Is secession the answer?

I've seen churches split over carpet color. I think we're just wired to run away and skulk in the presence of similar thinkers when things get hard.
Are we a country of doers or takers? I know, too binary. But difficult to see where all this government overreach and nanny state cradle to grave and sure we’ll take millions a month of the poorest from anywhere and they get free education, free food, free housing and free health care for life because we know they’ll vote Dem in the red and purple districts where we are stealthily placing them. Does that not give you pause. Ok, rant over, back to work!
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More than HALF of Trump voters want red states to secede from the union | Daily Mail Online
I've seen churches split over carpet color. I think we're just wired to run away and skulk in the presence of similar thinkers when things get hard.
I think that is a bit too simplistic. While I think the idea of secession is absurd, there is as we all know much history showing that this can easily happen and is supported by more folks than you think. This idea of secession didn't just pop up over night, it has been brewing and stewing for over a hundred years. Add in a disaffected and largely ignored group on top of that (rural folks) and you get serious talk about secession. While it is insane and not feasible at all, the talk is only going to increase in our hyper-partisan environment. But the folks that want to leave fail to realize it ain't gonna be a Mason-Dixon line kind of thing. The divide is not geographic, it is urban v. rural.
Again for the millionth time, this ain't a clean split between red and blue states. The divide is between rural and urban areas. There is no feasible way to split, unless folks are willing to keep blue cities in Southern states under siege in perpetuity.
Again for the millionth time, this ain't a clean split between red and blue states. The divide is between rural and urban areas. There is no feasible way to split, unless folks are willing to keep blue cities in Southern states under siege in perpetuity.

The sieges really wouldn’t last very long. In the old days, castles had stored provisions to make a siege last a long time. Nowadays the cities would be out of food in a couple of weeks. Not that I’ve thought about it or anything.
The sieges really wouldn’t last very long. In the old days, castles had stored provisions to make a siege last a long time. Nowadays the cities would be out of food in a couple of weeks. Not that I’ve thought about it or anything.
I meant under siege similar to a foreign occupation. Because that is what it would be.
I meant under siege similar to a foreign occupation. Because that is what it would be.

I think what happens in puple states that have been under seige by progressive policies would be more interesting especially Georgia, Arizona and Pennsylvania as they would work to join other red states and leave the collapse to clearly blue states.
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I think what happens in puple states that have been under seige by progressive policies would be more interesting especially Georgia, Arizona and Pennsylvania as they would work to join other red states and leave the collapse to clearly blue states.
I disagree with this line of thinking completely. Nashville, Memphis, Chattanooga, and Knoxville would be in outright revolt, along with many other cities in the South, if secession was on the table.

Again, this ain't a clean break along geographic lines.
I disagree with this line of thinking completely. Nashville, Memphis, Chattanooga, and Knoxville would be in outright revolt, along with many other cities in the South, if secession was on the table.

Again, this ain't a clean break along geographic lines.

Just like the rural areas of blue states which make up probably 70% of the land mass.
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I think that is a bit too simplistic. While I think the idea of secession is absurd, there is as we all know much history showing that this can easily happen and is supported by more folks than you think. This idea of secession didn't just pop up over night, it has been brewing and stewing for over a hundred years. Add in a disaffected and largely ignored group on top of that (rural folks) and you get serious talk about secession. While it is insane and not feasible at all, the talk is only going to increase in our hyper-partisan environment. But the folks that want to leave fail to realize it ain't gonna be a Mason-Dixon line kind of thing. The divide is not geographic, it is urban v. rural.

Probably one of the best posts I've seen you make. You're right, It would be urban vs rural. You should hear the people in southern Illinois talk about how much they hate Chicago. Anyone from upstate New York hates New York City. Many from California outside of the left coast cities hates the way things are going there.

I would love for the cities to not have a voice in my life, and so would millions of others. True succession would at least temporarily completely destroy the economy. If it came to blows, the cities are completely screwed because who will feed them? The potential for tens of millions of deaths, especially in urban areas, and global economic ruin would make succession the absolute last resort.
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Again for the millionth time, this ain't a clean split between red and blue states. The divide is between rural and urban areas. There is no feasible way to split, unless folks are willing to keep blue cities in Southern states under siege in perpetuity.

It's largely a racial divide. White resentment and fear at changing demographics.
You believe white people are unified on the topic of secession?

No, of course not. But the same people who tout secession as viable or authorized are uniformly white. They pretty much all tick the following boxes:

Trump cult member
Poorly educated
Lower class or lower middle class
Malformed head
Like country music
Have a rebel flag on their car or an item of clothing
No, of course not. But the same people who tout secession as viable or authorized are uniformly white. They pretty much all tick the following boxes:

Trump cult member
Poorly educated
Lower class or lower middle class
Malformed head
Like country music
Have a rebel flag on their car or an item of clothing

It's largely a racial divide. White resentment and fear at changing demographics.

So it’s not a racial divide?

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