Is secession the answer?

Exactly, it would really depend on who exactly is the enemy. Our military has no obligation to protect our government.

Edit: well kinda bingo. In the case of civil unrest it’s stupid to assume the military instantly will blindly protect all elected officials. LEOs yes, military no. All bets are off in full blown civil unrest in fact the military would fracture also.
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Interesting, I didn't realize the Pledge of Allegiance was one of the founding documents of the country.

View attachment 337989

I was in school when the "under God" clause was added, so I know it the pledge didn't originate with the founding fathers, and I'm pretty sure that there was no amending process to make the change in any case.
Cut off food supplies to the Dem cities and it would be like Vicksburg. Hell, I dare say the trucking industry would not show up for work for city deliveries and we would not have to do anything.
Speaking of which, the way it is beiing formed now, can an industry just not deny service to one of the political opposition?

Wonder how long it would take people to recognize that all the overhead in corporate offices don't actually produce anything. Or that people in plants producing stuff can manage connections and logistics. Or that the world survived and progressed relatively well without wall street.
The left could withhold Twitter, Apple, television and internet.
The right could withhold wheat, corn, chicken, beef.

The right would pretty much have a strangle hold on power, fuel, and water. CA might have some power and access to oil, but the water is a killer. "Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink"
Compromise is the best solution no doubt but I dont think "our leaders" are smart enough not to screw everything up.

Absolutely. Further the ones who would be in need represent the more sophisticated parts of the country, so they would obviously see no need to waste time explaining to the redneck heathens ...
Our government doesn't seem to believe it has an obligation to protect and uphold our Constitution which has a lot to do with where we are.
I’d probably substitute government with “the assholes currently in office” but maybe that’s splitting hairs. But it gets back to the crux of the issue as I see it. The institution of our government is fine, great even. Our country is still amazing. The assholes occupying office aren’t the institution and are the opposite of great. DC needs a party agnostic enema.
I’d probably substitute government with “the assholes currently in office” but maybe that’s splitting hairs. But it gets back to the crux of the issue as I see it. The institution of our government is fine, great even. Our country is still amazing. The assholes occupying office aren’t the institution and are the opposite of great. DC needs a party agnostic enema.

That's the big fallacy of "we can vote them out". We can't vote for or against 532 members of congress, and most people don't deselect the current 3 they can vote on, so the same crop of crappy legislators continue on untouched.
That's the big fallacy of "we can vote them out". We can't vote for or against 532 members of congress, and most people don't deselect the current 3 they can vote on, so the same crop of crappy legislators continue on untouched.
Yep it’s ridiculous. Most all of congress are idiots... except my guys they’re great! 🙄
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That is not correct at all. The Constitution is specific in what the federal government can do and all other powers are reserved for the states. That is why there is the 10th amendment.
Is there a point to this? Is the word framework not in your vocabulary?
Is there a point to this? Is the word framework not in your vocabulary?
I do know the states would have never ratified the Constitution without the 10th amendment. What has occurred with the current overreach of the federal government is what they feared. Framework is just another word for the federal government can do whatever it wants.
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I do know the states would have never ratified the Constitution without the 10th amendment. What has occurred with the current overreach of the federal government is what they feared. Framework is just another word for the federal government can do whatever it wants.
Wtf? I dont think that's what framework means.
Yes they need to secede.
And they need to be given their own land about 10 miles deep that straddles the Rio Grande.
They can be "The Wall".

You'd see a dramatic drop in Cops killing black people. You'd see a drop in social unrest period.
Yes they need to secede.
And they need to be given their own land about 10 miles deep that straddles the Rio Grande.
They can be "The Wall".

You'd see a dramatic drop in Cops killing black people. You'd see a drop in social unrest period.

Lol. You’d see about 90% uptick in violent crime.
Yes they need to secede.
And they need to be given their own land about 10 miles deep that straddles the Rio Grande.
They can be "The Wall".

You'd see a dramatic drop in Cops killing black people. You'd see a drop in social unrest period.

Rwanda wants more info.
The right would pretty much have a strangle hold on power, fuel, and water. CA might have some power and access to oil, but the water is a killer. "Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink"
No, California has to import their power from other states also. That s why they quite often have rolling blackouts (among other reasons). They simply killed off a lot of in-state generation. Add in the limitations on their transmission system (either being not enough ampacity or being de-rated for prevent strikes on vegetation and overgrown trees), and California really isn't much different than Japan at that point.

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