Is secession the answer?

No, of course not. But the same people who tout secession as viable or authorized are uniformly white. They pretty much all tick the following boxes:

Trump cult member
Poorly educated
Lower class or lower middle class
Malformed head
Like country music
Have a rebel flag on their car or an item of clothing
Let's play along with that... wouldn't you rather separate from those people? Its obvious you have contempt for them, so why not let them leave in a peaceful and amicable manner?
No, of course not. But the same people who tout secession as viable or authorized are uniformly white. They pretty much all tick the following boxes:

Trump cult member
Poorly educated
Lower class or lower middle class
Malformed head
Like country music
Have a rebel flag on their car or an item of clothing

Just when I thought you couldn’t get dumber.
Let's play along with that... wouldn't you rather separate from those people? Its obvious you have contempt for them, so why not let them leave in a peaceful and amicable manner?

They can just leave the country. A heck of a lot easier than destroying it.
They can just leave the country. A heck of a lot easier than destroying it.
There is no where else to go that has strong 2nd Amendment rights... or a Bill of Rights for that matter. if anything, its far easier for the lefties to leave and find the country they find more ideal. They always use Western Europe and Scandinavian countries as an example of what they find ideal.
This union will be destroyed no matter what. The federal government isn’t going to give up the power and authority it has assumed, they will only try to assume more which will fracture us beyond repair.
What do you mean 'will' fracture us? Joe is the great uniter remember. Can you imagine what someone that really wanted to divide us could do?
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No, of course not. But the same people who tout secession as viable or authorized are uniformly white. They pretty much all tick the following boxes:

Trump cult member
Poorly educated
Lower class or lower middle class
Malformed head
Like country music
Have a rebel flag on their car or an item of clothing
You forgot
Have a job
Work their ass off
The Constitution of the Confederate States of America disagrees.

Oh, you mean that document that got signed in the South but was never able to really be put into use because somebody in DC got very nervous, upset and started a war when several European countries recognized that document as legitimate and began trade negotiations with the South.
That document just proves secession has never really been given the opportunity to see if it actually will work.
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Oh, you mean that document that got signed in the South but was never able to really be put into use because somebody in DC got very nervous, upset and started a war when several European countries recognized that document as legitimate and began trade negotiations with the South.
That document just proves secession has never really been given the opportunity to see if it actually will work.

We're so intertwined and interconnected now that that's little chance it would work. It's not like a whole bunch of landlocked people can just up and say "Peace, we're out of here" in this day and age and have it work.

MeMyseldandIstan would be a pretty funny thing to watch fail.
Let's try this a different way. I'm willing to put aside my biases and listen

Make a sincere effort to explain to me, as if I were on the fence, how secession world provide me with a demonstrably better opportunity to provide for myself and my family as a disabled individual. Why should I move to one of your territories and support the cause?
Let's try this a different way. I'm willing to put aside my biases and listen

Make a sincere effort to explain to me, as if I were on the fence, how secession world provide me with a demonstrably better opportunity to provide for myself and my family as a disabled individual. Why should I move to one of your territories and support the cause?
AshG, do you really believe the states that would choose to secede would not offer safety nets for those in need? While I suspect many would attempt to eliminate the generational dependence, your perseverance despite your hardships would make you a positive example.
It irritates me when our lawmakers charitable giving is revealed to see these multimillionaire who donate less than 1% of their income but want to raise my taxes so they can use it to “help” the needy as bribes to collect votes…. And that’s both sides of the aisle
We're so intertwined and interconnected now that that's little chance it would work. It's not like a whole bunch of landlocked people can just up and say "Peace, we're out of here" in this day and age and have it work.

MeMyseldandIstan would be a pretty funny thing to watch fail.

Have a really close look around the country. We’re more divided now, over more issues affecting more individuals that are actually effecting not only their freedoms but their very livelihoods, than the country was in the 1860’s.
The sides are never going to reconcile, bridges are getting blown apart on the daily. There are already families that have been torn apart by all this crap due to the stands they’ve taken on the issues. States are already refusing to do business with other states. Companies are moving locations because of the politics in the state they were in. Our military is getting purged, our border is a revolving door and our government coffers are getting gang banged by D.C. for generations ad infinitum. The MSM is never going to stop the propaganda of demonizing the “other” as the cause of it all. The economic devastation of quickly rising inflation is only going to get worse. Shortages in basic necessities of life are occurring in spots across the country and the prices are skyrocketing making some normal items out of reach already for some. Historically, one of the driving forces of a civil war is food shortages which in turn causes more food shortages. It only takes a small percentage of a starving population to create civil war in a country and we’re a well armed population on both sides.

An amicable divorce from each other appears to be the most reasonable way out of this mess to avoid things going kinetic.
An amicable divorce from each other appears to be the most reasonable way out of this mess to avoid things going kinetic.

A divorce is the chickens' hit way out of this mess.

I believe middle ground exists. There's a lot more of us that do than don't. Forums collect the outliers.
We never tried secession to know if it worked. WTF are you talking about?

I think he means it was never really given a chance because one side said "bye" and the other said "the hell you will", and it went downhill in a big hurry. I guess the yankees felt jilted.
A divorce is the chickens' hit way out of this mess.

I believe middle ground exists. There's a lot more of us that do than don't. Forums collect the outliers.

Sometimes walking away, chickens-hitting, ultimately saves more than it destroys.

It’s not just forums. Go look at comments on left AND right articles, podcasts, etc, even on what should be a benign subject. We’re divided and it’s getting worse by the day and it’s pretty equally coming from both sides. There’s a real fear, hatred and intolerance being well fed and manifested for the “other” in this country.
To ignore it is happening is to be unprepared for it exploding.

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