Is secession the answer?

A divorce is the chickens' hit way out of this mess.

I believe middle ground exists. There's a lot more of us that do than don't. Forums collect the outliers.

We have never before seen the rise of socialism in this country and many democrats openness to embrace it then counterargue the other side that doesn't support it are domestic terrorists. If you are on the left and don't support it then you are harassed by the mob. People on the far right are few but the more socialist root takes hold and borders are destroyed we are seeing more people dig in.
We have never before seen the rise of socialism in this country and many democrats openness to embrace it then counterargue the other side that doesn't support it are domestic terrorists. If you are on the left and don't support it then you are harassed by the mob. People on the far right are few but the more socialist root takes hold and borders are destroyed we are seeing more people dig in.

Call me when Miriam Webster, Oxford English, et. al change the definition of socialism, because what we're seeing doesn't match any of the actual established definitions.
Call me when Miriam Webster, Oxford English, et. al change the definition of socialism, because what we're seeing doesn't match any of the actual established definitions.

What we’re seeing in the current “woke-ism” is more of a mish-mash of various ideological components cherry picked from Marx, Mao, Mussolini, Lenin and Stalin while leaning very closely to the more classical theory of fascism.

A governmental system led by a dictator (DC political elites) having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism (cancel culture/banning), regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., (EO/congressional bills/mandates) and emphasizing an aggressive (anti) nationalism and often racism (CRT and it’s applied praxis).

Italics are my additions to highlight how easily what we are seeing fits within classical fascist theory.
What we’re seeing in the current “woke-ism” is more of a mish-mash of various ideological components cherry picked from Marx, Mao, Mussolini, Lenin and Stalin while leaning very closely to the more classical theory of fascism.

A governmental system led by a dictator (DC political elites) having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism (cancel culture/banning), regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., (EO/congressional bills/mandates) and emphasizing an aggressive (anti) nationalism and often racism (CRT and it’s applied praxis).

Italics are my additions to highlight how easily what we are seeing fits within classical fascist theory.

Yes. I would agree that what we are seeing does more align with Mussolini style fascism (as we don't have a religious body involved yet). And instead of a dictator, I'd say that we're closer to an oligarchy.

None of it makes me comfortable at all. Unfortunately, our primal bent towards revenge has put me in a position to believe that swapping the D for R will just mean the same grind from a different tribe. No one on any side has yet to provide me with a reasonable, rational reason why I would consider providing them with my consent to govern.
Yes. I would agree that what we are seeing does more align with Mussolini style fascism (as we don't have a religious body involved yet). And instead of a dictator, I'd say that we're closer to an oligarchy.

None of it makes me comfortable at all. Unfortunately, our primal bent towards revenge has put me in a position to believe that swapping the D for R will just mean the same grind from a different tribe. No one on any side has yet to provide me with a reasonable, rational reason why I would consider providing them with my consent to govern.
Donald Trump didn't try to put a needle in your arm or force anything else upon you against your will. He just had mean tweets.
Yes. I would agree that what we are seeing does more align with Mussolini style fascism (as we don't have a religious body involved yet). And instead of a dictator, I'd say that we're closer to an oligarchy.

None of it makes me comfortable at all. Unfortunately, our primal bent towards revenge has put me in a position to believe that swapping the D for R will just mean the same grind from a different tribe. No one on any side has yet to provide me with a reasonable, rational reason why I would consider providing them with my consent to govern.

Yep, and the grind of everyone’s gears is they’re doing it all, both sides, without a damn care to what folks actually want.
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Question for red state America that thinks they should be allowed to seceed because they don't like the way an election went: should blue cities be allowed to seceed from the red states?
Sure but they'll need an id to travel outside the city. Guessing that's a show stopper

Maybe its worth it to them. I'd say for every state or city that claims to be red or blue, your going to have 40% that are the opposite politically and another large percentage that think secession or "peaceful separation" or whatever this pipe dream is, is a bad idea. The secessionists should pack up and head out if it's so bad here.
Maybe its worth it to them. I'd say for every state or city that claims to be red or blue, your going to have 40% that are the opposite politically and another large percentage that think secession or "peaceful separation" or whatever this pipe dream is, is a bad idea. The secessionists should pack up and head out if it's so bad here.
It was just a voter id joke

I think a breakup of some sort of inevitable. The extremes are getting too loud. I just know my mountain hideaway will be in a red state

As for your last sentence, that's exactly what they're trying to do.
It was just a voter id joke

I think a breakup of some sort of inevitable. The extremes are getting too loud. I just know my mountain hideaway will be in a red state

As for your last sentence, that's exactly what they're trying to do.
I've got 2-3 years before I retire. I'm very seriously thinking of leaving the country.
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I'll be in Hawkins co. It's kinda like leaving the country 😁
I'm thinking something tropical, Caribbean. Your retirement dollar can go a very long way in some countries, especially if you stay away from the tourist traps. Our second choice is acreage on the plateau. Possibly build a barndo.
It was just a voter id joke

I think a breakup of some sort of inevitable. The extremes are getting too loud. I just know my mountain hideaway will be in a red state

As for your last sentence, that's exactly what they're trying to do

No. They're trying to stay right where they are and tell everybody else in the state that doesn't like secession to roll with it or move.
Thats the way to look at it instead of saying, "my state should leave the union and everybody in my state who doesn't like it should move."
It's my belief that the country is gone, it's too far gone to recover. Left socialist ideology is like an uncurable cancer. The msm and social media is a propaganda machine for this ideology. Sure, you can head to rural areas but how long before they branch out? You leftist can have it.
Maybe its worth it to them. I'd say for every state or city that claims to be red or blue, your going to have 40% that are the opposite politically and another large percentage that think secession or "peaceful separation" or whatever this pipe dream is, is a bad idea. The secessionists should pack up and head out if it's so bad here.
Isn’t that what they’re trying to do? 🤷‍♂️

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