one aircraft carrier probably has more firepower at there disposal than all 70 million put together. It ain’t 1860 anymore where two lines form about 100 yards from each other and start firing. You are correct. A new “Civil War” wouldn’t last long.

They gotta get out of that Abrams to take a piss eventually...
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A 2nd ACW wouldn't be north vs south or anything like that. It would be nationwide. You also have to take into account that the military swears the oath to the constitution against enemies foriegn and domestic. Any CW would be because part of the population will feel that the other side has betrayed the constitution. There will be a portion of the military that will agree with them. They will fight against the government BECAUSE they will feel like it's betraying the constitution. The government would be the domestic enemy.

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