Israel vs Palestinians

It wasn’t even slightly misrepresented. When you call Israeli’s “European colonizers”, you’re denying their heritage.
Look at the birthplaces of those who signed the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel and tell us they're not Euopean.
Because it's the origin of the current troubles.
Is it though? Jews had to flee their ancestral home for a reason didn't they? Let's go back even before the Jews and Semitic people were there.

I get what your saying and I'm being purposely obtuse. The Palestinian people laid claim to that land because the Jews were forced out.... Why not right that wrong? Why should we stop there?
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Is it though? Jews had to flee their ancestral home for a train didn't they? Let's go back even before the Jews and Semitic people were there.

I get what your saying and I'm being purposely obtuse. The Palestinian people laid claim to that land because the Jews were forced out.... Why not right that wrong? Why should we stop there?
People who were themselves or their parents or grandparents dispossessed would get precedence over those whose ancestors were dispossessed 50 or more generations ago, no?
People who were themselves or their parents or grandparents dispossessed would get precedence over those whose ancestors were dispossessed 50 or more generations ago, no?
Agreed 50 is a little much, but why stop at 4 generations, 10 would probably capture many of the Jews. That's not too far back. My point is this isn't easily settled. Those Palestinians can only lay claim because they dispossessed the Jews. Why do they get a pass the Jews don't?
Agreed 50 is a little much, but why stop at 4 generations, 10 would probably capture many of the Jews. That's not too far back. My point is this isn't easily settled. Those Palestinians can only lay claim because they dispossessed the Jews. Why do they get a pass the Jews don't?
Did the Palestinians dispossess the Jews or did the Romans, and are Palestinians descendants of Jews?
Did the Palestinians dispossess the Jews or did the Romans, and are Palestinians descendants of Jews?
Both, to an extent. The Romans, but it was then the Palestinians who are also a Semitic people. The Romans were happy with the status quo in keeping the peace, that was their mission because it was good for business. The rival Palestinians then disbursed the Jews once the status quo was broken.

It's a chicken or egg argument at best.
Modern times works: 19th, 20th, and 21st Centuries.

People who were themselves or their parents or grandparents dispossessed would get precedence over those whose ancestors were dispossessed 50 or more generations ago, no?

Nice job asserting oppressive western values upon our brothers and sisters in the Middle East, colonizer.
Why even attempt to argue with the people who hate Israel. It is pointless to offer facts and logic to people who are not engaged in a quest for the truth; but only to buttress their own opinions. (And yes, I realize that I am quite convinced that I am pretty set in my view of the situation as well; so I am pointing fingers at myself as well).
The facts are out there as to the history of the region. Everyone is free to review the record and come to their own conclusion. I will choose to stick with the earliest record of which I am familiar; the books of Genesis and Exodus.
But there is no point in me continuing to waste effort on this problem. The same arguments have been happening for about 3500 years now. Who am I to think I can solve them.
But if I am right, then no matter what Israel’s enemies try or do, no one will ever permanently displace the Jewish people from their God granted homeland. Fighting against God is not what I would call a winning strategy.C9DCCA0D-FEB4-49C1-A24F-E7291F6687B8.jpeg
Yes, from the Book of Genesis, Chapter 15:

18 On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram and said, “To your descendants I give this land, from the Wadi[a] of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates—

Continued in Genesis, Chapter 17:

8 The whole land of Canaan, where you now reside as a foreigner, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you; and I will be their God.”
That land belongs to the Jews and always has. Since Abraham walked there, long before Jesus.

We dont need to interfere, either. Everyone just mind their own dang business and let Israel do Israel. They will absolutely go ham on the muslims wishing for genocide...just like they did in the 6 day war. Just stay out of the way and let them do what they do best...kill those who seek to eradicate them.
That land belongs to the Jews and always has. Since Abraham walked there, long before Jesus.

We dont need to interfere, either. Everyone just mind their own dang business and let Israel do Israel. They will absolutely go ham on the muslims wishing for genocide...just like they did in the 6 day war. Just stay out of the way and let them do what they do best...kill those who seek to eradicate them.
Nah....Eastern said only the last couple centuries count. I mean he came up with a really logical explanation so we should just go with it. Besides, the Jews came from Europe anyway.
That land belongs to the Jews and always has. Since Abraham walked there, long before Jesus.

We dont need to interfere, either. Everyone just mind their own dang business and let Israel do Israel. They will absolutely go ham on the muslims wishing for genocide...just like they did in the 6 day war. Just stay out of the way and let them do what they do best...kill those who seek to eradicate them.
Every feast we have as Jews is the same concept.
“They tried to kill us, we killed them, let’s eat.”
Nah....Eastern said only the last couple centuries count. I mean he came up with a really logical explanation so we should just go with it. Besides, the Jews came from Europe anyway.
The last 200years change nothing. Before 1948 there was no peace in the land there were more Arabs than Jews and there was constant violence. The “peaceful pre48 crowd” likes to ignore that because it was widely the Jews being killed and oppressed so it was mostly peaceful. They like to talk about “the evil Zionist” but the reality is that Zionism is a response to those atrocities and starts long before 1948
Heard from a family friend that lives in the northwest of Jordan. Says there have been some extremely loud booms in Lebanon they can faintly hear. Last night and today. Says there is some impressive video. I haven't seen it, anyone plugged in can post it?
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