You find it hard because you are a closed minded zealot. :crazy:
Or maybe you are just too dumb to understand the 1st Amendment. :crazy:
Wrongo again bucko, the reason is that they are ignoramouses who evidently have a terminal case of dumbassedness.
I understand the first amendment just fine and also understand that there are those with a first amendment bull dog mouth and a hummingbird ass who are afraid to put their chump change money where their loud mouth is.
because there's actually shades of differences between dealing with what goes on in your country vs somewhere else in the world
especially when your country is supposed to be based on the ideas of freedom and equality for each and every one who sets foot on its soil
Think local, vote global or is that vice versa?
Why not speak out against mistreatment of Christians anywhere in the world???
To whom should we be granting millions of immigration visas, our friends or our enemies??
There is such a thing as being aware, beware you don't neglect awareness in your pursuit of herd mentality political correctness.
I just walked through my living room and looked upon the fireplace mantle and noticed a small olive wood cross carved by a Christian Arab living in Palestine, Bethlehem to be exact.
A couple or three years ago during the Christmas season I sat with the man who carved it, a Nazerine, and listened as he told me what it was like to live as a Christian in Bethlehem.
It has been traditional that Christian shop owners display a cross in their front window and at night many Christians would display a cross with a burning candle in a window to signify their faith.
This is no more, now if one makes any sort of outward display such as this, or any other outward sign of Christianity, then their home or business will shortly be broken into and ramsacked and possibly set on fire and burnt to the gound.
Not only that, a Christian can't let their children out on the street without an adult because they will usually be set upon and beaten by muslim children.
Just be careful you aren't caught unawares yourself, even here in America these days.
As to your second paragraph, can you not learn one thing from the experiences of Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium Holland, France, Denmark, England and especially Yogoslavia among other European countries as they have followed your liberal screed??
It's amazing to me that here we are, so few generations removed from Christians killing heretics in front of their families, burning witches, and torturing scientists for speculating about the universe and you continue to harp about the mistreatment of Christians. I'm sure you would be quick to point out...even though all the sadistic church leaders in the 14th century read the teachings in from NT...that this wasn't true Christianity. Yet, at the same time, you are quick to point out the violent teachings of Islam and lump all Muslims as believing this nonsense. Islam is a problem, I fully agree with that. But the solution here is to bring the majority of the Muslim world out of the depths of their own ignorance to point where they can treat their faith as Christians a buffet where they can pick and choose the good parts and disregard and rationalize away the bad parts.
The problem with your anology/anthology is about six hundred years of difference.
You speak of one sect of Christianity punishing heretics six hundred years ago but ignore the killing of nearly a million Assyrian sect Christians last century. (even then that is a drop in the bucket of the gross crimes of the votaries of islam in just the last century.)
For the record my own sect of Christianity had zero at all to do with the Roman Catholics and their Popes, ever, dating back to when Jesus walked upon the Sea of Gallilee.
Good luck with bringing the majority of the muslims out of their ignorance, you're talking impossible odds but go ahead, you bet your life.
And don't start with your charges of Christian bashing and Muslim defending with this post. It's old and a pathetic attempt because you don't (or can't) address the substance of what I am saying.
Redefine the subsance or what you are saying, maybe I missed something.
Christianity and Islam are both absurd as far as I am concerned.
Everyone understands what you have concluded but what I don't understand is that; I was under the impression that adherents to the religion of secular humanism such as yourself were all about fair play, equality, universal truths, etc etc etc.
Why will you not address the problem of the plight of Christians being grossly mistreated and persecuted by muslims??? Not only that, what about the behavior of muslims now living in western democracies who have all gone there to practice jihad in the name of islam??